"Is... is it Goku?"

For the majority of the audience, they don't know who this mysterious boy is, they only know that he is the hope of saving them.

But for those who are familiar with Goku.

For example, Bulma and Yamcha who are rushing to the battlefield...

Upa and her father who live next to Karin Tower... and Old Eight who sympathizes with Sun Wukong... including the Bull Demon King in the Flame Mountain, and his daughter Chi-Chi!

When these people heard that it was a boy who was fighting Piccolo.

The first thing they thought of was that familiar figure!

Bulma: It's Goku, he's still alive!

Upa: Come on, brother Goku, you must defeat him!

Old Eight: Sure enough, you are the only one who can fight against him!

Chi-Chi: Come on, Goku!

At the same time, those who had seen the fortune-teller before suddenly remembered what she had said:

""Goku is so powerful, he will save the world!"

So they firmly believed that

Goku would win this battle!


However, compared to the old Piccolo before he made the wish, Piccolo has regained his youthful body, and his body has changed from the original dark green to bright green. His strength has also increased significantly.

So in the duel between the two sides , he even suppressed Goku for a time.

Especially after firing at full power, Piccolo has completely become a terrifying monster, and both his speed and strength have increased a lot.

Under his heavy blow, Goku was hammered into the ground, and the ground was almost directly pierced through because of the heavy impact.

However, just when Tien Shinhan thought that Goku had been defeated, the latter suddenly jumped up from the deep hole.

Then he shouted:

""Kame! Pai! Qi! Gong!"

A huge energy ball gathered in both palms, and after a while of accumulation, it was suddenly swung out.

Perhaps because he had seen this skill before, Piccolo disdained it, and even raised his hands in front of him like last time, trying to resist the Qigong wave in the same way!

But when the Qigong wave approached Piccolo,

Goku saw the opportunity and raised his hands immediately.

The Kamehameha Qigong also changed its path because of his action, and directly attacked Piccolo's back, giving him a heavy blow.

"Stand up quickly, this shouldn't have any effect on you!"

"The Kamehameha just now was just a warning to you!"

Goku, who had landed on the ground, had already seen that this attack could not defeat Piccolo.

So he said coldly.

Piccolo, who was hit, took a long time to recover before slowly standing up and said viciously:

"Are you a monster?"

Wukong replied:

"We both have each other!"

"This battle will never end until the winner is decided!"


【Alien chat group】

【Zhuge Qing: This Kamehameha makes my waist hurt so much!】

【Wang Ye: These two people are currently evenly matched and neither can do anything to the other. I feel that the next step will be a life-and-death duel!】

【Lu Linglong: The life and death duel means that the green-haired monster dies and the little guy lives. I can understand it this way!】

【Zhi Jinhua: Linglong, you should change your habit of giving people nicknames!】

【Wang Ergou: The battle situation is getting intense. Can that guy with three eyes go up and help out instead of just standing there and watching the show?】

【(Dragon Ball) Tien Shinhan: If you want to fight, you go ahead. If I go ahead, I'll just die. This battle is far beyond my ability!】

【Zhang Lingyu: Watch quietly and don’t talk!】


The video continues...

Next, as time went by, both sides also used their full strength.

Under the powerful suppression of Goku, Piccolo was repeatedly defeated, and sweat even oozed from his forehead.

It was also the first time that he was afraid of a person.

But this guy was really strong.

In the duel, Goku even injured a leg, which made the situation even more unfavorable!

At the same time, in Piccolo's powerful explosion, the area where they were located was even closer to destruction.

People nearby could see waves of mushroom clouds rising into the sky, and the destructive power gave people a sense of déjà vu, which was not even inferior to the nuclear weapons of the past!

But as the battle became more intense ,

Goku's leg injury became his biggest burden.

Although he was supported by the Ruyi Stick, he was still severely injured in the face of Piccolo's bombardment during his escape because of his inconvenience in moving!

His body was almost at its limit.

Especially at the end.

Piccolo was not a martial artist, and even grabbed Tien Shinhan, who was already unable to resist, and held his head tightly to force Goku to surrender.

He took this opportunity to cripple Wukong's left arm.

He was not ashamed of this despicable tactic, but laughed loudly:

"Wahahahaha, your arm is broken!"

"The weakness of you humans is that you are too bound by emotions!"

"If you don't become ruthless, you will never be able to defeat the evil forces!"


【Alien chat group】

【Zhuge Qing: You TM still know that you are an evil force, but you actually use threats to deal with Wukong. You have no principles!】

【Lu Linglong: Bah, bah, bah, so disgusting!】

【Zhi Jinhua: @Tien Shinhan, although it is very offensive, the little guy must not care about you. If he cares about your life or death, both of you will die. But if he doesn't care about you, you still have a chance to survive!】

【Bai Shixue: But will the little one calm down?】

【Lu Ci: Boy, stop being so fussy, learn to be rational, this is the most important thing a warrior should learn! 】

Obviously, Goku is not stupid.

He knows that if he gives in because of what happened to Tien Shinhan, neither of them will survive.

So after his legs were crippled again, he seemed to suddenly understand something.

So he immediately shouted:

"Tien Shinhan, I'm sorry, I must defeat Piccolo!"

""Little brat, do you really not care about his life or death?"

Piccolo saw that he could no longer threaten him with Tien Shinhan, and Goku's legs and left arm were now disabled, so he no longer posed a threat in his eyes.

He immediately left Tien Shinhan behind, and flew up into the sky.

He was ready to launch an attack on the ground from the sky, and completely destroy these two termites!

Unfortunately, he overlooked one point.

That is, Goku still had one right arm left!

Seeing Piccolo soaring into the air, ready to launch the final attack.

Goku knew that this would be his last chance.

So he also held the determination to die, gathered most of his strength on his right arm, and then performed the last Kamehameha on the ground, making himself soar into the air.

Then, in Piccolo's shocked eyes, with murderous intent on his face, he shouted:

"Everything I have!"

"All bets are on this one punch!"

While speaking, he raised his right fist again, gathering strength while flying towards Piccolo, as if he had gathered all his strength into this fist.

Piccolo was also shocked by this action.

He never expected that a person with three limbs disabled could still resist.

Unfortunately, it was too late to dodge now.

So he could only raise his hands in front of him with veins popping out, and cursed back as if mocking, but also as if comforting freely:

"I want to see it!"

"What else do you have up your sleeve?"

But he obviously underestimated Goku's life-threatening attack.

As the two sides approached,

Goku's small body had burst out with huge energy, and this energy even transformed into a huge ape, and together with Goku, rushed straight towards Piccolo's body.

The next second, the whole world seemed to be quiet.

In a brilliant light,

Tien Shinhan, who was about to lose consciousness, slowly opened his eyes.

But he saw that in the space of one breath

, Goku's punch actually pierced through Piccolo's body. This scene was also set in eternity at this moment. Even afterwards, when everyone recalled this scene, they would inadvertently sigh that on that day, the young man used all his strength and was like a god!

At the same time, he really... saved the world!

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