Wukong, who closed his eyes tightly, felt that he had won. At the same time, several figures flashed through his mind.

There was Master Wu Tian.

There was Krillin.

And there were the thousands of innocent people who died under Piccolo's cruel rampage!

So he couldn't help but mutter:



"I avenged you...!"

The next second, he fell straight down because he had exhausted all his strength.……


【Alien chat group】

【Feng Baobao: This idiot actually turned defeat into victory even though his right hand and legs were broken. He is so strong!】

【(Dragon Ball) Master Roshi: Well done, Goku!】

【Jia Zhengliang: He actually won the fight, he is worthy of being the hope of the whole village!】

【Lu Linglong: Wuuuuu (crying with joy), Wukong is awesome, at this most desperate moment, he actually managed to pull off a great counterattack, this is the little guy that I idolize!】

【Zhi Jinhua: He is amazing! He saved all mankind. I can’t imagine what kind of catastrophe mankind would face without him!】

【Zhuge Qing: @Tien Shinhan, hey, Three Eyes, go and catch the little one. The little one has no strength now, and he will be killed if he falls like this!】

【(Dragon Ball) Tien Shinhan: But...but I can’t do it anymore!】

【Bai Shixue: The little one won’t be killed by the fall, right?】

【Lu Linglong: Mr. Bai, shut your jinx! If the little one really gets killed by the fall, I will tear your mouth apart!】


Fortunately, just when Goku was about to land, the fat swordsman Yajirobe arrived on time in his floating magnetic car, calculated the time and rushed over to save Goku!

The strongest assistant, well-deserved!

But among the people present, Goku was probably the only one who knew.

At the moment when he penetrated Piccolo's body, the other party was shocked that he was defeated by a human, but looked at his bloody hands and laughed:

"Hahaha, I can only say that you are amazing!"

"But don't think that my demon clan will disappear just like that!"

After saying that, he seemed to have phlegm stuck in his throat.

Then he used up all his strength, his eyes bulged out, and he looked very painful.

In the end, he actually spat out an egg for the last time into the distance, and then smiled again:

"My child, one day you will avenge your father!"

"We must not let the root of evil be cut off here!"

After finishing these words with his last bit of strength, his eyes bulged out again, full of bloodshot.

At the same time, his face was distorted.

It was as if he was experiencing great pain.

At the last moment, his body turned into a firework, blooming in the air, and announcing that his sinful life officially ended from here!

But the egg made Wukong feel uneasy.


【Alien chat group】

【Wang Ergou: Although Wukong won, what is this egg? That guy said it is his son. Does he have a sequel?】

【(Dragon Ball) Krillin: Oh my god, it’s finally done. This twelve-hour silence was killing me!】

【Zhang Chulan: Forgive me for laughing out loud.】

【Zhuge Qing: @Krillin, boiled egg, by the way, do you know what this egg is? Will it have any effect on the little one in the future?

Krillin, who had just been released from the ban, saw this scene and subconsciously began to recall.

This thing is Piccolo's egg... Then the one born is Piccolo II, right?

In the later period, this guy is our partner.

How could it have an effect on Goku?

So he answered:

【It doesn't matter. The demon born from this egg will be the Sun family's nanny. This is good for Wukong! 】

However, the next second……

【The system detected that Krillin had revealed the spoilers again, which was suspected to be a violation, and he was banned for 24 hours!】

【Lu Linglong: Although I sympathize with you, thank you for letting me know that this egg has no effect on the little one!】

【Zanglong: @Klin, and you, my friend, you are a true hero!】

【Zhang Chulan: I can’t take it anymore, my kidneys hurt from laughing, rest in peace hero!】

【Wang Ye: But then again, what kind of person is a nanny? This is revenge for my father's murder. Are you sure this egg won't take revenge?】

【Hibiscus weaving: Just look down. With the little guy's current ability, no matter how powerful the egg is, if he dares to come over, just beat him up. What are you worried about! 】

Amid the discussion of the crowd.

After receiving Goku, Yajirobe in the video did not dare to delay and rushed to Karinta.

Only that place can make Goku quickly recover to his previous state!

On the other side...

When Yamcha and Bulma hurried to the battlefield.

But they found that the battle was over.

Seeing Tien Shinhan covering his arm and walking slowly, everyone hurriedly surrounded him, and only then learned from him that Piccolo had been eliminated by Goku!

After hearing the good news.

Bulma immediately called the TV station:

"Hello...is this the TV station?"

"Please tell everyone that everything is fine now!"

"Piccolo is dead, he is destroyed!"

"Who destroyed him? Of course it was the messenger of justice!"

However, when the other party asked her the name of the person who destroyed Piccolo, she directly chose to hang up the phone in order to prevent Goku from getting in trouble!

After learning the news, the radio station was also very quick.

Twenty minutes later, it announced to the people of the country that the great demon king Piccolo had been destroyed. This good news:

"Now I have a good news to tell you. The great devil Piccolo has been destroyed, and now the West Capital... no, the whole world is safe!"

"The world is at peace!"

When the news came out, the whole country celebrated!

The police stopped chasing, the thief who was fleeing also stopped, and countless helicopters were flying everywhere, broadcasting the good news in a loop!

Even the escaped criminals, after drinking a glass of beer, stretched out their hands and smiled and asked the police to arrest them!

However, as for the true identity of this hero, apart from those who knew Wukong

, the only person who knew him was the king who witnessed the war with his own eyes!

When his subordinates congratulated him, he said with tears in his eyes:

"All this is thanks to that young man!"


In addition to joy, everyone is more sad.

Because even if the great demon king Piccolo has been destroyed, the people he killed before can never be resurrected again.

This matter cannot be changed because of the destruction of Dragon Ball!

This is also a recognized fact.

But there is an exception.

This person is Wukong!

He never believed that Shenlong was dead, and thought that there must be a way to revive Shenlong, so after recovering from his injuries, he deliberately asked Karin.

After thinking for a while.

Karin said a piece of news that shocked Wukong:

"In fact, Dragon Balls are not unrecoverable!"

"All you have to do is find the creator of Dragon Ball and ask him to restore it!"

"As for the creator of Dragon Ball, it is the god in the sky.……!"

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