At this moment, not only Wukong, but also everyone in the group chat was stunned:

【Lu Linglong: What? There really are gods!】

【Zhuge Qing: This world is too mysterious!】

【Canglong: See, I told you, there must be someone who created Dragon Ball, it definitely wouldn’t appear out of thin air!】

【Zhang Chulan: But where is the God of Heaven? This Karin Tower seems to be the top of the world, right?

Fortunately, Karin God immediately gave an answer.

It turns out that the legendary Temple of Heaven is floating far above Karin Tower. The God of Heaven who made the Dragon Balls lives there!

But that place cannot be reached by somersault cloud.

And there is only one way to that place.

That is the Ruyi Stick!

The Ruyi Stick was originally a tool connecting this place with the Temple of Heaven. Later, it was polished by Master Wu Tian and passed on to his apprentice Son Gohan, who then passed it on to his grandson Goku!

Hearing this reason, Goku was delighted and immediately wanted to touch the Ruyi Stick on his back.

But who would have thought that the Ruyi Stick was missing.

Frightened, Goku immediately summoned the somersault cloud and anxiously searched for it.

Fortunately, with the help of the fortune-teller, he learned that the thing was lost on the battlefield and was finally picked up by Bulma and others, so he immediately went to Kame House.

Only then did he find the stick back.

Then he hurried back to the Kalin Tower, inserted the Ruyi Stick into the grid on the top of the tower, and finally came to the Temple of the God of Heaven!

Then he met a man who called himself Popo, a subordinate of the God of Heaven!

This Popo was all black, a bit like an Indian, and looked very honest.

When Wukong heard that he wanted to see the God of Heaven, he gave the condition that Wukong had to defeat him.

It was from here that

Wukong understood a truth.

That is, there are people beyond people and there are heavens beyond heaven!

When he fought against Piccolo, although he fought very hard, he was at least able to fight on equal terms with the opponent, and even defeated the opponent with that punch.

But when facing Popo.

He was suppressed throughout the whole process and was not an opponent at all!

In the subsequent Popo teaching, Wukong understood something called Qi, and also understood that fighting does not rely on brute force alone, but more on the so-called feeling!

In the end, he finally got his wish and met the God of Heaven.

It was just that at the moment of seeing the God of Heaven.

No matter whether it was Wukong in the video or the other people outside the video, they were all horrified:

【Lu Linglong: @Klin, Klin, come out quickly, didn't you say that Piccolo was dead? But what is this thing? How come he is alive again? It's so scary! 】

Fortunately, after the introduction of the gods, everyone understood everything:

【Wang Ye: It turns out that the God and Piccolo were originally one, but later the God separated his evil thoughts for the sake of his position!】

【Zhi Jinhua: But I think that the god is too selfish. He doesn’t care about the sufferings of the human world just to fulfill his own wishes. What kind of god is he!】

【Zhang Chulan: Well... this is hard to comment!】

【Xu Si: Good and evil are hard to balance, but fortunately, he successfully restored the Dragon Ball, which can be regarded as making up for some of his previous sins! 】

After the gods fulfilled their promise, Bulma and others also successfully used the Dragon Ball to resurrect all the people killed by Piccolo.

Of course, this also includes Kerry, Kame and Jiaozi!

For a time, everyone in the world fell into joy.

It was as if the appearance of Piccolo was just a nightmare.

【Lu Linglong: That’s great, everyone is resurrected. As long as Little One is here, everything is possible!】

【Bai Shixue: It's a pity that the little one has to stay in the Temple of the Gods to practice and can't reunite with Krillin and Grandpa. It feels so painful!】

【Lu Jin: But cultivation is also for a better reunion, it is actually a mentality!】

【Ding Shimaan: I also want to practice in a place like this, it will definitely help me improve my skills!】

【Xu Si: Forget about those who have complete nature. Even if you go, the gods may not accept you!】

【Zhang Chulan: Actually, little one only needs to stay in this place for three years. After three years, we will finally meet again. I just don’t know what kind of threat Piccolo’s egg will pose to everyone!】

【(Dragon Ball) Tien Shinhan: I will also practice hard and wait until the next martial arts tournament. By then, I will definitely defeat Goku!】

【Xiao Xiao: My fellow Taoist, I hope you can recognize the difference between dreams and daydreams!】


In short, after experiencing the catastrophe of Piccolo, everyone started their own training in the following peaceful days, hoping that they would not be left too far behind by Goku.

During the training, Goku also saw many interesting things in the Temple of Heaven!

At the same time, he began a more rigorous practice.

For example, he entered the Spiritual House of Time, which controls the past, present and future, and met the past Master Roshi, as well as his teacher, the legendary martial arts master, Mr. Wu Taidou!

And it is obvious that this Wu Taidou has been strengthened.

Goku also followed him and really learned how to use Qi.

Then he fought against another Goku created by Popo, and successfully felt calm and truly surpassed himself!

Soon, time passed.

After three years, everyone also ushered in a real reunion!

Among them, Goku's changes can be said to be the greatest.

Not only did he become stronger, his body became stronger.

He also grew a lot taller, even taller than Bulma.


【Alien chat group】

【Canglong: Putting aside other things, the food in heaven must be good, the little guy is fed so well!】

【Lu Linglong: Wow, time has changed. The little one has grown into a tall person. It feels like time flies!】

【Zhi Jinhua: I feel like I have experienced the growth of a person!】

【Wang Ye: But speaking of it, isn’t the World’s No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament held once a year? Who were the champions in the three years that Goku and his friends participated?】

【Zhuge Qing: It doesn’t matter. The little guy... no, he should be called Wukong now. Once he appears, everyone else will have no chance of winning the championship!】

【Bai Shixue: Yes, it just so happens that I won the championship this time to make up for the regret of being the runner-up in the previous two times!】

【Xia He: Wow, little brother, you are getting more and more handsome. Do you want to let your sister take a good look? Your sister will teach you how to grow up!】

【Zhang Lingyu: Xia He, I’m warning you, you better restrain yourself!】

【Xiao Xiao: It’s been a long time since we last met. This part is so exciting!】

【Zhang Chulan: By the way, am I the only one who noticed Krillin? After three years, the height gap between this bald guy and Goku has become bigger and bigger. It's so funny! Hahaha!】

【Xu Si: Boy, are you bullying that bald guy? Now he is banned and can’t scold you?

But it is true.

Among all the people, only Krillin has changed the least.

If he was only a few centimeters shorter than Goku three years ago, he is now a head shorter!

Of course, the reunion of old friends really moved everyone.

Krillin didn’t care about his height, but his eyes were blurred with tears when he saw Goku, and he even hugged him directly. All the words were in this hug!

But among the many martial artists who came to participate in the competition.

Goku found a special person.

This person was wearing a white cloak and a white hat, and it seemed as if he wanted to hide himself.

But the green on his body could not be concealed.

This is a touch of green, the same as the original Piccolo Demon King’s body...!

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