[Feng Baobao: Hey, why did Wukong’s grandfather enter the group chat?】

【(Dragon Ball) Son Gohan: What grandpa, what happened to dad?】

【Zhi Jinhua: Dad, could it be……?】

At first, everyone thought that this man named Son Gohan was Son Goku's grandfather, after all, they had the same name.

But when they saw his profile picture, everyone was stunned.

Because this profile picture clearly looked like a child, and he was not very old, so he could not be Goku's grandfather.

Add to that the way he addressed Son Goku just now... all this came to a conclusion.

【(Dragon Ball) Chi-Chi: Wow, there are so many people here. Thank you for your concern, but Gohan is my and Goku's child! 】

As soon as this was said, many people were stunned

【Lu Linglong: Does Wukong... have any weird quirks? Why would he name his son after his grandfather?】

【(Dragon Ball) Master Roshi: Don't think too much, little girl. Goku just gave his child this name to commemorate his grandfather! 】


In their chat, they completed the interaction from dusk to dawn.

The big screen also kept the time. At six o'clock in the morning of the next day, when the sun rose, it continued to show one of Xia Yu's previous lives: the life of Goku!

【Lu Linglong: I’m so sleepy. I’ve never gotten up so early before. Wukong, all this is for you!】

【(Dragon Ball) Kiki: Hey, hey, hey, what are you talking about, little girl? I, the real master, am still here, please put away those impure thoughts in your mind!】

【Zhi Jinhua: Poor Linglong, she could originally fantasize about it in the group, but now even her last beautiful dream is shattered!】

【Lu Linglong: (Chuckling) Hua'er, please don't blame me. Didn't you tell me in a private message last night that you liked the Wukong type? You were even planning to confess your feelings to Xia Yu after the video was over. How come you forgot so quickly?】

【Weaving Hibiscus: Delicate You……!】

【(Dragon Ball) Qiqi: Oh my god, have I entered the Silk Cave? Why do you all have ideas about my Wukong? Please put away your unrealistic thoughts! 】

At this time, Qiqi only felt a sense of crisis!

Because these two people are obviously girls.

And looking at the avatars, one is lively and cheerful, and the other wears glasses and is gentle and elegant. Even the appearance is higher than the other. They are definitely her strong competitors.

But when I thought about it, she and Wukong are already husband and wife, and even have a child. I felt much more balanced in my heart.

Fortunately, I acted quickly, so no matter how outrageous you little girls are, you can't snatch Wukong from me!

Hahaha, I am so smart!


While they were chatting, the video started simultaneously.

The first shot of the video this time was not of Goku, the protagonist, but of his child, Son Gohan!

As for everyone's first impression of him, it was: a cute little crybaby!

【Zhuge Qing: No, I have to laugh first. This little crybaby is so different from his father when he was a child. If he were in Baozi Mountain, he probably wouldn’t survive one episode, hahaha!】

【Zhuge Bai: Qing, please be nicer to others. You are too straight!】

【Zhang Chulan: But this child is indeed not very similar to Wukong, he is too shy, but he is very cute!】

【Lu Linglong: Come here, little crybaby, come into your sister’s arms, and I’ll buy you some candy!】

【Bai Shixue: Hello, police officer? It’s this child trafficker named Lu, hurry up and catch her!】

【Lu Linglong: Bai Shixue, that's enough! 】

In the video.

From the moment Gohan appeared, he had a naturally cute attribute.

Especially later, when he was taken by Goku to visit Master Kame's house, his childish tone and bowing posture almost had the words"cute baby" written on his face!

Especially the expression when he said"I'm four years old".

It can only be described as kawaii!

At the same time, this character image also captured the hearts of most of the female friends in the group in an instant.

After all, who doesn't like cute babies?

Of course, Xia He is an exception.

Seeing Lu Liang driving in front, she kept watching videos in the back. Although she also thought that the child was indeed cute, it was a pity that she was not interested in short ones.

So she sighed secretly:

"Alas, although Wuhan is cute, he is still too young. We have to wait until he grows up a little!"

Then he licked his lips again:

"Well, Wukong is still the best. He has a fighting physique. I wonder what his ability is like in that area?"

When Lu Liang, who was sitting in the front, heard her words, he felt nervous and almost drove the car into the ditch on the spot...

However, in addition to Wukong and the little crybaby here, they were the highlights.

On the other side of the earth.

In the sky, something like a meteor fell straight down, and finally exploded at a certain position on the earth, and a huge cloud of thick smoke rose.

The dog herder carrying a hunting rifle nearby was shocked by the scene.

Then he hurried over to see what was going on.

But he saw an unforgettable scene in his life.

The meteor he thought was not actually a meteor, but a white sphere, a bit like an aircraft.

The next second.

The hatch of the aircraft gradually opened.

A man walked out from it.

This man looked like he was in his prime, with muscles all over his body, and his hair was extremely flowing, hanging from the back of his head to his ankles. He was also wearing something similar to combat soft armor, and a detector on his eyes. After getting off the aircraft, he looked around, then frowned and muttered:

"Sure enough, the people on this planet are still alive and well!"

"Kakarot, that stupid guy!"

Seeing this weirdo, the shepherd uncle in front of him held the hunting rifle tightly and asked loudly:

"You… who are you?"

As he spoke, he loaded his shotgun, ready to fight the man in front of him at any time.

However, the man turned on the detector on his eyes the next second and probed the man for a while.

Then he sneered:

"The combat power is only 5, what a piece of garbage!"


"You... don't come closer, or I will really kill you!"

Seeing him approaching slowly with a malicious look on his face, the uncle was extremely frightened. At the same time, his hand slipped and he actually shot him.

However, what he didn't expect was that the man in front of him caught the bullet with his hand, mocked him again, and then threw it at him.

The next second, his body was hit by the impact of the bullet and flew out. After falling to the ground, he was no longer alive.

"Useless thing!"

The man muttered to himself.

But then, the detector on his eyes suddenly responded:

"He appeared, a man with strong fighting ability!"

"Is it Kakarot?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately controlled his body and flew into the air.

In an instant, he disappeared.


【Alien chat group】

【Wang Ye: What’s going on? Why are there aliens? And the Kakarot he mentioned couldn’t be Goku, right?】

【Zhuge Qing: It must be Wukong without a doubt!】

【Zhang Chulan: But what did he mean? What did he mean that the people on this planet are still alive and well? Is he here to destroy the earth?】

【Canglong: Piccolo said, so you also want to destroy the earth, then we are friends!】

【Yun: This guy looks so arrogant!】

【Zhi Jinhua: But speaking of it, do you remember the hint on the big screen at the beginning? Wukong's original name seemed to be Kakarot! 】

With her reminder, everyone also recalled that Xia Yu's previous life name shown on the big screen at the beginning was indeed Kakarot.

It's just that because the little guy called himself Wukong at the beginning, they ignored this original name.

But now it seems that this may be his real name!

But who is this guy with long hair?

What is his relationship with Wukong?

Could it be that Wukong is hiding a bigger secret...?

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