However, the guy followed the instructions of the detector and flew all the way. The first person he saw was not Goku, but Piccolo II.

Or, he is actually Piccolo now!

After a fight,

Piccolo was no match for the guy.

Fortunately, just when he was about to kill him, he was suddenly attracted by another powerful force, so he gave up the idea of killing the green man in front of him.

Soon, he followed the instructions and came to Kame's house.


"You and your father look exactly alike!"

This was the first sentence he said after landing.

Later, he said that his name was Latis, and his real identity was actually Goku's brother, and also a member of the legendary fighting nation, the Saiyans!

To say that the Saiyans were born bad.

They were actually engaged in the business of planets, conquering planets suitable for survival, and then reselling them!

If they encountered a planet suitable for living and the residents there were strong in combat, they would form a group to invade together.

And if the combat power of this planet was weak.

Then they would put a Saiyan cub into the flight cabin and then drop it on this planet. This Saiyan cub alone was enough to break through this planet!

But he was really confused about Goku's situation.

So he asked with a serious face:

"Kakarot, you bastard!"

"Did you fall or suffer a head injury when you were a child?"

"Answer me quickly!"

Wukong naturally replied angrily to his bad temper:

"I have definitely experienced falling on my head!"

"But what does this have to do with whether I am a Saiyan or not?"

But after recalling, Master Roshi on the side seemed to have discovered something very shocking, so he told everyone the story of that year.

It turned out that Goku did appear in the aircraft at the beginning and was picked up by the elderly Grandpa Gohan.

But the child was extremely irritable at the beginning.

Gohan had no idea.

Until later, he accidentally fell from the cliff and hit his head. He was obviously in danger, but he survived with extremely strong vitality.

From that day on, his temperament changed drastically.

He became gentle and well-behaved, completely different from before.

Hearing this, not only Goku himself, but also the many aliens outside the big screen, finally understood Goku's true identity:

【Lu Linglong: The Saiyans are so despicable that they actually take other people’s planets and sell them. They are simply arms dealers!】

【Zhuge Qing: But after listening to Wukong’s experience, I felt like laughing. It turned out that Wukong’s fall actually saved the earth!!!】

【Zhang Chulan: Originally I thought that Wukong was just a little stupid, but I didn’t expect that he was made stupid by the fall!】

【Canglong: We should thank the stone that hit Monkey King on the head and made him stupid!】

【Bai Shixue: It seems that Grandpa Gohan is the biggest contributor!】

【Xiao Xiao: But from his brother's perspective, this can be regarded as a disappointment. Who would have thought that the brother who could have unified the Earth would become the protector of the Earth? Who wouldn't be confused! 】

Next, Raditz also said the purpose of coming to find Wukong:

"In fact, Saiyans themselves are a minority!"

"And after the meteorite impact that year, Planet Vegeta was destroyed, so there are only four Saiyans left, including you!"

"But now, we have found a planet that can be sold for a good price!"

"I want to attack there, but the strength of three people is far from enough!"

"At this moment, I remembered you, Kakarot!"

"Although you are weak now!"

"But joining in will still help!"

It's a pity that Goku is no longer a Saiyan who is eager to kill, but an earthling who loves ordinary people. It is impossible for him to join these people and invade other people's homes.

Raditz seemed to realize this.

He also had no moral principles. He actually captured Gohan to force Goku to rescue the prisoner, and even asked him to kill 100 earthlings as a token of his loyalty.

Otherwise, his son would die at noon tomorrow!


Goku wanted to rescue his son.

But the difference in strength between them was too great.

With just a few moves, Goku was knocked to the ground, holding his abdomen in pain!

Krillin, Master Roshi and others were also very anxious about Goku's child being taken away.

Fortunately, as a Saiyan, Goku knew the weakness of Raditz, who belonged to the same race, which was his tail.

Once the tail was caught, the Saiyan would be powerless.

Krillin nodded thoughtfully after hearing this.

But he said with regret:

"Unfortunately, Tien Shinhan and Yamcha are not here right now. If they were here, the three of you might still have a chance of winning if you attack together!"

"Of course, Mr. Wu Tian and I can help. We just need to die again and revive the Dragon Balls!"

But then, Bulma told him a frustrating news:

"Sorry, you can't make the same wish to a dragon ball twice!"

"That is to say, if you are killed again, you can't be resurrected!"

But even so, Krillin still firmly stated that as long as Wukong needs him, he will do his best to help even if he knows he will die.

However, what he thought in his heart was:

It's over, I'm definitely dead this time!

I don't want to die, I haven't married yet!

At this time, his psychological description also made everyone in the alien world almost laugh and cry on the spot:

【Bai Shixue: Hahaha, this little bald head still has a hint of cuteness in him!】

【Zhuge Qing: Even though I am really scared, at least I am helping him. It was worth it for Wukong to avenge him and was almost beaten to death by the green-haired monster!】

【Wang Ergou: But I think that even if they join together, they can’t beat that long-haired guy!】

【Wang Ye: That guy's fighting power is indeed extraordinary, definitely much higher than Goku. If they fight head-on, no one on Earth can be his opponent, so the only way is to cooperate! 】

But the key is, who to cooperate with is the problem!

Even if Tien Shinhan and Yamcha are here, their strength is probably not comparable to this guy called Raditz.

Goku now needs a stronger collaborator.

However, the next second.

The so-called collaborator automatically came to the door!

【(Dragon Ball) Piccolo: Those two guys are too weak. No one can deal with that guy except me!】

【Zhang Chulan: Oh my god, when did the great devil Piccolo join in? I was scared to death!】

【Zhuge Qing: @Piccolo, you are an interesting guy, but you say one thing and mean another. You say that Raditz is interfering with your dream of ruling the world, but actually you just want to help, right!】

【Wang Ye: Young man, you have seen through the essence!】

【(Dragon Ball) Piccolo: Shut your mouths. How could I, the great devil Piccolo, associate with him? Don't joke!】

【Lu Linglong: But you still came (smirk)!】

【(Dragon Ball) Piccolo: I want to destroy the world. I can't possibly help Son Goku!】

【Zhi Jinhua: But you still came to help, tsundere Piccolo, don't be so stubborn (same smirk as Lu Linglong)! 】

Piccolo in the chat group has begun to doubt his life at this time.

He has clearly said that he will never associate with that guy, why don't they believe it?

Not only do they not believe it, but they even dare to make fun of him.

I, the great devil Piccolo, don't I even have this little deterrent power now?

However, the tsundere Piccolo never thought that the reason why the aliens are not afraid of him is because there was a bald man who had spoiled the news that he and Wukong would be good partners in the future, and he has not been released from the small dark room yet!

So, since they know that he is a good person, how can the aliens be afraid of him...?

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