On the other side,

Raditz saw that Gohan was crying so hard, so he stuffed him into the aircraft.

But in a trance, the value of the detector soared.

"There is such a powerful fighting energy nearby!"

"Who on earth is this person?"

Seeing that this person's combat power was 710, Raditz was really shocked. Then he began to detect all around, and finally locked onto Gohan who was trapped in the aircraft.

"Ken...it must be broken!"

"How is it possible for a child to have such a high fighting power!"

He laughed dryly twice, but suddenly felt a little hungry, so he immediately went to hunt.

After a full meal, he returned to his original place and began to sleep.


【Alien chat group】

【Xu Si: Saiyans...are all big eaters. This guy actually ate a bear. Oh my god!】

【Zhang Chulan: Haha, that detector is actually a copycat product. We tested a four-year-old child and found that his combat power is three times that of Wukong. Which factory produced this counterfeit product?】

【(Dragon Ball) Qiqi: How dare you look down on me?���Son, come and take my attack!】

【Zhang Zhiwei: Little ones, don’t be fooled by the superficial phenomena of things. What you think is false may be true!】

【(Dragon Ball) Piccolo: I thought you guys in the alien world were all ignorant guys, but I didn't expect there are still some smart people here. Old man, what's your name?】

【Zhang Chulan: @Piccolo, you called the wrong name. Next time you should ask, Old Master, have you ever lost?】

【Canglong: Mr. Zhang, you are really not a human being! 】

In fact, all the aliens know that in the alien world, the old master dares to claim second place, and no one dares to claim first place.

And facing this perverted world of Dragon Ball, I am afraid that only the old master can fight against Piccolo at this stage.

Of course, no one can say who is stronger between the two of them at this stage.

But it is worth mentioning that while they were joking, Wukong and Piccolo had already found Raditz and started to confront him!

The two joined forces to fight, and it was about to start!

【Lu Linglong: Let’s vote, let’s guess who will win in the end!】

【Bai Shixue: Of course it must be Wukong!】

【Zhang Chulan: Vote for the green skin!】

【(Dragon Ball) Piccolo: Who do you say is the greenskin? Believe it or not, I will kill you!】

【Feng Baobao: Zhang Chulan is so cheap!】

【Zhi Jinhua: A woman's sixth sense. I'm afraid this battle won't go so smoothly.……!】

Facing the challenge from the other two,

Latis was not panicked at all, but sneered:

"Humph, do you think you can defeat me with just the two of you?"

"With your weak fighting power, haha……"

Halfway through the joke, he suddenly froze.

Because as the two hooligans took off their clothes one by one, their fighting power was gradually rising.

From the early 200 to the early 400!

As for the clothes they threw away, they were the heavier ones, born for training. Now that they were going to fight, they naturally had to take off the things that were in the way.

Then, the two sides fought together.

However, Ladis's fighting power was amazing, and everyone watching the battle was stunned:

【Xiao Xiao: This is truly a fight between gods!】

【Zhang Lingyu: I can't even see their fighting speed. Could it be that they have really surpassed me by so much?】

【Zhi Jinhua: Now it seems that Raditz will lose. He relies too much on the detector. Little does he know that the fighting power of the two opponents will fluctuate!】

【Feng Baobao: That’s right, after Goku used Kamehameha, his combat power has increased to over 1,000!】

【Wang Ye: Piccolo's move is pretty good, it's even better than Goku's Kamehameha. If they get hit by this skill, they might win! 】

It's a pity that they still underestimated Raditz. Although this guy is very annoying, his fighting ability is indeed extremely terrifying.

Not only did he use all his strength to block Goku's Kamehameha, which can turn corners, but he even dodged Piccolo's Magic Light Cannon at the critical moment!

But just when he was distracted, Goku found an opportunity and grabbed his tail.

In an instant, Raditz collapsed to the ground.

"Well done, Goku!"

"Hold on to his tail!"

"This trick, if you use it once more, it will be the limit!"

Piccolo laughed loudly when he saw this scene, and gathered his strength again, preparing to use the final magic light cannon.

As for Raditz, he just deeply appreciated the power of the magic light cannon, and now he completely lost his initial demeanor and trembled with fear. He even looked at Wukong behind him and cursed:

"Kakarot, you bastard!"

"You actually want to kill your only brother!"

Wukong replied with a righteous look on his face:

"Shut up!"

"I won’t recognize you as my big brother if you are such a cruel guy!"

"You even want to kill your own nephew!"

However, Ladis was also flexible. Seeing that the other party was gathering strength, he looked at Wukong behind him again and begged:

"Please, let me go!"

"I am willing to turn over a new leaf and leave this planet obediently!"

Goku was soft-hearted to begin with.

After hearing his words, he actually believed his lies, and then after a round of persuasion, he let go of his tail.

But what he faced was Raditz's crazy revenge after breaking free!


【Alien chat group】

【Zhuge Qing: Now I can prove that Wukong was indeed thrown on the head when he was a child, and he became stupid!】

【Lu Linglong: Wukong is too kind. Why does he believe everyone’s words? You can’t believe what some people say, because they may harm you!】

【(Dragon Ball) Piccolo: What a stupid teammate! I have nothing to say about him!】

【Bai Shixue: @Piccolo, I don't allow you to say that about Goku, he is just kind-hearted. Unlike you, you are a cruel and ruthless devil!】

【(Dragon Ball) Piccolo: You……!!】

【(Dragon Ball) Tien Shinhan: Hahaha, it's finally your turn to feel the pain of double standards, Piccolo!】

【Zhi Jinhua: To be honest, Goku was indeed too soft-hearted this time. In the long run, I don’t know if this is a good thing or a bad thing! 】But then, when Goku was in danger,

Gohan escaped from the aircraft and flew into the air. When he landed, even Raditz was stunned:

"How is it possible that this kid has such fighting ability!"

"His fighting power is so strong... as strong as 1307!"

This is even close to his value!

And then.

Gohan used a headbutt to prove his strength.

The damage caused by this attack to Raditz was even more outrageous than the Kamehameha and the Magic Light Cannon just now, and even broke his chest armor directly.

At the same time, it also greatly weakened his fighting ability!

【Lu Ci: This kid... who is he from? He actually has such terrifying fighting power. Is he really four years old?】

【Xu Si: Oh, Mr. Lu, is he a person who values talent?】

【Xu San: He probably only thought of his useless great-grandson!】

【Lu Gong: Are you polite?】

【Lu Linglong: Little crybaby...how can you have such strong fighting potential, even surpassing Goku and Piccolo at this moment, is this a genetic mutation?】

【Zhi Jinhua: Rather than genetic mutation, I would rather believe that this is the talent of the Saiyans! 】

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