This attack not only stunned Latis. It also stunned Goku and Piccolo...

Especially the latter. After seeing Gohan, a trace of admiration flashed across his eyes, which also laid the foundation for his fate of becoming a nanny!

However, after this attack, the little crybaby was like a wilted cucumber, and turned back to his original cowardly appearance.

The strength of"1" in the detector also made Latis feel as if he was in another world, as if everything that just happened had never happened.

Then, he turned around and kicked the little crybaby, making him spin 720 degrees in the air.

Finally, he fell to the ground.

His eyes became longer like the pattern on the belly of the mosquito-repellent frog.……


【Alien chat group】

【Lu Linglong: Latis, you are a beast, he is just a child!】

【Zhuge Qing: Are you okay with this kick, little crybaby?】

【Bai Shixue: Goku, come on, take this opportunity, sneak attack and catch him again! 】

And she was right!

Just as Raditz was walking towards Gohan, ready to completely wipe out the root of the problem,

Goku suddenly���He hugged him from behind and held him tightly.

Coupled with the damage Gohan had just done to him, his strength was greatly reduced at this time, and he was unable to break free from Goku's suppression for a while.

At the same time, this also provided time for Piccolo to accumulate power!


"Use the trick you just used!"

Hearing Goku's urging, Piccolo showed a wild and unbridled smile on his face:


"I have long been ready!"

"But you have to give me some time!"

Seeing Wukong hugging him, it seemed that he wanted the green monster to use the same attack just now and die with him.

Even with multiple charges, the combat power of this green monster has soared to 1370!

Seeing this scene, Raditz was really scared at this time.

So he used the same trick again, hoping to soften Wukong's heart:

"Kakarot, let go, I know I was wrong!"

"I really won't come to this planet again!"

"Please...let go!"

【Bai Shixue: Xiao La, let me tell you a story. The story is called, The Wolf is Coming!】

【Canglong: What, you know you are wrong now? How did you lie just now? Don’t you have any idea?】

【Zhang Chulan: Shocked. The two brothers hadn't seen each other for many years. The elder brother went to visit his relatives and was brutally killed by his younger brother and his childhood friend. The body was abandoned in the wilderness. Is this a distortion of human nature or a decline of morality?……!】

【Wang Ye: Zhang Chulan, it's a waste of your talent to be an extraordinary person, go and tell stories!】

【Xu Si: If the title of the next issue of Approaching Science is not this, I won’t read it!】

【Wang Ergou: Lao Li, hurry up and fire your gun, Lao Li... Sorry, I went to the wrong set!】

【Xiao Xiao: Senior Brother locked up He Jinyin. No, it was He Jinyin who locked up Senior Brother... Sorry, I went the wrong way too!】

【Zhuge Qing: Everyone, stop showing off!】

【(Dragon Ball) Piccolo: If Goku saw you guys chatting at that time, he probably wouldn't be killed by me, but would be angry to death!】

【Lu Linglong: Oh my, you're calling out for Wukong. Why don't you, Piccolo, go and snatch Wukong from Chi-Chi? I wholeheartedly agree with you. You two are true love!】

【(Dragon Ball) Chichi: I advise you to reorganize your words, I'm still here! 】

At this time, everyone seemed to know that even if Goku was pierced through by Piccolo, he would be resurrected by the Dragon Ball in the end.

So there was no tension at all.

Instead, they started joking to celebrate the victory of the battle.


In the video, upon hearing Latis's cry, Wukong sneered and replied:

"Do you think I'll be fooled a second time?"

"Piccolo, hurry up!"

During this time when the two brothers were loving each other, Piccolo had already finished accumulating strength.

He replied:

"Sorry to have kept you waiting!"

"Goku, wake up!"

Then, in the eyes of fear and despair of Raditz,

Piccolo roared and released the same action again:

""Magic Light Killing Cannon!"

The next second, a gorgeous spiral light wave rushed straight towards the other party.

In an instant, it penetrated the brother in the embrace, completing his peak scene!

After this attack,

Raditz and Wukong also collapsed to the ground due to their serious injuries, and seemed to be dying!

At this time, Raditz felt his life gradually slipping away. Seeing the green monster walking towards him, he muttered in disbelief:

"Unexpectedly, Kakarot would sacrifice himself for the people of Earth!"

"Damn it!"

But Piccolo chuckled and said sarcastically:


"Wukong will be resurrected soon!"

Then he explained:

"There is a wonderful thing called Dragon Ball on this planet. After collecting seven Dragon Balls, you can call upon the dragon to make a wish and resurrect the dead!"

"How about it, you didn't expect it!"

But after hearing his words, Ladis smiled again:

"Very good, this is also good news for me!"

"The situation from yesterday to now has been transmitted to the ears of my two companions in the distant universe through my transmitter."

"If they knew I died in your hands, they would definitely come here to avenge me!"

At this point, he laughed louder and louder:

"Not just you two, but everyone on this earth will be killed without a single one left!"

"At that time, you can use the dragon balls you mentioned to revive me. Do you understand?……?"

After hearing the news that the Earth was about to face another crisis,

Wukong asked with his last breath:

"Those two people... When will those two people arrive?"

Ladis laughed again:

"One year, just one year...hahahaha!"

"This time, your chance of winning is zero!"

"Enjoy the rest of your life!"

After saying the last sentence, he died completely.

But the message he left behind made everyone feel terrified.

Raditz is now terribly strong, and in his words, those two people are even better than him, which is equivalent to a countdown for the survival of the earth.

At the same time, let Piccolo understand that after one year, it is either fight or die!

Later, Piccolo told the news to Krillin and Master Roshi who came to find Goku.

He also forcibly took Gohan away, saying that he would train him, so that in the battle one year later, this guy can at least play some role!


【Alien chat group】

【Bai Shixue: Wuuuu, even though I know Goku will be resurrected, I still feel so sad when I see him die!】

【Lu Linglong: He was a great warrior. He died for the earth. It was a worthy and glorious death!】

【Zhang Chulan: @Piccolo, Greenskin, come on, why don’t you just focus on finishing off the enemies instead of talking so much? Now you are bringing fatal disaster to the Earth!】

【(Dragon Ball) Piccolo: Tsk, fear is the behavior of the weak. The strong only think about how to face it. This is the difference between you and me!】

【Canglong: Is this an excuse?】

【(Dragon Ball) Tien Shinhan: Everyone, please be patient. Jiaozi and I already know about this. In the next year, we will focus on training and preparation to meet the challenge of the Saiyans!】

【(Dragon Ball) Yamcha: Me too!】

【Zhi Jinhua: I still put my hope on Goku. I believe that if he goes to practice with the man called King Kai, his cultivation level will improve more obviously!】

【Lu Linglong: Actually, compared to Wukong, I feel more sympathy for this little crybaby. He was taken away by this big devil. I'm afraid his daily life will go from heaven to hell.……!】

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