After hearing the news that two Saiyans were about to invade one year later,

Tien Shinhan, Yamcha and others did start more rigorous training, and even went directly to the Temple of the Gods to receive special training from the Gods and Popo!

However, the worst thing was lunch.


【(Dragon Ball) Master Roshi: Piccolo, you train too hard!】

【Wang Ergou: @Piccolo, you actually threw a four-year-old child into the wilderness and left him to live alone for a month, are you still a human being?】

【Zhuge Qing: Piccolo said, I can't beat Goku, can I still bully his son?】

【Bai Shixue: I admit that humans’ sorrows and joys are indeed not the same. Why do I feel like laughing when I see a little crybaby being chased by such a huge dinosaur?】

【Zhang Chulan: If this was Wukong as a child, this dragon would have turned into a barbecue!】

【Xu Si: Not only that, this is not enough for him to eat in one meal! 】

In the video, although Piccolo had said at the beginning that he would never care about Gohan's life or death, this guy is indeed an arrogant���Weird.

Seeing that Gohan hadn't eaten, he was really a hypocrite. He would always send some food to Gohan while he was asleep, and even gave Gohan a new set of clothes and a sword!

But this guy was really a black-bellied monster.

He actually changed the word"Sun" on the back of his clothes to"Mo".

If you describe it in human terms, it's a bit dog-like!

But Gohan's progress is indeed terrifying.

At the beginning, facing the huge dinosaur.

He either ran or cried, and almost became the dinosaur's meal.

However, after surviving alone for a while, when facing this dinosaur again, he actually plucked up the courage, took the sword given to him by Piccolo, and challenged the dinosaur.

In the end, when facing this behemoth.

He was not panicked at all, but jumped and dodged the opponent's attacks many times. After some play, the dinosaur hit the rock by itself and finally fainted.

As for Gohan, he fell from mid-air, laughing as he fell:

"I won!"

"Then give me another piece of ham!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he chopped the dinosaur's tail with a knife and cut off another piece of meat.

Then he started a fire directly.

He put the piece of meat on the fire and started making lunch!


【Alien chat group】

【Lu Linglong: I can’t take it anymore, I’m laughing so hard that my tears hurt. I mean, you actually roasted someone’s tail in front of them, are you polite?】

【Zhuge Qing: @Gohan, you are more cruel than your dad. He just ate a dinosaur at most, but you actually tried to cultivate it?】

【Zhi Jinhua: But this kid has made great progress, he is worthy of being Wukong's child, they are simply cut from the same mold as him!】

【(Dragon Ball) Piccolo: Hey, you two, get this straight, he was trained by me personally, what does he have to do with that guy Son Goku?】

【Zhang Chulan: It has nothing to do with you. Gohan inherited Goku’s talent, and you are just a bystander!】

【Xu San: Grab the bamboo shoots!】

【Shiraishi Yuki: There should be no problem with Gohan's training at the moment. I am worried about Goku instead. I don't know when this guy will be able to get to King Kai's planet!】

【Xiao Xiao: It’s been more than 100 days already. I’m really afraid that Wukong won’t be able to finish the journey in a year!】


Back to the video...

I don't know who created this snake path. Not only is it winding, but you can't even see the end at a glance, and there is a risk of falling off at any time.

Once you slip on the snake path.

People will fall from heaven and fall all the way to hell. If you want to go back to heaven, it will be extremely difficult!

The key is that if you run on this road, anyone will doze off sometimes.

Halfway through, Wukong met a courier ghost driving a courier truck, and asked him to give him a ride.

However, perhaps because he was too tired, he actually fell asleep in the car.

In addition, the snake path was bumpy.

So at a turning point, Wukong's body became lighter, and he accidentally fell off the snake path.

It can be said that this guy's sleep quality is really good.

Even in the process of falling, he was still talking in his sleep:

"It hurts!"

"King Kai's training is really strict!"

He kept passing through the clouds, and when he fell into hell, the real pain woke him up!

"It hurts so much!"

Covering the back of his head, he looked around, but he didn't know what was here. Just when he was about to pick it, he was stopped by a blue ghost:

"How dare you! This fruit tree produces noble fruits that only the King of Hell can enjoy. You cannot eat it!"

Later, after learning more about it, he realized that this place was actually hell!

"You said this is hell?"

After hearing the explanation of the two ghosts, Wukong was shocked and realized that he had fallen off the snake path!

Helplessly, he could only try to jump upwards.

Try to see if he could get back to the snake path!

But no matter what, he couldn't get through the clouds!

【Zhang Chulan: Being lazy can kill you!】

【Zhi Jinhua: But there’s nothing we can do about it. This snake path is so long. Everyone gets tired sometimes. We can only blame Wukong for having bad luck!】

【Bai Shixue: It's a pity that Wukong has to stay in this place and will waste a lot of time again. These two ghosts are really something. They even want to compete with Wukong in running. They are simply two bad guys!】

【Wang Ye: You can't say that. In fact, everything here is also an improvement for Wukong! 】

As the successor of Fenghou Qimen, Wang Ye's comprehension ability is much stronger than that of ordinary people.

This also makes him understand the meaning of cultivation more quickly.

Although at first glance, Wukong will waste a lot of time if he falls into hell.

But in fact, whether he is competing in long jump or running, it is an invisible progress for him to compete with the people in the underworld!

Finally, when Wukong won.

The red ghost pointed out the way for him.

After Wukong thanked them, he immediately ran in the predetermined direction, and finally crawled out of the drawer of King Yama.

However, the snake path that had been run before also needs to be run again!

And as Wang Ye said.

After many previous competitions, although Wukong returned to the starting point, it was precisely because of his previous experience that he ran much more easily and quickly this time, and soon caught up with the previous progress.

This scene also made the old Tianshi squint his eyes.

Sure enough, in fact, the heaven is fair to everyone, and there is no shortcut at all.

It’s like Goku wanted to reduce the distance he traveled by taking a car, but the result of this was that he had run the same distance he had originally run, so he had to start all over again!

【Zhang Zhiwei: Although Wukong’s speed is much faster this time, unfortunately, he probably doesn’t have much time left!】

【Feng Baobao: Those troublemakers are coming soon, I wonder if he can catch up! 】

As the saying goes, this snake path is not only full of dangers.

There are also countless temptations.

Even if Wukong only saw a strange building and stayed beside it for a while, he was instantly swallowed by the big mouth and then fell into a red tunnel.

Finally, he fell heavily to the ground.

At the same time, a green-faced girl guarding the entrance of the tunnel was beating the gong and shouted:

"A guest is coming to rest!"

"Prepare to receive!"

After he entered the inner hall, countless green-faced young ladies appeared around him. The leader had a white cotton jacket around her neck and looked at Wukong with a charming look.

And this person called Princess Snake was another hurdle for Wukong.

The palace ruled by Princess Snake was full of endless temptations, such as delicious food, beautiful women, and a comfortable living environment, which was also one of the tests on the Snake Road!

At first, Wukong was indeed held back by these things.

But later, after falling asleep, he dreamed of his wife and children.

If he continued to delay like this, once the two Saiyans arrived on Earth, his family, friends, and all the people on Earth would be reduced to ashes in an instant.

When Wukong woke up from the nightmare, he became more confident.

So he hurriedly escaped from Princess Snake.

Then after twists and turns, he finally arrived at King Kai's planet...!

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