【Zhang Chulan: Wow, this Snake Path is exactly the place I’ve always dreamed of. This place is pretty good. Hehe, look at me, little sister. I’m still single!】

【Feng Baobao: But if you want to go, you have to die first. Do you need my help?】

【Zhang Chulan: Ah, Sister Baoer, spare me!】

【Zhuge Qing: This place is the Spider Cave. The desires there are stumbling blocks on the road to progress for those who practice cultivation. Fortunately, Wukong has a strong mind, otherwise an ordinary person would have been trapped in it long ago!】

【Lu Linglong: As expected, you are Wukong, hehe!】

【Orihime: But this King Kai is actually such a fat guy, and his face is blue. He doesn’t look like a strong man!】

【Feng Xingtong: I still hope that Wukong can learn something to deal with those Saiyans! 】

But I have to say that this place is indeed a holy place for cultivation.

First of all, the gravity of King Kai is ten times that of the earth. Training here will be more painful than training on earth. Similarly, growth will be faster!

Compared with this point, King Kai's training method is even more bizarre!

The first training is to catch a monkey named Babrus!

Don't underestimate the difficulty of this training.

This monkey has been living on King Kai and has long been accustomed to the gravity here. He runs so fast.

Wukong is a newcomer and is not used to this gravity environment. So even if he takes off all the heavy equipment on his body, it is still a very difficult thing to chase it!

Later, in order to increase the difficulty.

King Kai even asked him to put on his heavy clothes and shoes again!

At first, Wukong thought it was too difficult.

But when he heard that the Saiyan planet also had ten times the gravity.

He immediately became motivated!

Then, for a long time, the sound of Goku's pursuit echoed in King Kai's planet:

"Don't run!"


"I'm going to catch you soon!"

After a long period of training, he finally succeeded in catching the gorilla during a chase.

And he completed the first lesson given to him by King Kai!


【Alien chat group】

【Lu Linglong: This... what kind of training method is this? It feels weird. Compared to here, I feel that the Temple of the Gods is more like training!】

【Lu Jin: Linglong, don't underestimate these trainings. On a planet where gravity is ten times higher than on Earth, if you want to catch an ape that is not affected by gravity, this training may look simple, but it actually tests your body's comprehensive abilities!】

【Feng Shayan: Senior, you are right. In fact, the actual difficulty of this training is much higher than all the training in the Temple of Heaven!】

【Lu Ci: Humph, this little guy is really patient, but he has been free-range for too long. It’s time for him to practice some more!】

【Zhi Jinhua: I feel that after this round of training, Wukong seems to have become stronger!】

【Zhang Lingyu: But he doesn’t have much time left for training. I wonder if he can defeat those Saiyans after he finishes his training!】

【Jia Zhengliang: This depends on the fighting power of the Saiyans! 】

Subsequent training.

In addition to catching the gorilla, Goku also has to use a hammer to hit a bug that is about the same size as his head to complete the training task.

And compared to running.

This flying guy is more difficult to deal with.

Every time Goku is about to hit, this guy always flies away suddenly, which makes Goku depressed and starts to use cleverness.

It must be said that the size of King Kai is really small.

So Goku took advantage of this. While throwing the hammer at the guy, he immediately ran in the opposite direction. After running around King Kai, he killed the other side by surprise.

This is just about to complete the task!

As time goes by.

A year is about to arrive as scheduled!

Similarly, during the more than 100 days of training, in addition to these basic trainings, King Kai gave Goku two big killer moves as backup weapons, and then he was willing to let him leave!

On Earth, Master Roshi also used Dragon Balls to successfully resurrect him


But on the other side.

When there was only one month left before the full year, the Saiyans took a step ahead and officially arrived on Earth!

【Zhang Chulan: My god, are all Saiyans devils? In their eyes, human life is worthless? 】

When they saw that bald man named Naba, under the order of the Saiyan named Vegeta beside him, turned thousands of earthlings around him into ashes with just a wave of his hand, all the aliens fell into a state of astonishment.

Because this destructive power is simply too terrible!

【Bai Shiyuki: This... this is much stronger than the previous Raditz. Can Goku and the others win?】

【Lu Linglong: I’m a little unsure now, and Wukong still has to run on the Snake Path, so it should be difficult to reach the destination in a short time!】

【Xiao Xiao: But in this case, wouldn’t Piccolo and the others be the only ones to take the lead in the battle?】

【Zhi Jinhua: In my opinion, the fighting power of these two Saiyans is much stronger than that of Raditz before. These people may be in danger in this battle! 】

In fact, they are much more terrifying than the aliens thought.

After the Z warriors gathered.

The bald Naba did not take action himself, but took out a bottle and buried the six seeds in the soil and watered it with special nutrient solution.

Soon, in the shocked eyes of everyone, the soil actually moved.

Finally, one after another, warriors with green bodies, like vegetables, emerged.

These things are called vegetable people!

According to the two Saiyans, the fighting power of each of these vegetable people is 1200!

"They seem very strong!"

Krillin's eyes were full of shock when he saw these weird things.

Soon, he teamed up with Piccolo and fought with these cultivators.

After several rounds, no one could do anything to anyone.

Fortunately, it didn't take long.

Tien Shinhan Dumplings and Yamcha arrived in time, which made the stalemate battle change a little!

After training in the Temple of the Gods, Tien Shinhan has been reborn. In the process of fighting with a single vegetable man, he completely crushed the opponent, which also proved that his combat power has far exceeded 1200!

On the other side, although Yamcha's combat power is not as good as Tien Shinhan.

But he still fought a vegetable man to a draw, and left a trail of afterimages in the air.


"Look...can't see!"

"I can't see anything at all!"

For Gohan, who was just five years old, he couldn't see what was happening in front of him at all. He could only feel the vibrations coming from the space.

Piccolo reminded him:

"Stupid, that's high speed movement!"

""Use your senses to capture the movement of Qi!"

After hearing Piccolo's words, Gohan was unwilling to be outdone, so he immediately began to concentrate his five senses, changing from seeing with his eyes to feeling with his body, and finally felt the traces of the two fighting!

At the same time, the fight between the two also entered a white-hot stage.

Seeing the opportunity, Yamcha moved.

Instantly, a Qigong wave burst out and rushed straight towards the vegetable man.

The vegetable man was hit in the abdomen because he failed to dodge in time, and finally fell to the ground, and fell into a deep pit!

"Win, Yamcha wins!"

Seeing this scene, Master Roshi and Bulma in front of the TV both smiled happily!

Yamcha also turned around and exclaimed:

"These monsters are not as strong as imagined!"

"There are only four left, and I can handle them all by myself!"

Just as he finished speaking, the vegetable man in the deep pit suddenly jumped up and grabbed Yamcha's body like an octopus.

The next second, a white light rose.

In this explosion, the vegetable man's body was blown to ashes.

And Yamcha also fell into the deep pit because of the explosion, and he was completely out of breath, becoming the first victim of the battle against the Saiyan invasion!

"What happened to Yamcha? Oolong?"

Bulma, who saw this scene in front of the TV, seemed to be unable to believe this fact.

As for Pu Yalu, he seemed to suddenly realize something and immediately threw himself on the TV, crying and shouting Yamcha's name!

In the same death, everyone also witnessed the true horror of the Saiyans...!

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