【Stranger Chat Group】

【Zhang Lingyu: Just... just died like that?】

【Xiao Xiao: If a vegetable man has such terrifying strength, what about these two Saiyans?】

【Xu Si: I guessed that there would be casualties in this battle, but I didn’t realize that the casualties would happen so quickly!】

【Xiao Zizai: These two Saiyans... hum, I seem to smell the scent of my fellow patients, and their illness is very serious, but unfortunately I can't help them with treatment!】

【Black Tube: Even with my refined body, I'm afraid I can't withstand this blow. What are these guys from?

Perhaps this scene was too shocking.

Even the usually taciturn temporary workers began to speak, but most of their comments were just sighing at the strong abilities of these vegetable people.

But everyone also understood.

They were talking about vegetable people on the surface, but their real intention was to hint at the strength of the Saiyans!

【Canglong: Oh my god, the snacks in my hand don’t taste good anymore!】

【Wang Zhenqiu: (scared) These people are not going to die here, right? With their strength, they can only barely defeat these vegetable people, but they are far from being a match for these Saiyans!】

【Lao Meng: Actually, they can run away if they can't win, there's no need to hold on here! 】

But at this moment, they all overlooked one thing.

That is something called responsibility.

Those who can become friends with Goku are aware of the heavy responsibility on their shoulders, which is to protect the peace of the earth.

So the closer it gets to this moment, the less likely they will leave!

Even before coming.

They have even made up their minds to die!

In anger, Krillin used a scatter bomb to destroy all these vegetable people, and the last one fell on the heads of Naba and Vegeta!

But when the smoke cleared, the two walked out safely!

This scene also stunned the soldiers.

Looking at the terrified looks of the group of people in front of him, Naba said with a sneer on his face:

"Leave the rest to me!"

"I want to take care of these five people in one go!"

He spoke in a light tone, as if eliminating these five people was just a matter of raising his hand, and there was no difficulty at all!

Vegeta then warned:


"However, we cannot kill the Namekian for the time being. I still need him to tell us about the Dragon Balls!"

Naba nodded:

"I know!"

Then he rushed forward alone and started a real showdown with the Z warriors who were defending the earth!

But the following battle made the aliens unable to bear to continue watching, and even Shirayuki, who was in a slightly worse mood, almost cried directly.

Because the deterrent power of this giant Saiyan was really terrifying!

【Zhang Lingyu: This group of people is different from the previous enemies. Even just watching the video, I can feel a terrifying pressure!】

【Lu Linglong: I really can’t bear to watch it any longer. It’s so suffocating to see them die one after another!】

【Canglong: This battle...even if Wukong arrives, it will be difficult to win!】

【Wang Ye: Now I would rather Goku not show up, he has just been resurrected, I don’t want to see him disappear again! 】

Even the always optimistic Wang Ye, at this moment, his words carry a hint of heaviness.

You know, in the battle between Goku and Raditz before his death, he was basically at the same level as Piccolo.

Later, even if he went to King Kai’s planet and practiced, no matter how strong he was, he would not be much stronger than Piccolo.

In the current situation, even Piccolo, who has the strongest combat power, is helpless!

So even if Goku comes, I’m afraid it won’t change anything!

But his remarks were immediately scolded by a hot-tempered man:

【Lu Ci: What's the point of being a coward? Just fight. If you don't fight with a strong opponent, what's the point of practicing?】

【Wang Ai: The young people of this generation don’t have enough courage!】

【Ding Shimaan: Don't worry, Goku will come, he will not give up this planet. If he doesn't come, the earth will definitely be destroyed by these two Saiyans. They have done this kind of thing many times before!】

【Feng Zhenghao: Alas, facing such a powerful enemy, he dared to rush over without hesitation. Xia Yu must have had an extraordinary past life! 】

At this time, in the Tianxia Association.

Feng Xingtong, who was sitting next to him, seemed to have seen through his father's thoughts, so he asked:

"Dad, do you have any idea about Xia Yu?"

Feng Zhenghao nodded:

"Indeed, if this Sun Wukong is really Xia Yu's previous life, then Xia Yu must be good. If Tianxiahui can absorb such an extraordinary person, it will be of great help to us!"

After hearing his words, Feng Qingtong immediately came to a conclusion.

So he nodded and replied:

""I understand. I know what to do now!"

Then, he exited the chat software.

Then, he walked out of the top floor office of Tianxiahui with several bodyguards!


Under Naba's tough tactics, everyone became more and more desperate, but they did not give up, and finally even turned to death.

Even though Jiaozi had died once and could not be resurrected with the Dragon Balls, he did not flinch when facing Naba's iron fist, and even threw himself on his back.

Then he directly turned on the self-destruct mode.

He wanted to die with him.


After a violent explosion.

Looking at the brilliant flames in the sky, Tien Shinhan screamed, even such a tough man, tears welled up from the corners of his eyes.

In his mind, he recalled the path of mutual help between himself and Jiaozi!

Seeing that the big guy was still alive.

He had already broken one arm, but he used all his strength to fire the last Qigong cannon at him, and then died!

【Bai Shixue: Wow, the lovely dumplings are gone just like that. Will they never be resurrected?】

【Canglong: Naba, I’ll fuck your ancestors!】

【Zhuge Qing: There are only three people left in Piccolo's group, and the little crybaby is just there to make up the numbers. They can't fight anymore!】

【Wang Ye: Although I don’t have the heart to say it, but it’s probably only a matter of time before they are completely wiped out!】

【Zhang Chulan: What a pity, Gohan is still so young and he has to experience death!】

【Lu Linglong: Is there no hope?]

The same words were given by Naba to the unyielding warriors:

"You have no hope!"

Then he turned his gaze to the weakest Gohan, and a sneer appeared on his lips again:

"You must be Kakarot's son!"

"You also have Saiyan blood in your veins!"

"I think you should be able to play with me for a while longer!

Then, he actually punched Gohan and knocked him to the ground. The evil in his eyes made him look nothing like a human being, but more like a sinful beast!

Although Gohan was in pain all over, he struggled to get up from the ground.

"Hehehe, that’s right!"

"Don't fall down so quickly!"

Naba sneered again, and then rushed towards Gohan again.

But he was stopped by Krillin.

At the most brilliant moment, he almost cut off Naba's head with a Qi Yuan Zhan.

Gohan also took this opportunity to swing his fist at the enemy, and punched him hard, completely stimulating his anger and potential talent.

However, this also aroused Naba's rage!

Originally, this bald Saiyan wanted to play with this group of people.

But now, this guy has already had the intention to kill! So

, while roaring, he waved a Qi Gong with one hand, and seemed to have made up his mind to send this kid to the west:

"Go to hell, kid!"

"Hahaha, I wonder how Kakarot would feel if he knew you were dead!"

Although his heart was filled with fear at this moment.

Facing this pressure, Gohan, who was only five years old, could not move at all and could only wait for death!

But at this moment.

Piccolo, who was not supposed to have human emotions.

His mind couldn't help but think of every bit of his time with Gohan in the past year, and at the same time his body quickly ran over, as if he had made some kind of decision.

Even at the moment when he stood in front of Gohan, he didn't say a word.

He just used the action of resisting to prove that he, the Great Demon King Piccolo, was not without emotions!

Then, in the violent light waves.

Piccolo roared...

It's a pity that when the light faded, the proud Piccolo Great Demon King finally fell to the ground and was completely out of breath...

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