【Stranger Chat Group】

【Zhuge Qing: Piccolo is a man!】

【Wang Ye: As a former enemy, it is not easy for him to do this for the Sun family.】

【Bai Shixue: Oh my god, I actually cried because of a former villain!】

【Canglong: (Chuckling) No wonder Krillin said before that Piccolo was the Sun family’s nanny. So this is what he meant. I seem to understand something suddenly!】

【(Dragon Ball) Piccolo: @Krillin, would you like to say it again and translate it for me, what does this sentence mean?】

【(Dragon Ball) Krillin: Um... ahem, Goku is almost here, right? Come on, let's go and see Goku's performance. As for the trivial matters, don't mind them so much!】

【Lu Linglong: Ah, Goku is coming, it’s all over, I’m so scared that he can’t defeat these Saiyans!】

【(Dragon Ball) Master Roshi: You have to have faith in him!】


The video continues...

Facing Piccolo who fell to the ground, Gohan, the little crybaby, cried again and kept pushing her body, his eyes filled with tears:

"Uncle Piccolo!"

"Why did you save me?"

No matter how he called out, the man under him closed his eyes forever and could no longer answer his questions!

As for Naba, who saw this scene, he raised a sarcastic smile:


"Although the order of killing has changed a bit, it doesn't matter, you will all die sooner or later!"

Perhaps because of Naba's mocking words, Gohan was sad, and anger towards these Saiyans surged in his heart. Then he raised his hands and continued to gather strength!



"His combat power has actually increased to 2800!"

Seeing this little guy madly improving his combat power, even Vegeta, who was standing behind Naba, was stunned for a moment, and then nodded thoughtfully:

"Sure enough, these people will change their fighting power according to their own will!"

But he did not remind his companions.

Because this little attack power can't hurt them, the Saiyans!

Sure enough, after Gohan roared.

This Qigong wave attacked the opponent like a dragon.

But when it got close, it was deflected by the big guy's hand and fell on the rock beside him, causing a violent explosion!

"You little brat, you really know how to do something amazing!"

"My hands are really numb!"

After saying this, Naba wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and then walked towards Wuhan step by step.

With every step, the deterrent power will be strengthened!

"Little devil, this time, I will definitely send you to hell!"

But facing him slowly approaching, Wuhan had no strength left in his body because of the attack just now, and he could not escape!


"Later I will see my son dying tragically on the ground!"

"I wonder what kind of expression Kakarot would have?"

The next second, he immediately raised his right foot and stepped on Gohan's head.

With Gohan's current ability, if he was hit by this blow, he would definitely die, and his death would be extremely tragic, and his brain would probably be blown out!

【Bai Shixue: Big guy, stop it!】

【Feng Baobao: It’s all over!】

【Zhi Jinhua: No matter who you are, please save the little crybaby. I don’t want to see Wukong face the pain of losing his son just after his resurrection!】

【Zhang Lingyu: These Saiyans deserve to die for attacking lives weaker than themselves!】

【Jia Zhengliang: Shameless Saiyans, people like you will be cursed in our village!!】

【Ding Shimaan: These beasts don't deserve the title of cultivators! 】

The reason why Ding Shimaan joined Quan Xing was because he wanted to face stronger opponents. If he claimed to be a Quan Xing, the opponent would fight him with all his strength.

In this way, he could improve his strength faster.

But even so, he always did things in an upright manner, and respected masters the most in his life.

The key is that he doesn't like to bully the weak.

So when he saw this scene, he was even more angry.

If he was given a chance, whether he won or lost, he wanted to enter this Dragon Ball world and fight with these tasteless Saiyans, even if he knew he would die!


However, just when Nappa's foot was about to fall... a figure came rushing over, and finally turned into an afterimage, instantly rescuing Gohan from under Nappa's feet!

"What's going on?"

This scene also frightened Naba.

When he looked back, he saw a yellow cloud carrying lunch slowly passing by.

At the same time, a huge sense of oppression suddenly came over him!

"Somersault Cloud?"

Gohan, who thought he was going to die, opened his eyes in horror, only to find that he was on his father's Somersault Cloud, so he shouted excitedly!

After being stunned, Vegeta raised his head.

Only then did he realize that, just above him, a person in orange clothes was staring at them, and there was even a hint of coldness in his eyes in a trance!


At this moment, there was light in Gohan's eyes!


Krillin also smiled.

Not only them.

When the other people saw Wukong appear, they also felt a glimmer of hope in their hearts:

【Lu Linglong: Wukong, he is finally here!】

【Zhuge Qing: No matter if he can win or not, at least he saved the little crybaby, so this resurrection is not in vain! 】

However, in addition to the excitement, most people are worried:

【Zhi Jinhua: But judging from their current combat power, Goku has no chance of being a match for the two of them. If he comes, he will probably die in vain!】

【Wang Ye: If he takes Gohan and Krillin and runs away now, will the two of them be able to catch up in these two seasons?】

【Zhang Chulan: What do you think?】

【Xu San: According to my data analysis, after this���After years of training, Goku's combat power may reach four or five thousand. This value may be able to compete with Nappa, but he is definitely not a match for Vegeta!】

【Xiao Xiao: This is also fine, at least he can deal with this big guy without Vegeta interfering!】

【Yun: Don't be naive, how could he not take action? 】

After this was said, everyone fell silent again.

If it is true as Xu San said, with Goku's nascent fighting power, I am afraid he is still no match for the two people on the opposite side!

Sure enough, when he saw him.

Vegeta's first reaction was to sneer:

"What are you doing here, Kakarot?"

"Are you going to say,"I'm going to beat you up?"

But Wukong didn't bother to pay attention to him.

Instead, he walked straight to Piccolo and reached out his hand to touch the back of his neck. Then, his eyes became more serious:


"Uncle Piccolo died to protect me!"

Gohan explained in a tearful voice.

After hearing this,

Goku looked up at other corners again, and saw Tien Shinhan who had lost an arm and fell to the ground, and Yamcha who died in a deep pit.

At the same time, he heard from Naba that Jiaozi also killed himself because of his resistance to him.

For a moment, the resentment in his heart also emerged completely.

Then, he walked towards Naba step by step.

At this time, his state seemed much calmer.

It was as if the person in front of him was just an ant...!

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