"How could I let a low-ranking soldier like you look down on me?"

"Unforgivable, I must kill you!"

After a series of defeats, Naba even lost his composure. As the pride of a Saiyan, he would not allow himself to be surpassed by such an inferior warrior!

However, at this moment, Vegeta on the side suddenly spoke:

"Let your head cool down first!"

"If you deal with it calmly, you can still defeat him, Nabal!"

"Calm down!"

After hearing his words, Nabal calmed down and returned to his original state:

"Thanks for your reminder!"

"I was so angry just now!"

"From now on, I will show my true abilities!"


【Alien chat group】

【Zhuge Qing: The Saiyan behind him, although short in stature, is incredibly calm. He is Goku's formidable rival!】

【Zhi Jinhua: When fighting, it is fatal to lose calmness. In comparison, the Saiyan behind him is obviously more mentally stable, and his strength is also stronger!】

【Bai Shixue: But in this case, if Goku faces him, won’t he be in danger?】

【Xiao Xiao: Don’t worry about that for now. Even if he’s a big guy, he’ll be very scary once he calms down!】

【Zhang Lingyu: This battle is really difficult!】


After calming down, Naba roared and pushed his body to the peak state again.

At the same time, the ground around him began to tremble! With a sneer, he raised his hand and a burst of fire instantly ignited in front of Wukong!

"Humph, I see you!"

After finding Wukong's position, he jumped into the sky and started a desperate fight again!

But facing his full-strength defense, Wukong smiled:

"Not bad, now it finally looks good!"

These words further ignited Nabal's anger:

"What did you say!"

"How dare you say such arrogant words!"

"You're dead this time!"

Then, he suddenly opened his mouth.

After a sound similar to spitting, a wave of light suddenly burst out of his mouth!

Wukong's reaction was even faster. The moment he sprayed the light wave, he immediately raised his hand and hit him with Kamehameha!

After a brief stalemate, both Qigong waves exploded.

Vegeta, who was closest to them, showed a shocked expression:

"How could this guy react so quickly to block the attack from such a close distance?"

When the smoke on the battlefield cleared,

Wukong was unharmed.

Naba also said in an unbelievable tone:

"Impossible, that's my strongest move!"

"He actually cracked it!"

At this point, Vegeta below seemed to have seen through the essence of the matter and said loudly:

"Nabal, it's okay, come down quickly!"

"You can't come to a conclusion with him!"

"Let me handle the next thing!"



Hearing this, Naba's face was full of reluctance and anger, and he seemed unwilling to retreat like this.

Especially his dignity as a Saiyan, which made him furious!

So after completely losing his reason and patience, he cursed in a low voice, and actually stopped caring about Goku, but rushed towards Krillin and Gohan.

"Oh no, he's heading towards them!"

Goku was shocked when he saw this.

He then quickly chased after him.

But because Naba was one step ahead, even though Goku was flying much faster than him, he couldn't catch up in a short time.

And with Naba's destructive power, if he really rushed over, Krillin and Gohan would be killed in just a moment!

【Lu Linglong: This bald guy is shameless. He can’t beat Goku, so he goes to bully two kids. Has he eaten up the pride of the Saiyans?】

【Zhang Chulan: Little-known fact: Krillin is one year older than Goku!】

【(Dragon Ball) Krillin: Although what you said is right, I feel like you are scolding me!】

【Wang Ye: No, the distance is too far, Wukong has no time to catch up!】

【Hibiscus: Based on the current speed, Napa will reach Krillin and Lunch first, and Goku will arrive two seconds later, so Krillin must hold on for two seconds!】

【Lu Ci: Impossible, with that bald guy’s level, he can’t even last a minute!】

【Bai Shixue: What should I do then!】


Likewise, it's not just them.

After calculating their speeds, Goku frowned, as if he had realized this.

When he was infinitely close to Krillin and Gohan, the big guy opened his mouth again with a big smile on his face.

It seemed that he was ready to release the same move again to quickly end these two guys and give this low-level Saiyan a painful blow!

At this critical moment.

Goku saw that the situation was not good, and suddenly shouted:


The next second, the aura around his body turned red, and his combat power soared rapidly in front of the naked eye!

Similarly, his speed also soared!


This scene completely stunned Vegeta!

Even before he could react, Goku had already increased his speed, and then, with a few afterimages, he punched Nappa on the back in just a blink of an eye!

Then he flashed again!

When he landed, he had lifted the paralyzed Nappa above his head with one hand.

At this time, Alaba's face was distorted, and his eyes were full of bloodshot.

He wanted to resist, but perhaps because of the blow just now, his body was already paralyzed at this time, and he couldn't even make a sound!

This scene also stunned Krillin and Lunch.

They didn't expect that at their most dangerous moment.

Goku, who had fallen behind, somehow rushed up in an instant and solved the big guy at an extremely fast speed. His fighting power was terrifying and amazing!

After reacting, Gohan murmured:

"What happened just now?"

Klin asked:

"Wukong, when did you……"

There was no way, the scene just now was too fast.

Even Krillin, who was in the same period as Goku, only saw a shadow, and didn't even see the action of the attack, and the battle was over!

As for Goku, he didn't answer anything, but threw the paralyzed Nappa out and threw it directly at Vegeta's feet!

This scene not only shocked everyone present.

It also made the strange people in the chat group sigh:

【Wang Ergou: This...what kind of boxing is this!】

【Zhang Lingyu: Can anyone tell me what happened just now? How did Wukong speed up in an instant and get rid of Naba?】

【Feng Shayan: It was too fast, too fast, I couldn’t see it clearly at all!】

【Xu San: My system just showed that after Goku shouted out the name of the move called"Kaioh-ken", his speed increased by two to three times, so the afterimage appeared!】

【Er Zhuang: I’ve calculated it. Just now, Goku’s speed increased by 2.23 times, and according to the data, this is not even his full strength!】

【Xu Si: Hiss, is this guy still hiding his strength even though his combat power has soared to 8000? How terrifying is his upper limit? 】

After a moment of silence,

Er Zhuang jumped out again:

【His fighting ability is probably not inferior to that of the small Saiyan standing over there. Their limits are basically the same.……!】

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