As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked again.

In fact, many people knew Er Zhuang's identity. In addition to being a temporary worker, she was also a master of Yang Shen.

Although she lay in the nutrient solution all day, she could inject her soul into any electronic system and control all electronic equipment.

Similarly, it could also rely on electronic equipment to complete the most precise calculations.

In other words, what she just said was the most accurate strength survey of both sides!

【Zhuge Qing: But, I feel that the little Saiyan is much stronger than Nappa. If Goku is as strong as him,……!】

【Ding Shimaan: Now I am more curious about what kind of training he went through in this year to improve his strength so quickly!】

【Lu Jin: Genius, this is a true genius!】


On the big screen, seeing Naba falling in front of him, Vegeta looked at him with a very cold gaze, as if he was no longer important.

After landing, Goku slowly said:

"This guy should no longer be able to fight!"

"Take him with you now and get off the Earth immediately!"

But Vegeta was unmoved.

Instead, he was shocked. What on earth was that thing just now? Why did the power and speed increase exponentially after using it?

Krillin on the side also asked:

"Goku, how did you do it?"

"Is this the boxing technique you learned from the man called King Kai in Huangquan?"

To this, Wukong explained:

"Yes, that’s called Kaio-ken!"

"It can control the energy of the whole body, causing it to surge in an instant. If used successfully, the strength, speed, destructive power and defensive power will increase several times!"

Hearing his words, Vegeta, who was standing far away, broke out in a cold sweat, as if he had heard something incredible.


"Save me…save me!"

It was not until Nabal, who was lying on the ground, cried for help that he was brought back to reality.

He said nothing about Nabal’s defeat, but held the other’s raised hand.

""I'm sorry!"

Naba thought Vegeta was going to rescue him, so he apologized again.

But he didn't expect that his words would be met with a sneer from the latter:

"Humph, where?"

""Go to hell!"

As soon as he said these three words, he suddenly exerted force and threw his former companion into the sky.

Even Goku and the other two were stunned by this act of harming his own companion.

But Vegeta didn't care.

Instead, he said:

""Sorry, I don't need someone without fighting ability!"

Then, he suddenly began to accumulate strength.

At this moment, the surrounding space also began to twist, as if it was affected by his power.

Even the air began to tremble.

""What a strong energy!"

Even from a distance,

Goku could feel that this small Saiyan was the most terrifying and toughest opponent he had ever seen!

Under the influence of this energy, if Gohan hadn't been holding Goku's legs, he would have been knocked over with his concentration.

"You deserve to die!"

As the roar sounded, the energy expanded several times again.

The next second, Vegeta destroyed all the power in his body at one point, and shot the generated laser wave directly upwards, and soon submerged Naba's body.

""Be! Ji! Ta!"

Naba was unable to utter a complete sentence in this light, and was crushed to ashes by this power, without even a body left!

At the same time, this violent explosion also affected the surrounding boulders.

Even the terrifying shockwave lasted for several seconds before it dissipated.……


【Alien chat group】

【Zhang Lingyu: Are all Saiyans so crazy? They even kill their own people. They have absolutely no humanity!】

【Lu Linglong: The key is that this destructive power is really terrifying, even comparable to Goku's Kaio-ken just now. The outcome of the battle between the two of them is still unknown!】

【Er Zhuang: The fighting power is very close, I can’t analyze it at the moment, we can only see who has better fighting skills!】

【Xiao Xiao: Wukong... Wukong has been fighting since he was a child, so his combat experience should not be inferior to the other party!】

【Feng Shayan: The person above, let me remind you that although Goku has rich combat experience, the Saiyans are also a warlike race and they definitely have a lot of combat experience, so this victory is really a question of courtesy!】

【Zhang Chulan: By the way, has anyone mentioned the name Vegeta before? Why do I feel like I've seen it somewhere?

Although Zhang Chulan hit the point, it was a pity that the people in the group ignored him completely and focused their attention on the battle. They kept praying that Goku would not lose to this little guy!


"He is so inhumane!"

"Even killing his own companions!"

Even Krillin couldn't help but complain about the Saiyans killing their companions.

Vegeta glanced at him, but was too lazy to pay attention to this weak earthling. Instead, he turned his eyes to Goku.

Under the intimidation of the other's eyes, Goku seemed to understand something.

So he hurriedly warned:

"Lunch, Krillin, you guys go back to Kame House right now!"

Krillin rarely saw Goku look so serious, so after a few seconds of hesitation, he immediately nodded and replied:

"I see!"

"You heard it too, right, Gohan? Let's go!"

But Gohan still couldn't let go of his father, so he hesitated and said:


Seeing this, Klin immediately explained:

"Gohan, that guy is too powerful!"

"We stay here���, will only become a burden to Wukong!"

"If we stay here, Goku will have to take time off to protect us, so how can he concentrate on fighting the enemy?"

After getting Goku's confirmation, Gohan finally understood the importance of the matter, and then nodded and agreed:

"OK, I understand!"

But before leaving, Klin added:

"Goku, can you fight somewhere else?"

"If this battle leaves everyone physically disabled, it will be hard to explain when they revive!"

As for Goku's statement that everyone could not be resurrected, he blinked and recalled what Vegeta had just said about Namek, so he hinted to Goku that the next thing should be discussed back at Kame House.

However, the premise of all this is to defeat the guy below!

At the last moment, Krillin stretched out his hand:

"Wukong, we are so sorry that we always give the important tasks to you!"

"Good friend, you must not die!"

Wukong was stunned for a moment, then nodded solemnly.

He stretched out his hand and shook hands with Krillin!

Vaguely, he could still see the tears in Krillin's eyes!


After the two of them left, Goku fell from the sky again and stood on each side with Vegeta in front of him.

This fateful battle is about to begin...!

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