After seeing Gohan and Krillin leave, Goku began to really fight against the last Saiyan!

However, Vegeta didn't care about Goku, the enemy

, but sneered:


"Have you chosen this place as your final burial place?"

"You should feel honored. A first-level warrior like me rarely fights with lower-level warriors!"

From him, Goku learned that Saiyans would undergo a physical examination of their warrior qualities as soon as they were born.

Children who were deemed to have low combat power would be sent to a planet without strong enemies!

But Goku was not discouraged at all. Instead, he retorted:

"Then I really want to thank you for sending me to Earth!"

"Besides, there is only a fine line between an idiot and a genius, and if you work hard, you can surpass the top students!"

This sentence is a joke in Vegeta's eyes.

But in the eyes of the other people, it has become a classic sentence that inspires them:

【Xiao Xiao: I didn’t expect that the little kid could say such philosophical words. He is worthy of being Wukong!】

【Bai Shixue: Take note of this in your little notebook, take note of this in your little notebook. These words make my blood boil. Lu Linglong, listen to me, don’t think you can do whatever you want just because you are talented. I will defeat you one day!】

【Zhi Jinhua: Ahem, the premise that Wukong mentioned is that you have to work hard. As for you, Xiaobai... forget it!】

【Bai Shixue: Ahhh, Huaer, you hit me again, are we still good friends?】

【Zhuge Qing: There is only a fine line between an idiot and a genius. I understand. So no matter whether you are an idiot or a genius, you should not be proud of your achievements or be extremely disappointed. As long as you work hard, an idiot can reach the level of a genius!】

【Feng Baobao: Zhang Chulan, did you hear that?】

【Zhang Chulan: Hey, Sister Baoer, why don’t you just say what you should say? Why do you have to point fingers at me? I’m not an idiot!】

【Xu Si: The baby didn't say anything, could it be... Zhang Chulan, you think so too? (smirk)

At this time, Lu Jin did not participate in the discussion of the children in the group, but fell into memories!

I remember when I was young, there was a person in their group who was called the genius of other people's children.

This guy is extremely talented. Even when he was in his teens, he could easily defeat adult aliens, and beat him up when he was the same age as him.

This guy is Zhang Zhiwei!

Since then, in order to surpass this damn guy, Lu Jin's efforts in cultivation can be said to be ten times or a hundred times higher than Zhang Zhiwei, and he has always regarded him as a goal.

And now, he thinks that even if there is still a gap between him and Zhang Zhiwei, it should not be as outrageous as it was back then.

At least, he feels that he can deal with Zhang Zhiwei for a few moves.

Thinking of this, he murmured:

"Niubizi, I would like to say the same thing to you!"

"I want you to know that the difference between ordinary people and geniuses can be made up through hard work, so one day, I will definitely surpass you!"



Go back to the video...

Although according to Erzhuang's estimation, if Goku tries his best, he may be able to fight Vegeta to a draw.

However, when Goku did not use the King-Fist, his combat power was probably a little over 8,000, which was far less than Vegeta's current strength.

So from the beginning, he was suppressed by Vegeta.

Especially after Vegeta exploded.

As his roar sounded, not only the entire land, but even the entire earth was shaking because of his power!

Even in Master Kame's hut thousands of miles away, Master Kame, Oolong, and Chi-Chi could feel the vibrations all around through the crystal ball of the fortune-teller.

It was even comparable to the magnitude of an earthquake!

Then, when Goku and Vegeta officially fought each other, the battle situation was directly one-sided.

Even the double King-Fist used by Goku could not suppress this guy.

And facing Vegeta's wanton laughter.

Goku sighed secretly:

"Damn, what kind of power and speed is this!"

"Even the double Kaio-ken can't keep up!"

Then he seemed to have made up his mind, and tore off the remaining half of his clothes, with a smile on his face:

"Never mind, there is no choice!"

"Even if my body can’t support me anymore, it doesn’t matter, just die!"

"I must triple the power of the Kaio-ken!"

After thinking this over, he suddenly began to use the energy hidden in his body and stimulate his body's potential.

In the process of surpassing his potential, his body even expanded a lot more than before, and his muscles became more impressive:

"You must bear my body!"

""Triple Kaio-ken!"

After he finished shouting these five words, the North Kai King, who was far away in the sky, immediately showed a look of astonishment:

"No, you can’t increase it more than twice, Goku!"

"Your body won't be able to bear it!"

But his voice couldn't reach Goku at all.

With the fluctuations brought by the latter's shouting.

The whole ground also ushered in more violent tremors, and even gravel flew everywhere. The scene looked spectacular!

As for the Kame House, through the crystal of the fortune-teller, Bulma began to use the detector left by Raditz to detect Goku's combat power.

The numbers on it were also soaring wildly:





However, before she could finish, she heard a bang, and the detector that detected the combat power was directly blown up!

At the same time.

Gohan and Krillin, who were rushing to Kame's house, seemed to have felt this powerful force, so they stopped flying and looked back in amazement!

With the limit expansion of his body and the full excavation of his potential, Goku finally completed the steps to increase his combat power!

At the same time, his whole body glowed with a brighter red light!

This breath even made Vegeta, who claimed to be a first-level warrior, panic. He never thought that a low-level warrior could burst out such a powerful combat power.

But before he could think about it carefully.

Goku stepped on the ground with both feet, and with the bonus brought by the triple Kaio-ken, he rushed straight towards Vegeta.……!


【Alien chat group】

【Lu Linglong: Could this be what Er Zhuang mentioned before, Goku's full strength? He actually surpassed that Saiyan, so powerful!】

【Lu Ci: Every punch hits the flesh, it's such a satisfying fight, hahaha. But it seems that that guy has the advantage now. Not bad, he is the one I am optimistic about!】

【Feng Shayan: This time, Wukong should be able to get the final victory!】

【Zhuge Qing: Something is not right. Although Wukong has stimulated the potential of his body, when you look at his fighting state, it seems that he is hurting the enemy by a thousand but hurting himself by eight hundred!】

【Xu San: No, while Goku was improving his combat power, his body also entered a state of overload. If he continues like this, he won’t be able to hold on for long!】

【Zhang Lingyu: This……!】

【Bai Shixue: (Nervously) So Goku, will he lose?……?】

Back to the battlefield.

Under Goku's continuous attack, Vegeta went from being the active party to being the beaten party in just a moment. He was even knocked to the ground under the opponent's continuous bombardment, and almost vomited bile.

At this time, he was squatting on the ground with his hands on his abdomen, opening his eyes wide, and muttering in disbelief:


"There is no way Kakaros's fighting ability can surpass mine!"

"This is impossible!"

But at this time, he didn't seem to realize that Goku, while happy, also felt a pain in his body, which seemed to be caused by his forced use of the triple Kaio-ken.

For a moment, he became so painful that he couldn't even move!

As for who would win or lose in this battle, it has become even more confusing now...

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