"It hurts, it hurts!"

This was Goku's first reaction after using the Quadruple Kaio-ken.

At this moment, he only felt that his whole body was like an expanding container.

Both the muscles and blood vessels became extremely painful after bearing this huge pressure!

Yajirobe, who had finally crawled out of the rock pile, looked at Goku in shock.

He murmured:

"He…he actually won!"

Then he ran over like a 200-pound child, shouting:

""Wukong, Wukong is great, you won!"

But at this moment, Wukong lost control of his expression in pain.

After her explanation, the latter realized that the reason why he was able to win was because he overdrew his body and fought with his life!

But after that, Wukong looked up worriedly and said:

"Yajirobe, you should escape now!"

"What? Is he……?"

Hearing this, Yajirobe was startled, and a bad premonition came to his mind.

What Wukong said next also proved his guess:

"That's right, he's still alive!"

"If this could kill him, I wouldn't have to work so hard!"


At this time, in the sky.

After being pushed far away by the Kamehameha, Vegeta recovered and escaped from the light wave, but his condition was extremely embarrassing.

Not only was his body covered with bloodstains, but even his combat armor was torn into pieces.

As the prince of the Saiyans, he had never suffered such humiliation, so he immediately shouted:


"Why, why is Kakarot's fighting ability higher than mine!"

"Damn it, I'm a Saiyan, I'm the strongest warrior in the world!"

Then, as if he had thought of something, he muttered to himself:

"Now, appearance is no longer important!"

"I'm going to turn into a gorilla and trample you to death!"

Perhaps he had a premonition that his trip might not be particularly smooth, so he deliberately arrived on Earth when the moon was full.

However, after all the inspections, he didn't even see the shadow of the moon, so he muttered with a puzzled look:

"Strange, the moon should be visible at this time!"


【Alien chat group】

【Zhuge Qing: I'm dying of laughter. This guy would never have imagined that the moon of this planet was first blown up by Master Roshi and then by Piccolo. It probably hasn't recovered yet!】

【Zhang Chulan: Yueliang said, first of all, I didn’t offend anyone!】

【Shiraishi Yuki: I want to see how Vegeta will react when he finds out about this!】

【Wang Ye: But speaking of it, this guy is really strong. He was hit by such a Kamehameha wave but was not hurt at all. He is worthy of being the prince of Saiyans!】

【Lu Linglong: So what? I still got spanked by Wukong!】

【Feng Shayan: What I am worried about is that Vegeta may not know that Goku can no longer move, but he will know it sooner or later. Once he realizes it, Goku will be in danger!

Fortunately, Vegeta is a stubborn guy. He seems to have decided that he is no match for Goku, so he starts to look for the moon frantically.

"Can't find it, why can't I find it!"

After searching for a long time, he still didn't see the shadow of the moon. He vaguely guessed that the moon was probably destroyed by Wukong to prevent him from turning into a gorilla!

But he was a fighting genius after all. He quickly thought of a way.

So he quickly landed on the ground, then looked at Wukong and laughed:

"Don't think that I can't transform just because you destroyed the moon!"

"You are wrong!"

He did not realize at this moment that Wukong himself did not know about the gorilla, but continued to talk to himself:

"Moonlight is the reflection of sunlight. Only when sunlight shines on the moon and reflects, will it produce Bruce light waves. When the moon is full, the Bruce light waves will exceed 17 million units!"

"After the eyes absorb more than 17 million Bruce light waves, the tail will react and then begin to transform!"

As for the method Vegeta mentioned, it is to use the oxygen layer of the planet and its own power to mix and artificially create a moon!

Then, he gathered the kicking light ball.

Then, in Wukong's puzzled eyes, he threw it upward with force.

Sure enough, after a strong reaction between the light ball and the oxygen layer, a light brighter than moonlight appeared in the sky.

At the same time, this light also made Vegeta begin to react.

Under the huge pressure.

He gasped heavily, his teeth began to become sharp, and his body size was gradually increasing. In the end, he really succeeded in turning into a terrifying gorilla.

Wukong was also shocked at this time, and his eyes were full of doubts.

But out Due to fighting instinct.

He still subconsciously stayed away from the gorilla, and kept moving during his attack to avoid this guy's attack.

What's more puzzling is that this gorilla can actually speak.

In his explanation, Goku learned that after the Saiyan turned into a gorilla, his combat power would increase 10 times!

At this time, Goku was unconsciously immersed in memories.

I remember when he was a child, Grandpa Gohan once told him.

When the moon is full, there will be monsters similar to gorillas coming out to destroy, and told Goku not to go out!

The god also said that he would never let this troublesome tail grow again.

It was not until this time.

Goku understood everything!

"I finally figured it out!"

"So this is how it is!"

"The person who stepped on Grandpa Gohan to death was me. The monster who appeared in the martial arts venue and destroyed the venue was also me. In fact, all of this was caused by me alone!"

"I'm sorry, Grandpa, this guy is an unforgivable bastard. If I die, I will go and apologize to you!"

After hearing Wukong's self-narration, everyone in the chat group was heartbroken:

【Lu Linglong: I feel this is so cruel to Wukong. He is the last person to know about this.】

【Zhi Jinhua: And the grandfather he always respected actually died at his own hands. No one would be able to accept this!】

【Xiao Xiao: But then again, this is the principle behind how Saiyans transform into gorillas!】

【Wang Zhenqiu: The most outrageous thing is that this guy turned into a gorilla and still had self-awareness. This is too buggy!】

【Zhang Chulan: Um... I'm the only one curious. What brand is this guy's clothes? His body has grown dozens of times bigger but they're still not torn. The quality must be top-notch!】

【Xu Si: Zhang Chulan, shut up and stop talking nonsense!】

【Zhang Lingyu: If the combat power is ten times, Wukong might……】

Having said this, he did not continue speaking.

Instead, he continued to look at the big screen with a nervous look on his face, feeling very uneasy...!

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