Wukong seemed to understand this, so he took advantage of the gorilla's wanton destruction and ran to the distant hillside, then slowly stretched out his hands and murmured:

"The earth……!"

"Ocean, and all living people!"

"Please give me some of your energy!"

"Please help me!"

When Goku was on King Kai's planet, he learned two special moves from King Kai. One of them was the King's Fist just now, and the other was what he was doing now.

Under his inspiration, there was a faint sound of wind around him.

With this summons, countless vitality surged out from the surrounding lakes, mountains, rivers, flowers and plants, gradually gathered towards Goku, and continued to condense this thing called the Spirit Bomb.

As the second special move given by King Kai, the Spirit Bomb can concentrate the vitality of all things, and the product of the gathering is also the energy of justice, which can eliminate all evil in the world!

Unfortunately, when he was gathering,

Vegeta reacted first, and then while he had completed the gathering of the Spirit Bomb and was about to fire it, he took the lead in spraying out a wave of light.

And knocked him out!

This scene was also seen by Gohan and Krillin who rushed back after hearing the news.


Seeing that Goku was already in the hands of the gorilla and was almost dying, Krillin realized that his weakness was his tail.

So he immediately ran forward and began to concentrate his own ultimate move, Qi Yuan Zhan!

Unfortunately, this move was dodged by the gorilla.


Facing Klin's shock, the gorilla slowly turned his head and said sarcastically:

"You think I didn't notice you, right?"

"I knew you would use this kind of trick!"

But during this period of time, the gorilla split into two.

The next second, a painful expression appeared on his face.

It turned out that while he was taunting, the fat swordsman Yajirobe had secretly circled around him, and while he was not paying attention, he chopped down with a knife and successfully cut his tail into two sections!

Yajirobe, who succeeded, also ran away. The speed even stunned Krillin and Gohan!

【Xu Si: I have to say, although this guy is a bit cowardly, the key is that he is really useful. The chop he made with the sword was brilliant!】

【Yun: Hahaha, chop and then run, I like this style. I unilaterally declare that this fat guy is Wukong’s best assistant today!】

【Feng Shayan: But then, they are not easy to fight, Vegeta turned into a human form, but their strength can be compared with porcelain!

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Gohan once again burst out the potential of his body, and in order to protect his father, he fought with Vegeta.

Taking advantage of this air raid, Goku, who was lying on the ground with scars all over his body, said:

"Klin, hold my hand!"

"Hurry up, or Gohan will die!"

He could see that Gohan, who was now in a violent state, was actually just a spent force and might not last too long!

Although Krillin didn't understand what Goku was talking about, he still reached out his hand out of trust in his friend.

After a while of meditation, a white airflow appeared on Goku's arm and transferred to Krillin.

Seeing this scene, Krillin was also shocked and exclaimed:

"Wow...so awesome!"

"What's this?"

"What a huge breath of energy!"


"This... is called the Spirit Bomb, and it can be used against him!"

After explaining, Wukong told him how to use this energy:

"Put it on the palm of your hand and concentrate the energy on one point!"

"This will form a ball!"

"Please, Gohan can't control this energy yet!"

Under Goku's teaching,

Krillin immediately did as he said.

In just a moment, a ball with white light flashing all over his hand appeared in his hand.

Seeing that Gohan could no longer resist, he followed Goku's words and thought in his heart. After feeling the evil energy, he threw the energy bomb in his hand! At this moment, everyone held their breath.

Because his attack determined the fate of everyone!

Unfortunately, at the moment when the ball of light was thrown out, Vegeta felt a powerful force coming towards him.

So at the last moment, he stood up and dodged.

He actually avoided this fatal attack!


This scene made Krillin's heart sink!

Fortunately, after missing Vegeta, the Spirit Bomb actually attacked Gohan.

The rule of the Spirit Bomb is that it has no killing power for people who have no evil in their hearts.

So relying on the purity in his heart, Gohan not only did not suffer any damage to the Spirit Bomb, but also pushed the Spirit Bomb back.

This time, Vegeta still wanted to dodge.

Unfortunately, it was too late.

The moment the Spirit Bomb hit the target, a ray of light shone all around.

Vegeta, who was submerged in the light, screamed heartbreakingly, and looked very painful!

When this power ended, he lost his support and collapsed to the ground, as if he had lost his life.

Seeing his miserable appearance.

Krillin, the only one who was still able to move, stood in front of him and murmured:

"Although you deserve it, I will still build a tomb for you!"

Just the next second, Vegeta, who should have lost his fighting ability, suddenly opened his eyes and said coldly:

""Build your graves?"

This scene once again shocked everyone.

They never thought that even after being hit by the spirit bomb, this guy still had such a strong vitality to survive. Is this guy still a human?

This scene also refreshed the three views of the aliens.

However, they also had some more guesses:

【Zhi Jinhua: Is this guy made of iron? He is still alive like this, it’s too outrageous!】

【Zhuge Qing: But then again, isn't the Spirit Bomb designed to destroy any evil energy? So if this attack can't kill Vegeta, doesn't that mean he……!】

【Wang Ye: This guy... might be in the same situation as Piccolo before!】

【Canglong: Stop making excuses for him. If this guy can become a good person, I will show you a golden light spell to make you eat raw food!】

【Zhang Chulan: But it’s hard to say. Piccolo was so evil before, but now he has become the nanny of the Sun family. So in the world of Dragon Ball, everything is possible!】

【(Dragon Ball) Piccolo: Boy, I advise you to reorganize your language!】

【Zhang Chulan: Um... excuse me! 】

But no matter what, Vegeta did survive after being hit by a Spirit Bomb.

Although he had exhausted most of his strength at this time.

But compared to the rest of the people, he was still invincible!

The next second, he immediately stood up and slapped Krillin on the neck, knocking him out, and then once again forced himself to hold on and sneered:

"This time, I must destroy this planet and get rid of all of you garbage at the same time!"

Then, he began to attack Gohan again and knocked him to the ground.

However, at this moment, he realized that... unlike Goku, whose tail had been broken

, the current Son Gohan's tail was still hanging behind him.

In addition, the artificial moon he just created had not yet been destroyed.

In other words... when he saw the child under him���When a red light flashed in his eyes, he suddenly had a bad premonition...!

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