When the huge iron fist landed on Vegeta's head, the latter was still in a state of confusion.

He had clearly been rushing to get rid of this kid.

Unfortunately, he was still a step too late.

Under the influence of the artificial moon.

Gohan, who had Saiyan blood, turned from a human cub into a huge gorilla in just a moment, and punished this arrogant guy in return!

Unfortunately, the gorilla that Gohan turned into was uncontrollable.

In addition, he was still young, and even if his combat power soared tenfold, he was still no match for Vegeta, whose combat power exceeded ten thousand.

And with a roar.

In the shock of countless waves of light emitted by Vegeta, the gorilla was hit and retreated again and again, and his body also emitted bursts of green smoke under these explosions.

At the same time, according to the previous analysis of Krillin's moves.

As a genius, he only took a moment to gather the Qi Yuan Zhan, and then swung it towards the opponent's tail!

After a roar.

The tail of Gohan who had turned into a gorilla was cut in two, and he himself, because of the cut tail, instantly lost his strength and fell straight down.

But at this moment, Vegeta realized that because he had just consumed a wave of strength, he could no longer move.

So he could only watch the huge body pressing down and then falling heavily to the ground.

And accompanied by a painful wail.

"Beat... beat him?"

Krillin was stunned for a moment after reacting, and then a smile appeared on his face!

In his sight, Gohan, who had turned back into human form, fell on Vegeta.

Because of the full force of the giant gorilla just now, although Vegeta was still conscious, he could no longer resist.

Seeing this scene, Yajirobe, who was pressed under the ruins, was shocked again:

"He...he's still alive!"

Klin also expressed his admiration for his tenacious vitality:

"How can he not be killed!"

Fortunately, after this, even if Vegeta was still alive, he had no strength left.

Now he knew that he could no longer fight, so he immediately took out the spaceship remote control and clicked it twice, then lay down again, and then gasped for breath.

Not long after, his aircraft came over.

"Finally here!"

Vegeta couldn't even stand up at this moment, so he had to crawl slowly towards the aircraft, muttering:

"I didn’t expect that this trip to Earth would fail!"

"Damn it! I am the strongest warrior in the universe, but I lost so miserably!"

Just when he was about to crawl to the front of the aircraft,

Krillin, who was the least injured, held on, picked up Yajirobe's knife, and walked towards Vegeta step by step. He was also muttering:

"Things have come to this point, don't even think about leaving!"

"I must kill you!"

【Zhuge Qing: Your Highness, where is your pride! 】

When he saw Vegeta turn around and look at Krillin holding a knife with a horrified expression, Zhuge Qing couldn't help laughing.

The other aliens saw that this guy had lost his ability to move, and they also typed:

【Canglong: Baldy, don't hesitate, chop him down quickly. If we let him run away, he will always be a disaster!】

【Zhang Chulan: Oh my god, the proud Saiyan is going to die at Krillin’s hands. I feel inexplicably relieved!】

【Xu Si: Today is a good day, I'll open a bottle of champagne later!】

【Lu Linglong: Cut it, cut it. If you can’t do it, let me do it. I’ll do it for you for free. No money required!】

【Lu Ci: Just chop it off with one blow. Why are you wasting so much time? You are not a man at all!

Seeing that this guy had no strength left,

Krillin gritted his teeth at him.

But just as he was about to chop it off, Wukong's voice suddenly rang in his ears:

"Wait a minute!"

This voice also made Klin stop his actions:

"The voice I just heard, was it you, Goku?"

In an open space not far from him, Goku was already powerless and could only communicate with Krillin through the voice coming from his heart:

"Yeah, because I can't say it out loud."

"But I'm so sorry, Klin, please let him go!"


""What are you talking about? Are you crazy?"

Even Krillin, who always trusted Wukong, couldn't help but ask back.

Because he couldn't figure out why Wukong let him go.

At this time, not only him

, but also the other people couldn't understand it at all:

【Zhuge Qing: What, you want to release it again?】

【Zhi Jinhua: Wukong, please don’t be too soft-hearted. If you let him go today, it would be like releasing a powerful enemy. He will definitely take revenge on you in the future!】

【Lu Ci: Boy, if you let him go, just think that I have misjudged you. You will definitely regret it later!】

【Lu Linglong: Although I respect Wukong, I can't understand why he let this demon who kills without blinking an eye go! 】

Then, Wukong also gave him an answer:

"I know Vegeta is terribly strong!"

"I can’t express it completely, but seeing him dying, I felt it was such a pity!"

"I thought my training with King Kai had reached its peak!"

"I didn’t expect Vegeta’s strength to be far above mine. To be honest, I lost really badly, but I was so excited inside!"

"After all, I am still a Saiyan, and when I see a powerful guy, I can’t help but feel happy!"

"So I want to practice again and fight him again. I know that everyone was killed by him, but please, let me be willful for once!"

Although he was very unwilling.

But facing Wukong's request, Krillin, who grew up with him since childhood, could not refuse!

So in all kinds of entanglements.

He finally put down the knife and slowly turned his back:

"I know you are fully qualified to be willful!"

"Because the earth is what it is today entirely because of your efforts!"

"But Goku, you must defeat him with a stronger attitude next time!"

When the spaceship was officially launched,

Vegeta said unwillingly:

"You bunch of rubbish, I will kill you next time!"

"Miracles won't happen a second time!"

"Wash your necks and wait!"

Then, the aircraft flew back into space and disappeared in just a moment.

This also indicated that the Saiyan crisis was over!……

【Feng Shayan: Although the battle is over, Goku and his companions have paid a lot for this battle. His teammates who once fought together, including Jiaozi, Tien Shinhan and Yamcha, have all sacrificed their lives for this!】

【Wang Ye: And Piccolo, if he dies, there will be no more Dragon Balls in this world. In this way, these warriors will never have a chance to be resurrected!】

【Zhang Lingyu: Alas, I still think he shouldn’t let Vegeta go. This kind of devil shouldn’t live in this world!】

【Xu Si: The evil in some people's hearts lasts a lifetime and cannot be erased by persuasion!】

【Zhi Jinhua: Forget it, whether Wukong is right or wrong, time will tell everything!】

【Bai Shixue: (crying) But those dead companions, will they really never come back?】

【Lu Linglong: Actually, it’s hard to say. Didn’t Krillin say before that we should preserve their bodies? So I always feel that there must be some way to revive these soldiers!】

【Er Zhuang: Speaking of which, I heard the Saiyans mentioned before that Piccolo was related to the Namekians, so you think the secret of how the gods created the Dragon Balls might be on Namek?……?】

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