【Xiao Xiao: This, this, this...is this guy a stuntman?】

【Zhang Lingyu: I can understand the speed, but this guy just made the dragon ball disappear. I originally thought he was the weakest, but now it seems that I was wrong!】

【Zhi Jinhua: It is true that you cannot judge a book by its cover!】

【Feng Xingtong: So who can tell me how he did it, or I will be unable to sleep or eat! 】

Seeing this scene, Vegeta said unwillingly:

"This... turns out the rumors are true!"

"I heard that Guldo has the ability to stop time, but I didn't expect that this is not just a legend!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this!

Vegeta turned around and said to Gohan:

"Although I know that the unlimited potential you showed on Earth may not be able to defeat him, I still ask you to give it your all!"

As for the other aliens, they were even more confused:

【Zhuge Qing: Time pause? I suddenly had a bold idea (smirk)!】

【Wang Ye: Thank you, our country has a complete constitution!】

【Lu Linglong: You two, is this the time to discuss these things? This guy can stop time. How can we fight him? How can a few people who practice Qigong beat a guy who cheats?】

【Canglong: @Vegeta, you are so pitiful. You just got cleaned up and now you are going to die!】

【(Dragon Ball) Vegeta: What are you saying? Do you dare to say it again? What do you mean I'm going to die? I'm the greatest Saiyan in the world, how could I die at the hands of these bastards!】

【Xu Si: I suddenly thought of a joke. A person died tragically. His whole body became soft except for his mouth, which was still hard!】


But it has to be said.

Although Vegeta is sometimes good and sometimes evil, he is indeed a tough guy. Even when facing an opponent that is almost impossible to defeat, he still does not flinch.

But the headache is.

For the three people, except for Ginyu who will take the Dragon Ball back to report to Frieza, the other four of the Ginyu Special Forces actually use rock-paper-scissors to decide their prey!

In the end, Rekum stood out and successfully selected Vegeta.

And the sturdy and short Guldo chose Gohan and Krillin as opponents!

The battle between the two sides is about to break out!

Facing the normal Krillin and Gohan.

Guldo's first feeling is that they are very weak, so he didn't take these two people to heart at all.

But what he didn't know was that these two people had already learned the way Namekians control their qi, so in just a moment, they burst out with huge fighting energy.

This scene stunned the other party!

Perhaps it was to take the initiative.

The two people who exploded instantly flew into the sky, and both gathered their qi waves and attacked Guldo!

But this short and fat guy is indeed not simple.

His advantage is that he can use time stop indefinitely.

So under his command, the time around him stopped instantly, and he ran to the side, perfectly avoiding the two Qigong waves, and at the same time found the position of the two people who moved to the side!

After time paused.

An explosion sounded, and this strong explosion raised the dust around, but it didn't hit the target at all!

It's just that Guldo's fleeing appearance.

It's really embarrassing.

Next, facing Gohan and Krillin, whose combat effectiveness has been greatly improved, Guldo began to use the time stop spell indefinitely and stalemate with them.

During this battle, neither side gained any advantage.

At this time, Gis, who was in mid-air, had already begun to complain:

"That guy Guldo is so useless, even an attack of this level can scare him!"

"In this situation, we may have to guess another wave of punches later!"

Likum even proposed to end the fight in one minute and use a piece of chocolate as the bet, and won the unanimous approval of the other two.

It seems that these three people are just like children in other aspects except for their strong fighting power!

After many fights.

Seeing that Guldo was getting more and more embarrassed, and even being beaten by these two furry kids and fleeing all over the field, Bart, who was dressed in dark blue, complained:

"This guy Guldo is really useless!"

"It's a disgrace to our Ginyu Force!"

Likum shouted again:

"Stupid Guldo!"

"If you get beaten by those little devils, I won't play with you anymore!"

Gis added:

"We don't want to eat snacks with you at three o'clock!"

And these words just touched Guerdo's sore spot.

This guy was originally weak and born with low self-esteem. The estrangement from his teammates was undoubtedly the most severe punishment for him!

So he quickly explained:

"I was just careless for a moment!"

"I can get rid of them right away!"

This scene made all the strangers in the group chat laugh so hard that they couldn't straighten their backs:

【Shiraishi Yuki: I don’t know why, but I always feel that this guy is a little cute!】

【Zhuge Qing: (Laughing) Hahaha, Guerdo said, do you know how much harm this kind of cold violence can do to a child?】

【Zhang Chulan: To be honest, if you ignore their fighting power, these guys really look like kindergarten students on an outing. They can actually think of threatening words like"I won't play with you"!】

【Zhi Jinhua: You know what, their friendship is quite pure!】

【Feng Shayan: But this short fat guy is really not good. I feel that if we continue to fight like this, Krillin and Gohan should be able to defeat him! 】

Unfortunately, there are unexpected events!

Facing the attack of these two people and the alienation of his teammates.

Guldo was forced to use his special move.

Seeing these two people rushing straight towards him, he was nervous and said immediately:

""Okay, then I'll use my last trump card!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he clenched his hands and suddenly shouted!

A strange sound wave was emitted, which seemed to change the surrounding environment inadvertently.

And Krillin and Gohan were somehow fixed in place by an invisible force, and they couldn't move at all even if they used all their strength!

In response, after laughing three times,

Guldo immediately acted as a battlefield translator:

"Haha, this is called the Golden Binding Technique!"

"No matter how hard you struggle, you can't move!"

"So, where did your momentum just now go? Hehe, now you can only let me control you!"

Given the humiliation he just suffered.

Guldo was not in a hurry to kill them at this time, but flew into the air and tortured them, as if he was venting his unhappiness.

After venting, he used his superpowers to grind a tree trunk beside him into a sharp thorn, and stabbed it straight at Klin.

Once stabbed by this thing, the latter would probably die on the spot!

This scene also made the group chat panic:

【Canglong: It’s over, it’s over. I didn’t expect this little thing could know so much. Krillin is going to die now!】

【Zhang Chulan: Why do you say"again"?】

【Feng Xingtong: It’s so pitiful, every time Krillin is the first one to get hurt!】

【Lu Ci: Baldy, break free and get out of the way! 】

Unfortunately, Krillin, who was tied up, had no ability to dodge at all. He could only close his eyes and let fate decide...!

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