However, the next second, a beam of light suddenly penetrated Gu Erduo's neck.

The latter's smile also stopped forever.

As for the head on his neck, it rolled down, and his expression was also very shocked, as if he couldn't believe that he was killed like this.

This... This is impossible!

Facing the Saiyan walking towards him.

Although there was only a head left,

Gu Erduo still said unwillingly:

"You're so mean, Vegeta!"

"Just now, it should have been me fighting those two brats!"

But Vegeta sneered and retorted:

"I'm sorry, that was your decision!"

""In a war, who cares if he is a mean person or not!"

After saying that, he waved his hand.

A wave of energy instantly blew the head apart.

This also showed that one of the five members of the Ginyu Force had been officially killed!


【Alien chat group】

【Lu Linglong: Fortunately, I was scared to death. I almost thought Krillin was going to die!】

【Zhang Chulan: Such a simple villain, he actually talks about principles with Vegeta!】

【Zhuge Qing: Vegeta said it very well. In a war, it doesn’t matter how despicable the opponent is, as long as we can win!】

【Wang Ye: But I didn’t expect that Vegeta would actually help save people. It seems that he has developed feelings for Krillin and Gohan now!】

【(Dragon Ball) Vegeta: I didn't, don't talk nonsense, I just thought this was the best chance to kill him. I don't care about the life or death of those little brats!】

【Xu Si: Ah, yes, yes, you don’t care!】

【Bai Shixue: My arrogant prince!】


The video continues...

Regarding the death of his teammates,

Gis was the first to react and immediately growled:

"Hey, hey, hey, that guy Guerdo was killed!"

Bart said:

"This is a real headache. If one person is missing, the combat combination of our Ginyu Force will not be perfect!"


All right.

Even Gohan and Krillin were stunned by this sentence.

They never thought that their first reaction to the death of their teammates would be the problem of the perfect formation.

Could this be the space warrior who kills without blinking an eye?

But compared to this.

Vegeta is more troubled now.

Because he is about to face a guy who seems to be a hundred times more terrifying than Guldo.

After all, to Guldo, this guy is just a monster with more abilities, but his actual combat ability is terribly weak. If he doesn't use the so-called superpowers, I'm afraid even Gohan and Krillin can't beat him.

But Likum is completely different.

This guy's combat power is second only to Captain Ginyu.

If the two sides fight, Vegeta is probably in danger.

And the latter seems to know this.

So as soon as he entered the battle.

He used all his strength.

A set of combos hit Likum heavily, and released wireless light waves, also known as the prince's tactics, trying to give the opponent no chance to breathe and die here immediately.

It's a pity.

He still underestimated Likum's ability.

After suffering a wave of impact.

Instead of being hurt, Recumbent showed a very coquettish attitude, as if he was mocking Vegeta.

His ability to resist also made Krillin and Gohan stunned.

Gohan murmured:

"That guy looks like he doesn't care at all!"

Krillin also exclaimed:

" could there be such a terrifying guy!"

"The key point is... we want to take back the Dragon Ball from these guys, this is impossible!"

After a burst of laughter, Likum also said something very sarcastic:

"All right, I have done the warm-up exercises, we can continue!"

Next, wait until Likum officially entered the fighting state.

At the beginning, Vegeta could still fight him on equal terms.

But after a long time, the former fell into a passive state due to physical exhaustion. After a fight, he was hit into the lake by the opponent's headbutt!

In addition, this is a guy who likes to pretend.

When Vegeta rushed out of the lake and punched Likum in the abdomen.

The latter first pretended to be in great pain.

Let Vegeta think he had succeeded.

But the next second, he changed his face again.

After laughing, he immediately grabbed Vegeta's waist with both hands, turned it over with its head facing the ground, rushed to the ground at a rapid speed, and gave him a head start!

How does the saying go, oh, grab the ground with your head!

This blow also completely shattered Vegeta's possibility of victory!

At this time, in the chat group……

【Lu Jin: As expected, I am no match for him at all!】

【Zhuge Qing: I always feel that this guy named Likum has a masochistic tendency. The reputation of these moves is too... too embarrassing. Is he really not gay?】

【Feng Shayan: No matter who he is, this power that can completely suppress Vegeta is truly terrifying!】

【Bai Shixue: The key point is, today is already the sixth day, and Wukong is about to arrive. Can he really fight against these monsters?】

【Xu San: I think... Vegeta and the other three should first think about how to hold on until Goku arrives. In this situation, I'm afraid they will be finished before Goku arrives! 】

According to the video.

They can see that in these six days, in addition to eating and sleeping, Goku has been exercising his physique and combat ability all the time.

And under this 100 times gravity training, his combat effectiveness has also been significantly improved, at least not inferior to the current Vegeta.

But whether he can be compared with the Ginyu Special Forces is still a matter of concern in everyone's hearts!

In the video... after making a few more coquettish gestures.

Likum seemed to have had enough fun, so he wanted to kill Vegeta completely with a light bomb spit out from his mouth.

But fortunately.

Seeing this guy dying, Krillin and Gohan looked at each other, and then attacked two by two.

Krillin instantly flashed behind the big guy, and then hammered him on the back of the head, which made him extinguish the fire immediately.

Gohan rescued Vegeta before the light wave arrived, and then jumped to the side, saving him!

But Vegeta was still as arrogant as ever.

He accused Gohan of not saving him.

Instead, he should have attacked Recum.

Sometimes, killing the enemy is more important than rescuing!


On the other side,

Rekum seemed to be furious after reacting, so he turned around and punched Krillin who had just attacked him.

He used all his strength in this attack!

So Krillin was knocked out without any suspense, and then collapsed to the ground, obviously unable to continue fighting.

And then, as the son of Goku, the young Gohan will also face the biggest crisis in his history...!

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