[Zhang Chulan: What the hell is this? Why is this red-haired guy so strong? If all of Frieza’s men are so outrageous, how can we defeat them?】

【Lu Linglong: Run away, little crybaby! Stop hitting me!】

【Ding Shimaan: A true warrior must never retreat. Gohan is Goku's son. Running away from the battlefield is not his style!】

【Zhi Jinhua: But if he continues to fight, he will really lose his life!】

【Bai Shixue: It’s over, it’s over. I don’t dare to watch any more. I hope the little crybaby won’t really die!】

【Yun: Bah, you crow's mouth, think of something good, maybe Goku will come before they make a move! 】

It's a pity.

Imagination is beautiful.

But reality is often cruel!

For Gohan, the cockscomb in front of him who hit Krillin was a hateful person.

So he didn't try to escape at all, but stimulated all his strength to deal with the opponent!

But this anger, in the eyes of the other three, was not worth mentioning at all!

The sturdy Bart even sneered and said to Gis beside him:

"Sure enough, it was not our turn to perform in the end!"

"But it doesn't matter. Killing that kind of kid who hasn't grown up yet is not glorious at all!"

The fact is indeed so.

Even if he stimulated all the strength in his body, he still couldn't fight against the muscular man Likum in a few moves before he was knocked to the ground.

And Likum seemed to have some special hobby. He condensed his own energy into the shape of a frisbee, and then threw these air balls at Gohan one by one like bowling.

It was as if he was not fighting at all. He was just playing with the opponent!

Faced with such humiliation, Gohan naturally couldn't stand it.

So he immediately raised his arm, gathered a ball of red energy, and shouted:

""Magic Flash!"

Unfortunately, facing such a powerful force,

Likum did not dodge, but raised his arm.

In just a moment, he grasped this powerful attack in his hand and crushed it directly, but he himself did not suffer any damage!

Next, while Gohan had not reacted yet, this guy dodged again and suddenly came behind Gohan, and then kicked the latter straight out with a flying kick.

Then he flew into the air again.

With a strong punch, he chiseled Gohan's body, and then hit him hard, knocking him down! He even used his butt to jack him up in a very funny way, as if he was playing with him. Like prey, the onlookers were so angry that they could not do anything.

Fortunately, Recum did not use his full strength.

So after this round of attacks, Gohan was still able to stand up despite the injuries, and once again gathered a more terrifying force than before, and sent out a second shock wave.

It was a pity that the gap between the two sides was too big.

His full-strength attack was even changed in direction by Recum's breath, and finally bounced back after making a turn.

Then it was suspended in the air.

Another blow was made to Gohan's neck.

This terrifying series of attacks knocked him to the ground in just a few seconds, and he was already seriously injured!


【Alien chat group】

【Bai Shixue: (crying) Stop hitting your little crybaby, you will be beaten to death, run!】

【Lu Ci: This kid would rather die in battle than surrender. He is worthy of being the son of Wukong. He is just what I like!】

【Ding Shimaan: A warrior can die in battle, but he must never insult the enemy. This Likum is not a real warrior and he will definitely get the retribution he deserves!】

【Zhang Chulan: Big brother, stop talking nonsense, if you can do it, then do it!】

【Er Zhuang: Don’t worry, according to big data, Goku’s spaceship will arrive at the designated location in three minutes, so Gohan can be rescued!】

【Canglong: Is there a possibility that Gohan can't last more than three minutes!

You know, in the fight just now, although both sides took turns to use many moves, it only took more than a minute in total. So, if

Gohan wants to wait for Goku, he has to hold on for at least twice as long as before.

This is too demanding for a five-year-old child!

Especially at this moment.

It is simply impossible!


Facing the already wounded Gohan, the big guy just stood there with his arms folded and a smile on his face. Facing Gohan's full-force attack again, he parried very casually.

And during the attack, he kept counterattacking.

After a while, he knocked Gohan to the ground again.

Then he said:

"Well, your attack is over!"

"Next, I will make a move!"

Then he grinned, made a pose in the air that he thought was perfect, and read out the name of the move loudly:

"Likum Bomb!"

When the six red dots lit up, countless crimson Qigong waves were like crazy, bombarding Gohan one after another, no matter how he dodged, he could not escape the attack of the explosion!

Soon, the whole ground was blown into a mess.

And Gohan fell down again under his heavy blow, and it took a lot of effort to slowly get up. His whole body was covered with scars, and he almost had no strength to walk!


After standing up for a few seconds, he felt dizzy and fell heavily.

But facing the scarred Krillin, it seemed that because of his Saiyan blood, he stood up again after a long time, and then walked towards Likum step by step.

The spirit of never giving up infected everyone present:

【Lu Linglong: Wuuu, stop being a crybaby. If you stand up and attack again, you will die. We really can’t fight anymore!】

【Zhang Lingyu: Don't call him a crybaby anymore. He hasn't cried for a long time. Now he is a real warrior.��!】

【Zhang Chulan: What about being a soldier? Can it be used to make a living? In the current situation, playing dead is the only way out!】

【Feng Baobao: Zhang Chulan, you coward!】

【Wang Ye: Actually, I think Zhang Chulan is right. No matter how hard Gohan tries, he cannot change the outcome of failure. So it is better to delay time and wait for Goku to arrive!】

【Lu Ci: Humph, a bunch of spineless brats! 】

In fact, what they said is not wrong. In the current situation, we should delay as much as possible. If Gohan can't hold on and dies before Goku arrives, this will be the most tragic thing.

But because of this.

His tenacious spirit is even more precious!

Walking towards Likum step by step, he still kept muttering:

"I...I am...Sun Wukong's son……!"

"I will not, I will not admit defeat!"

But for his tenacious spirit,

Likum laughed at him openly:

"Ha, you actually still have the energy to talk nonsense here!"

"Whatever planet you are from, you really amaze me!"

"It's a pity that you picked the wrong opponent!"

Faced with his ridicule,

Gohan immediately yelled:

"I will never lose to you!"

Then he rushed forward with his last strength, waving his fist.

But the next second, Recum jumped up, dodged his attack, and then kicked Gohan's neck hard.

At the same time.

On Gis's detector, the energy that originally belonged to Gohan, at this moment, was all zero...

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