[(Dragon Ball) Chi-Chi: My poor Gohan, he actually has such a painful history, and I didn’t even know about it!】

【Zhuge Qing: The detector... has returned to zero. Could it be that Gohan really……!】

He did not dare to continue talking.

But the other aliens understood what he meant.

【Bai Shixue: Impossible, Gohan will never die. He is Goku’s son, nothing can happen to him!】

【Zhi Jinhua: But...even if he doesn't die, I'm afraid he won't be able to hold on for a few minutes. Wukong, where are you?】

【Feng Shayan: You damn cockscomb, how dare you touch such a cute child? Are you really a human being? If you have the guts, teleport me over there and I will kill him!】

【Feng Xingtong: Don’t get excited, sister. You really can’t beat him!】

【Feng Shayan: Dare to destroy my stage, go to hell! 】

At this time, in the Tianxiahui Building.

With a flying kick from Feng Shayan, Feng Xingtong instantly flew out of the room, and after a heavy muffled sound, his head was covered with lumps.

This look was indeed miserable.

But soon, he received a call from his father:

"How is it, is it done?"

Feng Xingtong nodded quickly after hearing this:

"Don't worry, Dad. We offer the highest price and we can definitely get him over!"

""Okay, thank you for your hard work!"

After saying this, Feng Zhenghao hung up the phone, then looked at Xia Yu's information on the computer, with an admiring look in his eyes!

Wukong's reincarnation, you are the man I like, I'm going to get you!


The video continues...

Amid the shouts of everyone calling out to the stars and the moon, finally, there was a whirlwind sound of a spaceship landing.

When the round spaceship landed on the ground, a figure slowly walked out of the spaceship.

"What? Where did the spaceship come from?"

Seeing this scene, the three guys turned around, confused, not knowing whether this guy was an enemy or a friend.

Seeing the newcomer,

Klin smiled happily:

"Haha, it’s Goku!"

""Wukong, you are finally here!"

This scene also made the other people feel relieved.

It was as if wherever Wukong was, they would have an endless sense of security:

【Lu Linglong: Oh my God, Wukong, you are finally here. Poor Lunch is almost beaten to pieces. Please save him!】

【Zhuge Qing: I feel that he has become much stronger this time. He can even feel Frieza's aura from a long distance away. Now I suddenly have hope!】

【Canglong: Didn’t you say before that Wukong couldn’t beat these guys?】

【Zhuge Qing: (smirking) Is there? I don’t remember!】

【Xiao Xiao: Goku, beat these guys to death and avenge Gohan!】

【Hibiscus Orihime: You said that as if Gohan was dead.……!】


As soon as he got off the spaceship, in addition to sensing the breath of several enemies, Goku found out by feeling that Krillin and Gohan were not in good condition.

If they continue like this, their lives may be in danger!

So he immediately rushed to the destination.

After seeing Gohan lying on the ground, who seemed to have no breath, an indescribable emotion flashed in his eyes.

Fortunately, he brought Senzu Beans this time!

Suppress the impulse in his heart.

He walked quickly to Lunch, then helped him up, and said with a loving face:

"Come on, Gohan"

"This is Senzu Beans, eat quickly, Gohan."

But when he saw it with his own eyes, he found that Gohan's condition was worse than he expected. His entire neck was broken, and he was hanging on to his life with only the last breath left.

He couldn't even finish chewing.

But fortunately, as long as he had Senzu Beans, he would get better.

So Goku still said softly:

""Okay, it's okay, Dad will feed you!"

After saying that, he ignored Rekum's questioning and put the beans into Gohan's mouth first, and helped him chew and swallow.

Three seconds later, Gohan's eyes immediately lit up, and then he woke up.

Seeing that this guy didn't answer, at Rekum's request,

Bart on the side began to use the detector to check Goku's data, but after checking it, he showed a sneer:

"It's really a piece of trash, with only 5,000 combat power!"

But the little guy was obviously seriously injured, but he completely recovered in an instant, and even stood up directly. This scene surprised the three people.

Gis murmured:

"Isn't that little devil dying?"

"What's going on?"

But then, a scene that shocked them even more appeared.

In just a moment, just like this little guy, the bald man who was originally dying seemed to be fine now.

Seeing Wukong, Krillin was also very excited and hurried to tell him what happened here.

But who would have thought that

Wukong actually learned a special ability. He only needed to touch Krillin's head gently to roughly know what happened here!

This scene made the strangers stunned:

【Lu Linglong: This ability is so cool, I really want it!】

【Zhi Jinhua: This should be considered a kind of mind reading. I wonder whose mind our love-struck Linglong is going to read?】

【Lu Linglong: Little bitch, will you die if you don’t speak?】

【Wang Ye: Wukong is such an amazing person, how did he master this ability?】

【Zhuge Qing: So funny, Wukong is always at 5000, he really likes to play the pig and eat the tiger, but if you underestimate him, these three people will probably be punished!】

【Feng Shayan: The damn cockscomb almost killed Gohan. This guy must not be let off easily! 】

After investigating everything here,

Goku nodded thoughtfully.

Then he took out another Senzu bean:

"There's just one Senzu Bean left!"

Then he looked at Vegeta, who was already seriously injured and half-crouching on the ground not far away, and suddenly raised his hand and threw the Senzu Bean towards him:

"Catch it, Vegeta!"

Halfway through, Rekum wanted to try to intercept.

Unfortunately, because the Sento flew too fast, it actually broke one of his teeth, and then it fell smoothly into Vegeta's hands. What was even more shocking was that

Goku asked Vegeta to eat the Sento Beans not to fight against the Ginyu Force with them, but to wait until they returned to Earth to have another fight.

As for these bastards, if it were up to him, he could deal with them alone!

Then, in the disdainful eyes of these people, he walked towards Rekum alone, step by step...!

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