It was at this moment that Bart shouted to Likum:

"Hey, this is a garbage monkey!"

"His combat power is only 5000!"

Hearing this, Likum burst into laughter:

"What, I was so happy for nothing, it turned out to be just bluffing!"

At the same time, Vegeta, who was standing by, was full of doubts when he saw him like this.

Because he couldn't figure out why Kakarot could be so calm in the face of this group of terrifying guys. Was it because he didn't know the enemy's strength?

It shouldn't be possible!

But what's going on now? He can't feel the murderous aura from this guy at all.

Could it be that... that bastard has reached that level?

The legendary... Super Saiyan?

"Hey Hey hey!"

"Is your mind out of control?"

"With this little fighting power, what are you doing here?"

Likum obviously underestimated the enemy, and his initial vigilance was completely let down. His eyes were full of contempt, as if the guy opposite him was not worthy of being his opponent.���Of course, this was exactly what Goku wanted!

Then, amid a roar,

Rekum leaped into the air and shouted:

"Mach Fist!"

The whole huge body rushed straight towards Goku, as if wanting to win with one blow!

Krillin and Gohan knew the power of his punch very well. Seeing that they could not shout in time, they quickly closed their eyes and dared not look at the scene in front of them.

However, when the heavy punch was about to touch Goku, the latter suddenly disappeared.

At the same time, on the cliff, the detectors on the eyes of Gis and Bart, who were originally watching the battle, suddenly responded. When they looked back, they found that this guy had actually run behind them.

So they both raised their legs and kicked towards Goku.

Unfortunately, they missed again.

Likum could no longer tolerate his arrogant behavior, so after a long howl like a lunatic, he shouted again:

"You guy really makes me angry!"

""Okay, then I'll send all of you guys to hell!" As soon as he finished speaking, he clenched his fists in a fighting stance, and purple lightning ignited around him.

Along with this, the entire ground was shaking continuously.

This also shows the powerful destructive power of this skill.

In this vibration, even the ground began to crack!

And just after a period of accumulation of power, he suddenly raised his hands and shouted:

""Super... Fighting... Divine Power Fist!"

Just the next second, he was about to punch, but his body suddenly trembled, and a huge pain spread from his abdomen to his whole body, forcing him to stop his moves. He opened his mouth in great pain. Looking down at him,

Wukong had rushed over at some point and hit the guy's abdomen with his elbow.

After stopping, he smiled even more brightly:

"I'm sorry!"

"Because you have flaws all over your body, I attacked you without realizing it. I'm so sorry!"

Hearing the monkey's mocking words,

Likum was furious at this time, but he couldn't use any strength, so he could only curse:

" you bastard!"

Then he fell to the ground and died completely.


【Alien chat group】

【Zhuge Qing: I have to say this, I don’t have any other meaning, it’s just that the way this guy fell down was so philosophical, it made me excited!】

【Wang Ye: Oh, could it be that you are...? (smirk)】

【Zhi Jinhua: This... is this really Goku? I remember that six days ago, he was badly injured in the battle with Vegeta, but now how can he kill this big guy with just one move!】

【Feng Xingtong: This is the guy who even put Vegeta in a tough fight!】

【Zhang Chulan: @Vegeta, hehe, I didn't expect that in just six days, you were left so far behind by Goku. How should I laugh at you?】

【(Dragon Ball) Vegeta: You are a piece of shit, shut up! Believe it or not, I will kill you!】

【Zhang Chulan: If you don’t believe me, bite me!】

【(Dragon Ball) Vegeta: I**********! (The system automatically blocks this message because it contains too many dirty words)】

【Canglong: After not seeing you for a while, Zhang Chulan is still so mean!】

【Shiraishi Snow: Goku killed this guy with just one strike, doesn't that mean he can easily kill everyone here! 】

At this time, everyone really discovered Goku's terrifying ability.

That is, every time he is injured, he can make his strength several times or even dozens of times stronger through a period of recovery and training.

Although Saiyans themselves have a passive ability that allows them to become stronger as long as they recover after being injured.

But his degree of strength is still very terrifying!

This is because the Senzu beans were eaten up by Yajirobe!

Otherwise, with this special physique and the Senzu beans alone, wouldn't he be able to refresh his passive ability infinitely and become invincible in the end?


Back to the battlefield!

After Likum was dying.

The remaining Bart and Gis launched a joint attack on Goku.

However, the more they attacked, the more they found that this guy's strength was simply outrageous.

Even Bart was paralyzed after Likum!

It's just that Goku has a common problem, that is, he is too soft-hearted and easily lets his opponent go.

Fortunately, there is Vegeta, who is known as a master of finishing off.

He saw that Goku was kind and soft-hearted.

So he hit Bart's neck without hesitation, and then another light wave burned Likum to ashes, and then he smiled with satisfaction.

It's a pity that the white-haired Gis took advantage of this time to escape!

As for his purpose.

Of course, it was to call his big brother Ginyu to come and kill the guy who killed the other three team members to help them get revenge.

As for the failure of Gis and others.

Ginyu saw through it at a glance. It was because they relied too much on the detector and underestimated the enemy, which led to the tragedy of failure.

At the same time, it is speculated that Goku's combat power should be around 60,000 now!

It must be said that this guy still has some strength.

Unfortunately, even though he was very careful, he underestimated the enemy.

Because in the chat group.

Er Zhuang quickly reported his survey results.

This result also shocked the other people again:

【Xiao Xiao: What did you say? Wukong’s combat power is at least 180,000 now. Is this a relatively conservative estimate?】

【Zhang Lingyu: are kidding me!】

【Wang Zhenqiu: As far as I know, Erzhuang, as a temporary worker, is very rigorous, so, now Wukong’s strength may really be far beyond our imagination!】

【Zhuge Qing: But even if he is so powerful now, he is still no match for Frieza!

As a leader among young people, Zhuge Qing saw with his own eyes that when Frieza was fighting the Namekian named Neru, he revealed that his combat power was over 500,000! He even easily killed the Namekian with a combat power of over 40,000, and he only used one hand!

【Wang Ye: But at least, his current strength is close to that of Frieza, and he is no longer hopeless like before!】

【Feng Shayan: I hope so, I hope everything goes well! 】

For her, the current Frieza is too far away, and killing the captain Ginyu in front of her is the most critical link!

However, will the battle between Goku and Ginyu really go smoothly...?

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