No one expected that Captain Ginyu's special ability was to swap bodies!

This guy is despicable.

He first used sweet words to trick Goku out of most of his strength, and then after a battle, he used up his own body's physical strength.

Then, he showed his body swapping ability.

Goku was caught off guard.

He was actually succeeded by this guy.

Afterwards, after swapping bodies, Ginyu followed the trail of the Dragon Ball to look for Krillin, Gohan, and Vegeta who had already escaped.

At this time, in the chat group:

【Shiraishi Yuki: What the hell is this? They can even swap bodies. The Ginyu Force has too many special abilities!】

【Canglong: It seems that if my body and my goddess’ body were swapped, would I be able to... hehe, it’s so exciting to think about it!】

【Lu Linglong: Believe me, you won’t survive tomorrow!】

【Wang Ye: The key is that, in this case, not only Goku, but also Krillin and Gohan are in danger. Facing such a powerful Goku, he���No match at all!】

【Feng Shayan: Besides, this guy has Goku's face, he will definitely catch them off guard!】

【Xiao Xiao: Oh no!】


Sure enough.

After seeing Captain Ginyu who had changed into Goku's body, Krillin and Gohan's first reaction was that Goku was hypnotized by Ginyu and the others. It was not until Goku arrived that they realized that Goku and Ginyu had exchanged bodies.

So they immediately rushed up and fought with this guy.

Fortunately, because they had just exchanged bodies.

Ginyu was not very familiar with the operation of this body.

So in the early stage, facing the mixed doubles of Krillin and Gohan, he could only barely parry.

But later, after running-in with the body, his strength gradually improved, and he began to suppress Gohan and Krillin.

But fortunately.

Vegeta appeared again.

Because he had experienced another near-death state before, his fighting power was improved again, and he killed the white-haired Geese in just two or three moves.

Then he took advantage of the fatigue of Ginyu who occupied Goku's body and successfully suppressed him.

In the following one-sided beating, punch after punch!

Finally, he combined his hands and hit her hard, knocking her to the ground.

And because of this huge destructive power, the ground actually showed a huge deep pit.

In the deep pit, Ginyu, who has transformed into Goku, is now covered in blood and it seems he can no longer continue fighting!


【(Dragon Ball) Vegeta: Hahaha, let's see how strong I am. At the critical moment, you still have to rely on me to reverse the situation!】

【Zhuge Qing: Although you did come to the rescue, but the part where you punched Wukong just now made me seriously suspect that you were taking revenge on someone else!】

【Zhang Chulan: There is some personal grudge involved in this fight!】

【Canglong: Krillin just said that I had the same thought when I was fighting this body!】

【(Dragon Ball) Krillin: Please don't slander me, I am really helping Goku. If you are using public power to take revenge on me, then I will never be able to get married!】

【Xu Si: This poisonous oath...I believe you!】

【Xu San: But Ginyu's ability is really scary. If he uses this trick on Vegeta again, Vegeta will be in danger! 】

And the fact is just as Xu San expected!

After being beaten up.

At this time, Ginyu also clearly realized that Vegeta's current strength should be the strongest among these people.

So while he was rushing towards this body with all his strength, he sneered and began to prepare for the second body change!

Goku has suffered from this trick before.

So he shouted:

"Vegeta, be careful!"

Then he suddenly had an idea, and when the body-swapping light wave was about to reach Vegeta's position, he rushed over first and was hit by the light wave instead of him.

As a result, he successfully took back his own body!


【Alien chat group】

【Zhang Lingyu: I have to say that Goku’s reaction ability is indeed very fast. Not only did he help Vegeta block this fatal attack, but he also successfully got his body back!】

【Lu Jin: In fact, in this case, we prefer to call it good combat awareness!】

【Yun: Look, this guy is not giving up yet, and is going to use that move on Vegeta again! 】

As Yun reminded.

At this time, on the big screen.

After seeing that the attack was ineffective, Ginyu attacked Vegeta in anger.

But now his body has just fought with Goku and has no strength.

So he was killed by the prince in full state.

After realizing the gap between the enemy and us again.

The shameless Ginyu sneered and used the same move again!

【Zhuge Qing: @Vegeta, get out of the way!】

【Zhi Jinhua: If his attack hits, Goku and the others will be completely finished!】

【Zhang Chulan: It’s over!】

【Feng Xingtong: Are they really going to die here?】

【Xu San: No, look at Wukong, what is he holding in his hand! 】

Because everyone knows that once Vegeta, who is in the best condition and has the strongest fighting power at this time, is swapped with another body, the result faced by these four people will be annihilation.

So they were extremely nervous.

Especially the fat man Canglong, who was almost frightened by the scene when he was doing his craft.

And only a few people noticed that after the light wave was shot out, Wukong saw this opportunity and picked up an innocent frog passing by.

Then he threw it up with force.

And this frog was not biased.

Just when it was thrown in front of Vegeta, it was hit by the light wave!

Then, a dazzling light shone in the sky, making everyone unable to open their eyes.

When the light ended.

Vegeta was intact.

But Ginyu, at this time, was dull-eyed, and subconsciously crawled down with his limbs, jumping up and down. It seemed that he had swapped bodies with the frog because of the previous attack!

【Wang Ye: In other words, Ginyu has turned into a frog now?】

As soon as Wang Ye said this, the aliens recovered from their shock and burst into joyful laughter:

【Wang Ergou: Hahaha, this trick is really a scam, I ended up getting hurt instead of hurting others!】

【Lu Linglong: Although I am heartbroken that Goku was injured, please forgive me for laughing out loud when I saw Ginyu's current condition!】

【Ma Xianhong: To be honest, this must be the strongest frog in the universe!】

【Zhang Lingyu: He is worthy of being Wukong. If it weren’t for his quick wit, we would all be doomed. It seems that as his combat power improves, Wukong’s combat proficiency has not declined at all!】

【Bai Shixue: Goku is so awesome, long live him!】

【(Dragon Ball) Vegeta: Didn't I fight the wave just now? Why don't you praise me? (Tsundere)】

【Canglong: If it weren't for Wukong, your body would have belonged to that man a long time ago. Don't you know who you should thank? 】

In the noise of the chat group.

Seeing that Wukong was seriously injured, everyone had to send him to the previous sanatorium for recovery.

But at this time they didn't realize it at all.

With the demise of the Ginyu Force, a greater crisis is sweeping towards them...!

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