There is a sentence that truly reveals the true meaning of Dragon Ball.

That is, Krillin offers sacrifices to the heavens, and his magical powers are boundless!

Everyone in the Dragon Ball world naturally knows this sentence.

So when Xia Yu, the reincarnation of Goku, threw out this joke, everyone couldn't help but laugh.

Krillin even shook his head helplessly.

He thought to himself:

"Wukong, after so many years, you have become so sharp-tongued!"

In fact, although everyone kept saying in the group chat that Wukong should come back soon and reunite with everyone soon, in fact, everyone knew.

Wukong, he will never come back.

However, after having this big screen system, even if Wukong can no longer return, his reincarnation still has the memory of his previous life, and can also talk to everyone as Wukong.

This is enough.

So he couldn't help but mutter again:

"You kid, you are always ahead of us. Even death must come before me. Do you have to be the first in everything?"

"You bastard!"

But in the next second, a smile appeared on his face again:

"But fortunately, we can still talk to each other now!"

"This is pretty good!"

At this moment, Wuhan, who had witnessed almost the entire battle, couldn't help but type:

【Well, I might need to give you a reminder!】

【Whether you are friends from the Dragon Ball world or the alien world, it is best not to turn on any electrical appliances next, and try to run to an open area outdoors. I repeat, this is not a drill, this is not a drill!】

【Because next, you may see a very scary scene! 】

At the same time, on the screen.

Frieza, who was not killed by the Spirit Bomb, was even more angry. After penetrating Piccolo's chest with one blow, he actually threw Krillin, who was unable to resist, up and twisted his hands, causing his body to explode!

And this action of his also completely angered Goku.

At this moment, he stared at the culprit in front of him.

"No... unforgivable!"

"You actually... you actually put Klin……!"

Seeing Goku's painful expression at this time,

Frieza, who always spread despair, showed a sly smile, and was very happy to see Goku's appearance at this time, so as to enjoy the fruits of his evil deeds.

However, he never expected that killing Krillin was the most wrong thing he had done in his life!

At this time, in the chat group of strangers

, the strangers did not know what happened to Gohan's reminder, so they also spoke:

【Canglong: All the electrical appliances are off, only the cell phone is on, so what on earth happened?】

【Hibiscus Flower: Poor Krillin, he died again. Can he be resurrected successfully?】

【Bai Shixue: Save Piccolo first. The Great Elder is dead now. If Piccolo dies again, we may never be able to be resurrected!】

【Zhang Chulan: So I still don’t understand why we have to run to an open space outside. I just stayed in the house. I want to see what will happen to me!】

【Zhuge Qing: I'm outside now. By the way, remind the people upstairs to listen to the advice and eat a full meal!】

【Xiao Xiao: The explosion-proof suit is ready, please continue!】


At this moment, in the video...

Goku lowered his head slightly, his eyes wide open, and bit his back teeth tightly. I don't know if he was heartbroken by Krillin's death, or hated the murderer in front of him!

At the same time... his body began to emit a strange energy inadvertently.

This energy was enough to affect the entire planet.

Even under his anger.

The sky behind him began to be overcast, and thunder rolled. The lightning struck the distant reef in the next second, raising bursts of fire.

And all this.

Was caused by Goku's anger!

As Vegeta said before.

In addition to obtaining the power of the Saiyans through endless battles, infinite anger is also the source of power!

As time went on, the surrounding gravel began to rise gradually.

At the same time, the entire ground fell into the greatest tremor in history, as if Namek was about to be destroyed.

Not long after.

This terrifying pressure gradually spread from the screen to the real world.

In fact, the impact brought by both Goku and Vegeta was a hundred times stronger!

【Zanglong: Oh my god, is there really an earthquake?】

【Zhuge Qing: Zhang Chulan, are you okay? (smirk)】

【Zhang Chulan: Damn it! Why didn’t anyone tell me in advance that there would be an earthquake? Luckily I ran fast, otherwise I might have really fallen down!】

【Wang Ye: Fortunately I listened to the advice!】

【Jia Zhengliang: Damn it, whose past life is this? Come out and compensate me for the TV. My mother just called me and said that all the electrical appliances in her house were destroyed. Who the hell did this?】

【(Dragon Ball) Vegeta: Yeah, I'm finally going to become a Super Saiyan, now that's more like a real Saiyan!】

【Bai Shixue: You call this, dot?】

【Lu Linglong: Wuuuu, the new cell phone I just bought was shattered. Wukong, you have to compensate me. If you can’t afford it, you can repay me with your body. I don’t mind!】

【Zhi Jinhua: Girl upstairs, the people of our motherland have heard your thoughts!】

【Ding Shimaan: What kind of terrifying power is this! 】

While speaking, under the influence of the Dragon Ball world, the tremors in the alien world began to become more and more intense, and even many shoddy buildings collapsed completely, smashing the earth into pieces.

In the major sects, the plaques of the sects fell down because they were not installed firmly.

Many disciples were also injured by the rocks.

Fortunately, this turmoil only occurred in the area where the aliens were located.

It would not interfere with ordinary people.

But the movement was too strong, making the aliens in the entire alien world panic, fearing that the earth they were on would also be destroyed like Namek!

At the same time, with Goku's roar, the influence of the two worlds connecting to each other reached its peak at this moment.

On the big screen at this time, everyone could clearly see nothing, only a burst of golden light, as if it was about to overflow the screen.

The golden energy emitted from its interior even rushed straight into the sky...!

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