[Zhang Chulan: Oh my god, what’s wrong with this big screen? It’s not going to explode!】

【Wang Ye: This is too weird!】

【Zhuge Qing: Can anyone tell me what happened over there?

If it was just an earthquake and the shaking of the building, even if it was a landslide, they would be used to it in the world view of Dragon Ball.

But what is the situation of the big screen now?

Through the screen, they can't see anything, only bursts of bright and dazzling golden light.

And a few seconds after the golden light rose.

The screen broke without any warning.

Moreover, the system machine that supports the entire big screen for projection has become extremely unstable with the shaking of the space, as if it will collapse at any time.

At the same time, a message popped up in the group:

【Alert, alert!】

【Due to the excessive amount of unstable energy, the big screen cannot bear it and needs to be updated in real time. Please wait! 】

This sentence shocked all the aliens again.

Speaking of this big screen, it has appeared in the alien world for several years. It has also shown the past lives of countless aliens, but it has never been updated twice on the same person.

So, Wukong, what kind of existence is this!

Fortunately, the big screen updated very quickly this time.

In just ten minutes, the power in the picture was forcibly blocked, and the entire alien world calmed down.

And when the yellow light gradually converged.

On the big screen.

Wukong, who was already scarred, actually had a burst of yellow light around his body.

What's even more surprising is that this guy's hair turned into a dazzling yellow!

【Lu Linglong: Wukong’s yellow hair looks really handsome!】

【Xiao Xiao: But what is going on? Also, why did his hair suddenly change color? What happened?】

【Zhuge Qing: Could it be... that it's caused by anger?】

【(Dragon Ball) Vegeta: You ignorant people on Earth, you are about to witness the horror of the legendary warrior, the Super Saiyan!】

【Bai Shixue: Why does he look to me... like a bad boy with dyed hair?】

【(Dragon Ball) Piccolo: @Xia Yu, Lao Sun, please explain it to them!】

【Xia Yu: I’m too lazy to explain. I’m going to go back to sleep. The job of a security guard is too tiring every day!】

【(Dragon Ball) Vegeta: Kakarot, damn it!】

【Zhang Lingyu: How can you sleep at this age? 】

When Xia Yu was heard talking about the tiring work of the security guard, everyone had a black question mark face.

Damn it, the security guard has the most enjoyable job.

You actually said he was tired.

Brother, let's just be human beings, okay!

However, after hearing Vegeta and Piccolo's speech, everyone in the group began to feel a little curious about the so-called Super Saiyan.

They really want to know, when Goku became a Super Saiyan, how much did his strength increase?

In the video... after completing this gorgeous transformation.

His first words were actually said to Gohan:

"Gohan, take Piccolo back to Earth!"

"He still has some weak signs of life, find a way to save him!"It was also the first time that Gohan saw his father like this. He was obviously very scared.

But the next second,

Goku got angry:

"While I still have some rationality, I tell you to go back to Earth immediately!"

"Did you hear that?"

Gohan reacted immediately after being yelled at by Goku, and then quickly carried the dying Piccolo on his back and flew into the sky.

However, Frieza at this time did not seem to understand the horror of Super Saiyans.

Facing Gohan and Piccolo who were escaping, he actually stretched out his fingers, as if he wanted to destroy them completely.

But the next second.

Goku actually blocked in front of him at an extremely fast speed.

The look in his eyes was full of contempt.

He directly stretched out his hand and held his palm, making him unable to move at all. This powerful control also completely shocked him:

"Mind your own hands, you piece of crap!"

"You actually enjoy killing innocent people, do you think you are great?"

He kept increasing his strength. He ignored Frieza's painful struggle and his tone became heavier:

"You bastard, you even killed Krillin!"

"I will never forgive you!"

Hearing this,

Frieza also got angry.

He immediately gathered all his strength and barely broke free from Goku's restraints.

Then he moved his wrists painfully, and looked at the guy in front of him with astonishment. A Saiyan could become so terrifying in just one night. How... How is this possible? Could it be that


"Could it be that... Could it be that you are……"

Could this be the legendary Super Saiyan?

And then, in the subsequent battle, Frieza finally felt what true fear was!

【Xiao Xiao: Goku really knows how to play. He actually bent Frieza's waist. My waist hurts just looking at it!】

【Zhi Jinhua: This... this kind of combat power can really be unleashed by Goku?】

【Erzhuang: My data is messed up……!】

【Zhuge Qing: At this time, Frieza is still stubborn! 】

When seeing Frieza say to Goku, you can't beat me, Zhuge Qing almost spit out the drink in his mouth!

People, ignorance is really fearless!

But you will soon see what the scenery of hell is like!

With the king's counterattack, the people in the group became even happier:

【Canglong: I didn’t expect Frieza to also use the Prince’s Tactics. The key point is, isn’t it true that whoever uses this tactic will lose?】

【(Dragon Ball) Vegeta: Fatty, you'd better reorganize your language!】

【Zhang Chulan: I also know the law of no harm when there is smoke!】

【Wang Ye: It’s so cool to see Frieza getting beaten!】


Back to the video.

Faced with Goku's force and verbal insults, Frieza went crazy at this time, using all kinds of skills on Goku, but they had no effect at all.

It was like tickling!

���Goku responded with just a raised hand, and blasted Frieza hundreds of meters away.

At this moment, the difference in strength between the two sides was vividly reflected!

Because of the continuous fighting between the two sides, Frieza's mentality gradually collapsed, and in the end, he actually launched a destructive attack on Namek!

In Frieza's words, the central part of Namek has been completely destroyed, so there are only five minutes left before the final explosion.

In these five minutes, both sides will decide the final life and death.

But as the two of them continued to fight, everyone in the alien live broadcast room once again went from nervousness to astonishment:

【Zhang Chulan: You call this five minutes?】

【Lu Linglong: Why do I feel like, in just these five minutes, they seemed to have fought for a century! 】

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