According to the instructions of Lord Kai, the three people who entered the spaceship did not destroy the spaceship, but chose to wait in place to see what methods they would use.

Not long after, the first warrior on Babidi's side appeared.

This person was the guy who raised his hand to bomb another albino patient before. His name was Pei Pei. He was very arrogant as soon as he came on the stage and said that he would kill them all.

Unfortunately, Goku and the other two ignored him.

Instead, they started playing rock-paper-scissors directly.

They actually wanted to use this method to decide who the prey of this guy in front of them was.

This scene also stunned the King of the World.

He never thought that in the face of such a crisis, these three Saiyans were still ready to fight one-on-one, so he kept emphasizing how powerful these warriors collected by Babidi from all over the place were.

And persuaded them that it would be best to go together.

Unfortunately, no one listened to him.

After several rounds of decisions.

Vegeta, who had the best luck, won the rock-paper-scissors victory.

So as the first warrior, he was ready to start a one-on-one duel with Pei Pei.

In fact, this spaceship was also specially designed by Babidi. It is equipped with a sensing system. As long as anyone is injured, part of his energy will be converted into nutrients for Majin Buu.

So, this Pooh, just let them get hurt.

It's a pity... in the next battle.

This can't be called a battle, but a one-sided complete defeat.

Facing Vegeta in his normal form, this guy called Pooh, even if he used all his strength, even under the influence of Babidi, changed the planet and brought them to the most suitable environment for Pooh to fight.

But it still didn't help.

Finally, under a shock wave.

Pooh was directly blown into pieces and died without a complete body.

Similarly, this scene also stunned the Kai King God on the side.

He originally thought that with the strength of Goku and others, even if three of them beat one, it would be difficult, let alone a single duel, but who would have thought that compared with them, Babidi's warriors were so vulnerable.

It was also at this time that he doubted himself for the first time.

As for the alien chat group at this time:

【Zhuge Qing: Excuse me, may I ask, does this King of the Gods come from the village?】

【Xiao Xiao: It's really exaggerated. This warrior who was called a cosmic-level warrior by Babidi was killed in just a few hits by Vegeta. He is really too weak!】

【Bai Shixue: Looking at it this way, I feel that the Demon King Dabura and even the Demon Buu are not that powerful!】

【Er Zhuang: That’s not necessarily true. At least according to the fact that Gohan’s Super Saiyan 2’s energy cannot fill the energy needed by Buu, Majin Buu is definitely stronger than Super Saiyan 2!】

【Zhi Jinhua: At this point, it’s not certain whether Majin Buu can be resurrected!】

【Feng Shayan: This Kai is so stupid that he actually gave a Super Saiyan 2 energy for nothing. I am really pissed off by him! 】

In fact, even if the current Kai feels that he has faced up to their fighting power.

But in fact, he is still underestimating it.

Because in the next level.

The one fighting against them is a thing called Yego.

Why is he called a thing? The main reason is that he is not a person at all, but a ferocious beast. He was once a guy who was a disaster in the Milky Way.

And he has super strong fighting power.

Similarly, it also makes the Kai King tremble.

It's a pity that facing this terrifying opponent, Goku fought more easily than Vegeta fought against Pooh Pooh. Even in the battle on the Dark Planet, which was more advantageous to him, he just turned into a Super Saiyan and used light to kill it! It's really strange.

It's a pity that when everyone thought they had won. Something went wrong in the third level.

Facing the King of the Demon Realm, Dabura, if Gohan was in the form of Super Saiyan 2, he could have easily crushed the opponent.

Unfortunately, he had hardly fought in the past seven years, but had been studying hard at Chi-Chi's request.

Therefore, he no longer had the strength he once had.

In the following battle, he fought Dapura 50-50, without gaining any advantage.

This made Wukong helplessly cover his forehead, thinking that this guy had been slacking off for the past seven years!

【Lu Linglong: It's over, Gohan has really forgotten how to fight. If he had the same fighting power as he had when fighting Cell seven years ago, he would have killed Dabura in just two moves!】

【Zhuge Qing: Gohan has become Nobita Gohan!】

【Canglong: As expected, Mr. Lu Xun was right, reading cannot save the world!】

【Zhang Chulan: You illiterate, he clearly said that killing pigs can't save the world!】

【Xu San: I studied medicine.……!】

【Wang Ye: Vegeta couldn't sit still anymore, his expression looked like he was really disappointed with his friend!】

【(Dragon Ball) Vegeta: Sorry, I'm just happy. I didn't expect Kakarot's son to be such a waste. It's so satisfying, hahaha!】

【(Dragon Ball) Gohan……】

But no matter what.

Although Gohan was a little useless, it was still very easy for him to fight against an inferior enemy like Dabura.

Soon, he regained his fighting feeling and suppressed Dabura.

But what could he do.

While fighting with them.

Dabura, the King of the Demon Realm, discovered something inadvertently.

That is, he saw that the guy named Vegeta was different from the other two, and he had an evil aura on him.

And this evil aura could be controlled by them.

So, after Babidi cast a spell.

Vegeta released all his energy.

At the same time, an M mark appeared on his forehead, indicating that he had been controlled and became the opponent's person! He returned to the martial arts field with Goku, and the real duel between the two of them began.

In fact, Vegeta���He was controlled voluntarily, because he saw that the strength of those controlled by Babidi would be greatly increased.

Facing the current Goku, he knew that he was no match for him.

So he was controlled voluntarily.

In this way, he could narrow the gap with Goku, and it would be best if he could directly eliminate it, to comfort his inner dignity!

Seeing that the two were fighting fiercely, King Kai had no choice but to let them go and take Gohan with him to the depths of the spaceship, trying to prevent the resurrection of Majin Buu. Unfortunately

, they were still a step too late.

In the battle between Goku and Vegeta, as both sides were injured, the diffused energy was also absorbed by Majin Buu bit by bit.

And with the fluctuations and flashes of this giant egg.

Majin Buu is finally resurrected...!

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