[Zhuge Qing: This... this is Majin Buu, are you sure he is strong?]

It's not that Zhuge Qing is arrogant.

It's because when Majin Buu was hatched, not only Gohan, who witnessed it all, but also many other aliens were also confused.

According to common sense, a boss of this level is not so majestic, but its deterrent power should at least be like that of Frieza and Cell. But this pink fat man does not have such a deterrent power now. Instead, he gives people a silly and cute feeling, just like a failed product.

Just looking at the appearance of King Kai, this is indeed Majin Buu without a doubt.


【Wang Ye: Don’t talk, I’m thinking!】

【Zhang Chulan: This guy looks too casual, just like a ball, and he looks stupid. Is he really strong?】

【Bai Shixue: I feel even worse than that demon king!】

【Zhang Zhiwei: Children, you’d better not be confused by the superficial phenomena of things. Can’t you see that beneath his lovely appearance, there is a huge evil hidden?】

【Feng Shayan: Old Taoist priest, may I ask, how did you detect this evil?】

【Feng Xingtong: Could it be that all people with squinty eyes are monsters?】

【Feng Baobao: This kid looks so cute!】

【Xu Si: Forget it, let's see the result. Didn't this guy have a conflict with the King of the Demon Realm, Dapura? Just have a fight! 】

However, the following battle was far beyond everyone's imagination.

Facing this King of the Demon Realm who could fight Gohan for more than a dozen rounds without a clear winner, the fat man, Majin Buu, easily blinded his eyes.

Then he went around behind him and kicked him.

With just these two actions

, the King of the Demon Realm died just like that, and he showed no power to fight back!

This terrifying fighting power not only stunned the aliens, but also frightened Gohan and King Kai.

In the following battle

, Gohan, who forced himself to go up, was still no match for Buu even if he became a Super Saiyan 2, and was even beaten to death by him.

Fortunately, King Kai rescued him with the reborn Kidd and brought him to the King Kai Realm.

In this Kai King Realm, there is a sword inserted. It is said that whoever can pull out this sword can gain endless power.

Kidd knew nothing about the power of Super Saiyans, so he didn't believe that Gohan could pull out this sword, and directly pointed out that the previous Kai Kings were powerless.

However, what shocked him was that

Gohan only turned into a Super Saiyan and pulled out the Sword King Sword. In their shocked eyes, he began to practice according to their words.

On the other side,

Vegeta, who felt the evil breath, knocked down Goku in a sneak attack, and then went to fight with Majin Buu.

As a result, he was beaten to ashes.

This also verified the previous inference of Erzhuang.

That is, the power of Majin Buu is far above the second generation of Super Saiyans, and it is an existence that cannot be compared with the previous Frieza and Cell.

The key is that this guy has no personality and can only kill endlessly.

So under Babidi's instructions, they flew towards Xidu together and destroyed along the way.

Even the residents of an entire city were turned into chocolate and eaten. This method of killing is obviously much more cruel than the previous ones!

At this time, at the other end.

Goku, who woke up from a coma, found that the demon Puwu had been resurrected, and hurriedly found Goten and Trunks.

He took them and Piccolo, who had recovered from petrification, back to the Temple of Heaven.

Then he taught them the method of fusion.

According to Goku, this method of fusion was learned from other masters in the underworld. It allows two people of equal stature and roughly the same strength to fuse. The product of the fusion has the common thinking of both parties.

Its strength will be greatly improved.

However, this fusion method requires practice.

And now it is more important to give Trunks enough time to retrieve the Dragon Ball Radar.

So in order to delay time, Goku had to turn on the instant movement and directly blocked the path that the demon Puwu had to take.

Facing the arrogance of the other party, he said sincerely:

"Vegeta and I underestimated you two!"

"I didn't expect that the power of Demon Buu would be so strong!"

"I am so ashamed to say this!"

In response to his praise, Majin Buu also laughed in agreement, seeming to be very happy.

Babidi said proudly:

"Of course, he was created by my father!"

"By the way, what are you doing here? Are you going to hand over those three guys to us?"

In response, Wukong said that two of the three children were practicing secret martial arts, and they would come to fight them after the practice.

But before that, they would never allow any human to be harmed.

However, Babidi, because he already had the fighting power of the level of Majin Buu, disdained Wukong's advice and even asked Buu to kill him directly.

However, facing Buu who had already had the intention to kill.

Wukong asked a decisive question:

"You are so powerful, why do you want to be ordered by him?"

Babidi thought that Puu was the same Puu as before.

So he refuted righteously:

"Isn't this as it should be? Puwu is my subordinate, he should listen to me!"

But when he finished speaking, he felt a chill on his back. When he looked back, he found that Puwu was staring at him with his eyes open.

He looked very scary.

It was as if he wanted to squeeze him into a ball.

This scene made all the strangers laugh wildly:

【Lu Linglong: Phew, Wukong is not innocent anymore, his words are so heartbreaking!】

【Zhuge Qing: This is an open conspiracy. No matter whether the two opponents can realize the meaning of his words or not, there will inevitably be disagreements. It is possible that the demon Puu will rebel afterwards!】

【Bai Shixue: Come to think of it, the demon Buu in our group seemed to be asleep, not even saying a word!】

【(Dragon Ball) Satan: Shh, he's licking ice cream!】

【Wang Ye: Oh, what's going on?]

Of course, facing the fact that Buu wants to kill Wukong first, everyone can't help but worry:

【Feng Shayan: The strength of this Majin Buu is far beyond Super Saiyan 2. Even Gohan and Vegeta were defeated by him. How can Goku fight him? He can't win at all!】

【Wang Zhenqiu: You don’t have to win, just delay time!】

【Xiao Xiao: But I am not so confident about the so-called fusion technique. The combat power of those two little guys is really limited. It should be impossible for them to surpass the second generation of Super Saiyan! 】

At this moment, a chat message came into view:

【High energy ahead!】

【This is not a drill, pay attention, this is not acting! 】

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