[Zhuge Qing: This form... could it be the legendary Super Saiyan 3? This terrifying combat power is much stronger than the demonized Vegeta who just fought with Buu!】

【Zhang Chulan: Fortunately, Vegeta didn’t see this scene, otherwise he would have been so angry that he would come back to life!】

【Wang Ye: So, does Goku really have the ability to defeat Buu?】

【Lu Linglong: Go Goku, come on! 】

At this moment, everyone, while cheering for Goku, couldn't help but think of Vegeta who sacrificed himself before.

Their battle at that time was also quite exciting and tragic. It was even fresh in their memory.

At that time, at the most dangerous moment, Vegeta suddenly appeared and saved everyone.

Similarly, facing this terrifying fat man, the former also showed a sneer:

"You, you can actually kill Gohan, you're really good at it!"

Facing the fully prepared Majin Buu, Vegeta's eyes flashed with the image of his old enemy, and he kept muttering:

"Kakarot, to be honest, you are so annoying every time I see you!"

"You were always one step ahead of me every time, and saved my life at the right time, but in the end, you chose to die that way!"

"But this time it’s different!"

"This time I'll solve the problem!"

"Just lie down for a while, when you wake up, all this should be over!"

"But who knows, I might not be in this world anymore!"

After he finished speaking, he used up all his strength to transform back into a Super Saiyan and made his final vow:

"I won't go to hell alone, I will take you guys with me!"

And this paragraph of words is not only his last masterpiece. It is also the biggest change for Vegeta as a prince!

Now he is no longer cold-blooded and ruthless, but has become truly affectionate and righteous. He looked down on the earthlings since he was a child, and became a warrior fighting for the earth!

And all this has changed because of that old enemy!

Hearing these words

, the scarred Kai King God slowly raised his head and murmured in disbelief:

"No... It's bad, Vegeta wants to die with them!"

But at this time, he no longer had the strength to stop it, and could only watch it all happen.

Vegeta, who had become a Super Saiyan 2 again, because of the blessing of evil, the vibrations released from his body at this time have truly exceeded his own limits. He even saw Piccolo on the side constantly exclaiming:

"What kind of power is this!"

Then, the battle was about to break out.

When the two sides fought, the furious Vegeta swung his iron fist and greeted Puu's face and body, and punched him hard, hitting him back again and again.

However, when everyone thought that Vegeta had completely suppressed the demon Puu and was sure of victory.

The latter jumped up from the deep pit as if nothing had happened.

And with a shake of his body, all the holes that had just been dug were restored without a trace of scars.

Even the big hole in his stomach that was penetrated by the qigong wave was directly filled up.

It was as if he had never been hurt.

Then, this source of all evil slowly opened his little eyes. At the same time, a purple light emanated from his body.

The diffused light waves gradually spread in the sky, and even blew out a terrifying deep pit within a radius of nearly a thousand meters with him as the center.

After the explosion.

He opened his mouth casually, and an explosion instantly sounded at the location where Vegeta was.

Then, the second and third waves also sounded, forcing the other party to dodge again and again.

And he originally The body saw the opportunity, stretched the pieces of flesh that fell off his body into long strips, and threw them towards Vegeta, directly circling his body.

Then he kicked him out with another kick. Then he rode on his body, just like hammering a sandbag, punching left and right, and hit back all the places that were just hurt by Vegeta.

Seeing his father being beaten up, Trunks turned into a Super Saiyan in anger and rushed out immediately.

Seeing this, Goten also went to chase him in order to stop him.

Unfortunately, it was too late.

At Trunks's final kick.

The unprepared Majin Buu was kicked out in an instant, and he kept smashing dozens of rocks before he was able to stop.

Then, he and Goten rescued the tied Vegeta.

However, at this time, Vegeta already knew deeply that there was a huge gap between him and the Majin spectrum, and he had a premonition that he would not live long.

So he looked at Trunks.

He said something that the proud prince seemed impossible to say:

"Come, come here, let daddy hug you!"

These words were said so gently, it didn't seem like something that the arrogant Vegeta would do.

But this really happened.

When he nestled in Vegeta's arms,

Trunks was still confused.

So he kept saying:

"Dad, what are you doing?"

""Don't do that, it's embarrassing!"

But Vegeta ignored his son's shyness, and quietly stared at his offspring, lost in thought, his eyes filled with an indescribable emotion. At this moment, time seemed to be suspended.

Just the next second.

A knife fell.

Before Trunks could react, he was hit in the neck by this blow, so he fainted directly, and his hair returned to its original state.

Goten, who was standing by, saw this scene and hurriedly ran forward, shouting:

"Uncle, why!"

"Why did you hit Trax?"

He stepped forward and grabbed his arm, asking:

"Why, why did you knock Trunks out?"

Just the next second.

Vegeta didn't say anything, immediately bent down and punched Goten in the abdomen, making him follow Trunks' footsteps.

Then he asked Piccolo to take Trunks and Goten and escape from this place quickly.

As a highly intelligent Namekian, Piccolo calmly picked up Goten and Trunks, then turned around and asked uncertainly:

"You don't want to commit suicide, do you?"

Vegeta didn't answer him.

But his next words seemed to have told his own fate:

"I just want to ask you one thing"

"If I die, will I be able to meet Kakarot in the underworld?"

At this time, Piccolo really wanted to try to comfort him and give him a glimmer of hope.

But out of rationality, he still answered the truth:

"At this point, there is no point in me saying anything, so I'll just tell you the truth!"

"it's out of the question!"

"Because when you were alive, you killed too many innocent people. Once you die, not only will your body disappear without a trace, but even your soul will be sent to a different world from Wukong's!"

"When you reach the underworld, all your memories will be erased, and you will be given a new life!"

Although he had already guessed the ending, when he heard Piccolo say it himself, Vegeta still smiled helplessly:

"Really? What a pity!"

But he still maintained his last bit of dignity:

"All right, hurry up and go!"

Then he turned around and stopped Puu from catching up, and at the same time, he began the countdown of his final life...!

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