"Stop, Demon Puu!"

"You can chase him, but you have to defeat me first, do you understand, you ugly, spitting thing!"

These words completely touched Buu's reverse scale.

However, facing Buu's counter-taunting, Vegeta did not get angry as expected. Instead, he returned to Super Saiyan 2 again and smiled coldly:

"This time, I will definitely defeat you and make sure you will never be able to recover!"

"Because I will smash you into pieces!"

But what he was thinking at this moment was:

"Goodbye, Bulma, Trunks, and you, Kakarot!"

The next second, with his full-strength roar, a yellow light descended upon the world and flickered around him in a hemispherical shape. The area it affected was so large that it even covered the entire body of Majin Pu.

And the noble prince, in this hymn full of love and pride, used his body to find the last way to survive for all the warriors!

Under this miraculous beam of light, a warrior disappeared!

This warrior was named Vegeta, the proudest Saiyan prince!

So, when Goku officially completed his transformation, the aliens didn't even realize that while they were cheering for Goku, they had another person's name on their lips, as if they had already regarded him as another protagonist:

【Hibiscus Orihime: Goku, come on, give Vegeta's share back to them as well!】

【Shiraishi Snow: For peace on earth!】

【Zhang Lingyu: Goku has inherited the will of the Saiyans and successfully broken through himself again. I'm afraid he can really agree to this battle!】

【Canglong: Cool, go for it!】

In the screen.

After the transformation, Wukong has completely changed his appearance.

Although he has no eyebrows, his hair is much longer than before, and the electric light emitted by the current around his body is much greater than the previous form.

Then, in Wukong's oral description, this transformation also has a name:

"This is the third stage beyond Super Cell!"

When the two sides officially started fighting,

Goku, who had successfully transformed, was no longer the same in terms of speed or strength. As soon as he rushed forward, he grabbed the pigtail of Majin Buu and gave him a set of standard military boxing.

And he truly interpreted the meaning of hanging and beating.

At this time, Babidi was really panicked and immediately shouted:

""Majin Buu, what are you doing?"

But Buu is not a pushover.

At this time, he has a strength far higher than that of Super Saiyan 2, and it is not impossible for him to fight against the third generation.

Even after being hit by a whole set of continuous military punches from Goku, he was not hurt at all with his thick skin and flesh, but grinned.

Then, he gave Goku a whole set of prince fighting methods.

At the same time, he opened his evil eyes.

It can be said that this guy's learning ability is too strong. Once fighting, he can absorb all the opponent's moves, and apply them to continuously strengthen his combat ability.

And then.

The two sides officially started a big melee.

During their fight, the whole world was shaking, as if it had become the accompaniment of their main theme.

【Wang Zhenqiu: This Majin Buu is incredible. He can actually tie with Goku who has transformed into a third-generation Super Saiyan. This is too outrageous!】

【Lao Meng: No, Goku should have a slight advantage now, but if the fight continues like this, Majin Buu will not be in any danger in a short time.】

【Xiao Xiao: But the key is, Wukong’s time is running out!】

【Wang Ye: Fortunately, he successfully bought enough time. Trunks has now obtained the Dragon Ball Detector and is ready to return along the same route!】

【Zhang Lingyu: This fight is so exciting!】

【Lu Linglong: Don't give up, Goku, you will definitely be able to defeat him! 】

However, Goku's purpose really seems to be just to delay time, nothing more.

After feeling Trunks's energy start to move, he smiled faintly.

Then he gradually returned to his original appearance.

Of course, this scene also aroused the doubts of Majin Buu:

"Hey, why did you change back to your original form? It’s fun to fight with you. Let’s fight again!"

Wukong laughed and said:

"That would be my honor, but I don’t have time!"

"I don't have time to play games with you all the time. I'm sorry, I have to go first!"

But then, he still persuaded the two people in front of him:

"Listen, Babidi!"

"The three people you are looking for, Piccolo, Trunks, and Goten, will appear in three days... no, in two days!"

"So before that, you'd better not do anything and stop killing people in vain!"

"Two days, just two days will do, okay?"

Puwu seemed to be interested after hearing this, so he asked:

"Are they any good?"

"If you are good, I can consider your proposal!"

But in the face of his proposal, Babidi seemed to have expected that he was the boss of Puu, and sneered directly:

"Do you think I would really be fooled by your words?"

"Of course I will continue to kill people, what can you do about it?"

Wukong did not get angry but laughed:

"That's a pity. Demon Buu finally has a chance to fight a wonderful battle. Babidi, if you go to hell, you will be tortured less. I will definitely ask the King of Hell for help!"

Then, he immediately activated the teleportation in front of everyone and disappeared from the spot.

This scene also made everyone very confused:

【Wang Ye: I didn’t expect that Wukong has also learned to scheme. What he said will definitely alienate Majin Pu and Babidi again. Judging from the current situation, they won’t go too far!】

【Zhuge Qing: It’s just strange. Just now, Wukong was clearly not angry or nervous. Why did he give up this battle? I think he can win!】

【Yun: Didn’t I say before that Wukong is running out of time?】

【Zhang Chulan: Idiot, can't you hear that he is making excuses? As long as he wants, there is no problem in taking another day off. After all, he is a good buddy of the King of Hell!】

【Canglong: Then why did he give up?】

【Zhi Jinhua: I think Wukong thinks that he is dead, so he wants to leave the future to people in the real world and let them solve it themselves!】

【Lu Linglong: I see. Then I just hope that the combination of the two little ones will not disappoint Wukong. Otherwise, he will be disappointed with the descendants of the Saiyans! 】

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