Sure enough, after Goku left, something happened between Majin Buu and Babidi.

Babidi was very dissatisfied with Majin Buu for letting Goku run away, so he kept scolding him.

Little did he know that Majin Buu had already developed a murderous intention.

He first approached Babidi with his silly face.

Then he suddenly jumped up and grabbed the opponent's neck so that the opponent could not shout out the spell to seal him again.

Then he sneered:

"I have learned a lot from you, so I don't need you anymore!"

"Because I can't stand you!"

""Go to hell, idiot!"

The next second, he punched him and smashed his brain into a paste, completely killing the man who bound him.

However, without the restraints, Majin Buu became a wild horse, and did not listen to Goku's previous advice at all, but ran to another city alone to massacre.

Seeing this scene, Goku was terrified.

It seems that this is a completely emotionless human machine.

Therefore, Trunks and Goten's training will also start to speed up!

During their training, Goku also told Piccolo his true thoughts:

"In fact, I was originally a person who no longer existed in this world!"

"Defeating Majin Buu is not what I should do!"

"This problem should be left to the living to figure out a solution."

"If I defeat Majin Buu, who knows, some powerful guy might appear in the future and face the same dilemma!"

"This time it was indeed a big bet, but seeing these two martial arts geniuses also gave me confidence and made me willing to take a gamble!"

Use them to bet on the future of the earth!"

These words also made everyone feel:

【Zhi Jinhua: It seems that my guess was correct. Wukong's vision is really very broad. He has now seen through life and death, so he made this decision!】

【Wang Ye: The current Goku is completely different from when he was a child!】

【Zhuge Qing: But then again, Babidi's death is not necessarily a good thing. At least from now on, Majin Buu is no longer restrained, and the evil in his heart is completely released!】

【Xiao Xiao: Although what Wukong said is right, but for some reason, I always lack confidence in these two silly guys!】

【Yun: I agree!】

【Er Zhuang: Do you have an illusion that Majin Buu is just a child who lacks discipline, and is not the source of all evil? He is influenced by the evil magician because he does not understand good and evil!

Unfortunately, no one cares about Er Zhuang's words.

Because everyone is attracted by the fusion action.

When Goku demonstrated the fusion action.

Everyone present, whether it is Trunks, Gohan or Piccolo, felt sweaty.

The first two have even begun to regret it.

Because this fusion posture is too ugly!

【Zhang Chulan: This posture...why does it look so embarrassing to me!】

【Bai Shikiyuki: Even Goten, whose aesthetic sense has gone astray, showed a look of disgust. It's easy to imagine how outrageous this posture is!】

【Lu Linglong: I guess only Gohan can accept it!】

【(Dragon Ball) Gohan: Actually, I also have a bottom line!】

【(Dragon Ball) Goten: A little shy】

【(Dragon Ball) Trunks (young): What I really thought at the time was that if I really imitated this posture, whether I could defeat Majin Buu would not be that important! 】

But complaints are complaints.

Under Goku's urging, Trunks and Goten, although they were 120% unwilling, still trained hard to defeat Majin Buu. Even in order to coax them to train.

Goku also agreed to their request and transformed into a Super Saiyan 3 again.

However, he had just finished the transformation when he was told by the fortune-teller that the time had come and he had to return quickly.

When he learned that Goku was going back.

As his wife, Chi-Chi also ran out crying and said his final goodbye to him.

Recalling the hug between Trunks and Vegeta before, Goten felt jealous at this time, but he didn't know how to say it.

Fortunately, Chi-Chi saw what he was thinking.

So he smiled and said:

"Goten, you also want your father to praise you, right?"

Goten blushed instantly when he heard his thoughts being said.

At this time, Goku also suddenly realized that he had too little time to spend with his youngest son.

So he nodded and answered:

"Really? If you want to do this, tell dad earlier!"

After that, he stepped forward and lifted up Goten, just like Vegeta before, and said his final goodbye to his youngest son.

Then, at the urging of the fortune-teller

, in this love and praise, he finally waved to everyone:

"Take care, everyone!"

"After you die, we will be able to meet again!"After the voice fell, the body disappeared into the sky, officially completing his farewell.

Krillin couldn't help but complain in his loss:

"That bastard actually said such an unlucky thing!"

However, the second half of his sentence that he didn't say was completed by another voice:

【Zhuge Qing: But only someone as thick-skinned as Wukong would say such unreliable farewell words!】

【Lu Linglong: Woohoo, Wukong left again. I don’t know why, but every time Wukong leaves, I feel a lack of security!】

【Zhi Jinhua: There’s nothing we can do. Wukong just gives people a reliable feeling. He is the spiritual leader of this group of people!】

【Feng Shayan: Wukong, have a pleasant journey!】

【Wang Zhenqiu: Both little guys must also work hard and never let Wukong down!】


However, the facts have proved that

Goku still cannot place too much hope on the younger generation, otherwise, he will face greater despair!

After returning to the underworld, Goku inquired about Gohan's news, but learned from King Yama that Gohan is still alive.

So after some experience, he officially locked his position, and then started teleportation, and teleported to the Kaioshin Realm.

And under the introduction of the Kaioshin, he understood the reason for all this.

Then he practiced with him.

As a result, the Sword King Sword was directly broken under the chopping of steel.

What's even more amazing is that a lustful old Kaioshin emerged from the broken Kaioshin Sword.

And this old Kaioshin can actually stimulate potential and make Gohan even stronger!

While training in the Kaioshin Realm.

A scene that happened on Earth also made everyone laugh and cry.

In the Temple of Heaven, Trunks successfully completed the fusion after training with Goten, but because of the wrong action, his own fusion failed and he became a fat man.

And the second fusion 30 minutes later failed again because of the wrong hand gesture, and became a thin man who looked like he had kidney deficiency.

It even makes people doubt whether he can last more than 30 minutes!

Fortunately, the last time, they combined perfectly and successfully became the combined warrior Gotenks, and formally challenged Majin Puu!

However, due to the disparity in strength, he was beaten by Puu and had to lose.

However, at this moment.

A guy who was unexpected by everyone became the pioneer of saving the earth...!

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