However, this battle did make Vegeta doubt his life.

While he was being beaten, he couldn't help thinking:

"Damn, this guy can attack continuously so quickly!"

"Was Kakarot really fighting him just now?"

It must be said that this battle did cause an unprecedented sense of frustration to the prince's self-esteem.

Even the arrogant prince, facing this unbeatable enemy, felt an indescribable fear. While looking directly at him, he kept muttering:

"I... I can't beat him, I can't beat him at all!"

Seeing Vegeta being beaten badly,

Goku had no choice but to force his way in.

He said:

"You finish here, it's my turn!"

"He is much stronger than those I fought before, but I absolutely cannot lose to him!"

After he finished speaking, he rushed over and transformed back into Super Saiyan 3. He fired two air cannons, which sent Majin Buu flying.

Then, he fought with the opponent again and the result was a draw.

And this scene���It also made Vegeta fully realize his own fighting ability, which was actually far behind Goku:

" are so awesome!"

"Demon Buu is simply not an opponent I can resist!"

"Now the only one who can fight him is you!"

At this point, he couldn't help but start to recall:

"Kakarot, when I first met you, I came to this earth to conquer the planets in the universe!"

At that time, if Goku didn't use the King-ken, Vegeta's combat power would indeed be two or three times higher than his.

In the end, when Goku overdrew his physical strength, they only fought to a draw.

Then in the subsequent games, they became stronger and grew together.

They have long since changed from enemies to today's comrades-in-arms!

"Since then, I have made surpassing you the main goal of my life!"

"The legendary Super Saiyan will only appear once in a thousand years. If this legend is true, then the only person who can possibly become a Super Saiyan is me!"

"Could Kakarot, a low-level warrior, become a Super Saiyan?"

"I don't believe anything you say!"

But what happened next was beyond his expectations.

When Goku knocked down Rekum, whom he could not defeat, with just one elbow.

When Goku and Frieza fought back and forth and pushed each other to the limit.

The prince's self-esteem was cracked again:

"At this time, he has completely surpassed the Saiyans' fighting level!"

"Could it be that the legend is true?"

"Is this guy really a Super Saiyan?"

Then, the memory came to the chapter of the androids:

"When I was fighting with Android 19, I was so angry that I finally transformed myself into a Super Saiyan!"

"I am so happy!"

"Now, I have finally surpassed Kakarot!"

"Finally, he has the pride of the Saiyan Prince in his hands again!"

But he never expected that this time would be the last time that he would be stronger than Goku.

From then on, he would always be one step behind Goku, and at the same time, he would never be able to catch up with the low-level warrior that he once looked down upon!

"At the beginning, I always thought that you were a person worthy of protection!"

"This desire to protect you has been growing in my heart for an unknown reason. Maybe it is true, and even until now, I still think the same!"

"To be honest, I keep fighting in order to make everything go as I want, to make myself happy, to be able to kill the enemy, and for my pride!"

"But, Kakarot, you are different from me!"

"You don't fight to win!"

"It is because you cannot afford to lose that you keep pushing your limits and fighting!"

"So, it is possible that you have never ended your opponent's life in the past!"

"I didn't expect that, in the end, you still didn't kill me. It was as if you already knew that one day I would have a little bit of humanity like I do now!"

"It makes me angry just thinking about it!"

"There is actually a Saiyan like you in the world who loves fighting and has a kind heart!"

"So, come on, Kakarot, you are the best in the universe!"

Thinking of this, he finally smiled.

And this true monologue from his heart also made everyone in the alien world truly understand how tortuous the prince's mental journey was:

【Bai Shiyuki: I didn’t expect that Vegeta has such a side. It seems that he has always regarded Goku as his goal, which is why he has become so powerful now!】

【Lu Linglong: But I am more curious about why Vegeta wants to protect Goku. Is it what I thought? (I was shocked)】

【Zhi Jinhua: Girl, what are you thinking about? In Vegeta's heart, Goku is a Saiyan and his people, so he wants to protect him!】

【Xiao Xiao: I almost misunderstood!】

【Feng Shayan: This is the first time I feel that Vegeta’s smile is quite charming, but his last smile should be a smile of relief!】

【Xu San: His interpretation is indeed very comprehensive. All the battles that Goku has been fighting are battles that he cannot lose, and he is essentially a kind guy, so he lets his opponents go time and time again!】

【Wang Zhenqiu: After hearing what he said, I suddenly seemed to understand Wukong!】

【Feng Xingtong: So, as Vegeta said, Goku, you must not lose this battle!】

【Wang Ye: Come on! 】

However, because of the immortality of Demon Buu, even after fighting for so long, there was no sign of fatigue, as if he had unlimited physical strength.

With these two points alone, Goku had no way to fight him.

So, after many fights, he collapsed to the ground again.

But at this time, he seemed to have thought of something, and hurriedly asked Vegeta to help him buy a minute!

Vegeta knew that Kakarot must be brewing some plan at this time.

So, he used his life to hold on for a minute.

But there was an accident on Goku's side.

As a result, the time he needed was infinitely extended.

However, just when Satan took over Vegeta's class, he used his invincible luck to stalemate with Demon Buu for a while, and was about to be killed by the other party.

Suddenly, Little Buu's body began to spasm uncontrollably.

And after spitting out a mouthful of thick phlegm.

This mouthful of thick phlegm turned into the original Fat Buu!

Seeing that Satan was about to be in danger, Fat Puu took the order and stood in front of him, saying righteously:

"I hate you, you are not allowed to bully Satan!"

Then, in the puzzled eyes of the crowd.

It is unknown whether this guy has abandoned evil and turned to good, or abandoned the evil thoughts in his heart, or just to protect the people he cares about, he actually began to use himself as bait and fought a desperate battle with Xiao Puwu...!

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