Unfortunately, this little Puu was too fierce. As soon as the two sides fought, Fat Puu showed a clear disadvantage and was kicked away by the opponent.

Fortunately, the latter had an advantage.

That is, he was thick and resistant to beatings!

Seeing that Goku seemed to have no hope,

Vegeta pondered for a long time, and suddenly seemed to have an idea, and immediately shouted:

"Two Kaioshin, Dende, did you hear that?"

"You must have used that ball to see what's happening here!"

"Did you hear it? If you did, answer me quickly!"

After getting the reply, he continued:

"Very good, you guys go to the resurrected Namek right now and find all the Dragon Balls there for me!"

After receiving his order, King Kai immediately brought Dendy and Old King Kai, and used instant teleportation to arrive at Namek in a flash.

On the other side of the King Kai Realm.

Goku was a little confused about Vegeta's words, so he asked:

"Vegeta, what do you want to do?"

"You should know that it is too early to use the Dragon Balls now!"

In Goku's habit, he usually relies on his own strength to defeat the enemy first, and then lets the dragon resurrect the earth and all humans after ensuring safety. In this way, they can be protected from danger to the greatest extent.

However, facing his question, Vegeta did not answer.

Instead, he asked:

"Kakarot, how many times have you saved the Earth before this?"

Wukong was stunned for a moment, then replied:

"It seems like there have been a few times, but I can't remember clearly!"

Vegeta didn't pay too much attention to this ambiguous answer, but said solemnly:

"Then, it's time for the humans on Earth to take some responsibility occasionally!"

At this time on Namek, the Great Elder and others seemed to have known that Dendy would come, so they had gathered all the Dragon Balls before him.

The Great Elder even successfully evolved the Dragon Balls, resulting in the current Shenlong no longer having the drawback of only being able to revive one person at a time.

After getting the exact news, Vegeta continued to instruct:

"Dandy, listen!"

"I have two wishes to make to the dragon!"

"The first thing is to restore this destroyed earth to its original state!"

"Secondly, starting from the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament, all the dead people, except for the most evil people, hope to be able to be resurrected!"

This scene made the people in the chat group feel Vegeta's wit for the first time!

【Lu Linglong: After waiting for so long, is the final battle finally about to begin?】

【Er Zhuang: The prince's IQ is still online. The reason why his second wish was not changed to the resurrection of the people killed by Buu is because he was afraid that the evil wizard Babidi and Dapura would also be resurrected!】

【Zhang Lingyu: Also, Vegeta also killed some people in the martial arts tournament, and he wanted to make up for his mistake!】

【Orihime: Goku trusts Vegeta so much. Compared to before, now they are truly like comrades who rely on each other!】

【Xu Si: Moreover, I probably already know what tactics Vegeta is going to use! 】

Soon, Dandy fulfilled his wish.

And after a moment of silence, the dragon Porunga made an OK gesture to him:

"Yes, this request is very simple!"

Then his eyes flashed.

Under his powerful force, the cosmic fragments produced by the destroyed earth gradually gathered and successfully completed the rebirth of the earth, just like a replay.

Similarly, the people on earth also returned to the world of the dead from the world of the living as if they had just woken up from a dream.

What is more gratifying is that after this wish was made, the halo on Vegeta's head disappeared.

This also shows that in the cognition of Shenlong, Vegeta is not a bad person, he is also a warrior fighting for the earth!

It was not until this time that

Goku understood that Vegeta's plan was to revive all the people on earth, and then condense all their vitality to himself, so that he could gather a The biggest spirit bomb, with which to completely kill this guy, Demon Buu!

However, when Goku began to gather.

An accident happened.

Faced with this unknown voice, the humans on Earth seemed to have heard a joke, and they looked completely indifferent.

Even the so-called Demon Buu was not acknowledged. He also mocked this voice as a liar.

This made Vegeta very angry.

If it were in the past, with his temper, he would have returned to Earth and punished these stupid guys personally.

But now, he can only be helpless and furious, and force himself to fight with little Buu to delay time.

Similarly, this scene also made the many aliens in the chat group indignant:

【Wang Ye: Damn it, Wukong risked his life to save them, but they didn’t appreciate it at all and even thought Wukong was a liar. It’s so infuriating!】

【Zhang Lingyu: But it’s understandable. After all, those who raised their hands could sense that they became extremely weak in an instant, so it’s normal that they didn’t dare to raise their hands!】

【Lu Linglong: But if this happens, all the efforts made by Wukong and the others will be in vain!】

【Lu Ci: What a bunch of stupid humans!】

【Bai Shixue: Hurry up, Fat Puu can't hold on any longer. If they don't hurry up, the entire earth will face a catastrophe again!】

【Zhi Jinhua: At this time, it would be great if a savior could come! 】

What they never expected was that this so-called savior turned out to be Mr. Satan, who seemed to be the most useless.

Seeing that Wukong could not condense the spirit bomb,

Satan shouted in desperation:

"You...you all, listen to me clearly now, why don't you come and help!"

""Could it be that even if I, Mr. Satan, come forward to ask you for help, you still won't listen?"

It was at this moment that the star effect began to play a decisive role.

People on Earth did not recognize Goku's voice, nor did they recognize Vegeta's voice.

But they were very familiar with Mr. Satan's voice.

And under the thirst for this voice, even though they knew that their strength would be sucked away after raising their hands, everyone raised their hands above their heads.

Even the whole earth was filled with the name that they believed could save everyone:

""Satan, Satan!"

This scene was absurd and ironic at the same time.

But it must be said that under his call, as the vitality was condensed bit by bit.

Not long after, under the eager observation of the crowd and the pleading expectations of the soldiers, this huge vitality bomb was finally assembled...!

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