In 1519,

a small boat that could only accommodate a few people in the East China Sea drifted with the waves in the sea.

A skeleton flag flies on board, and there is no doubt that it is a pirate ship.

A man in a black uniform was leisurely half-lying on the boat.

He has striking white hair and black blindfolds over his eyes.

Since the boat is not large, the man's hands can be placed on either side of the boat, his back against the boat, and his head thrown back.

No matter how rough the waves were, he was unmoved.

The splashing sea water fell on him, as if he had also encountered an invisible obstacle.

This man is Gojou.

And this world is the world of One Piece, and Gojo came to this world inexplicably a few days ago.

Thinking about what it would be like to come to this world when he first arrived, Gojo can definitely say that he will never forget.

Others can still land and develop when they cross, but he doesn't even fall to the ground, so he falls into the sea first.

In the original world, he was just an ordinary college student, no matter how good he swam, it was impossible to swim ashore from the endless sea.

But fortunately, just when he was desperate, he awakened the system.

Sure enough, the system will still take care of the traverser!

The starter pack at the beginning of the game was directly given to him, and the spell returned to the ceiling of the battle power in the battle, the template of Gojo Gojo, and directly filled the progress bar.

In the end, the system was also very user-friendly, giving a small boat and a pirate flag.

This is to make him a pirate rhythm.

However, as a pirate fan, I came to the pirate world, if I don't make a name for myself at sea, how can I be worthy of the name of a traverser.

Since you want to be a pirate, then be the pinnacle pirate on the sea.

According to the system, there is still a year left before Luffy goes to sea.

There are still four emperors on the sea during this time period, so be the fifth!

"Well? It turned out to be a pirate ship. Although

wearing an eye patch, Gojo Gojo has "six eyes", 360-degree vision without dead angles, and can be seen behind the back, even if he wears an eye patch.

So it's easy to spot pirate ships in the distance.

"Hahaha, since you are a pirate, you must have a lot of money, you guys will contribute some start-up capital to the future fifth emperor!"

At this time, a small pirate on the pirate ship on the opposite side reported: "Captain, a small boat has been found ahead, do we want to deal with him?" "

Oh? Although this boat is small, no matter how small the mosquito is, it is meat, do him! The bald captain of this pirate ship said coldly.

"Okay! Brothers come to life! Copy guys! The little pirate immediately beckoned his companion.

The pirate ship, under the orders of the bald captain, accelerated towards Gojou.

"Oh? He came to me very confidently, but it was just right! Gojo said indifferently.

"Hahaha! Little ones! Give me a shot at someone! Don't break the boat, it's all money! "

On the pirate ship, within range of Gojou's entry, the bald captain arrogantly ordered.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! "

One bullet after another, it came at Gojo.

The words of the "Infinite Limit Technique"

without any emotion came out of the mouth of Gojo Gojou.

All the bullets that were fired at him seemed to have encountered some invisible barrier, all stopped in front of him, unable to advance until they finally landed on the ship's board.


"How is that possible?"

Seeing this strange scene, at this moment, the bald captain and his crew no longer had the calmness they had just now.

Everyone stared at him stunned, forgetting to shoot.

"Is that the end of it? Don't fight anymore, huh?

With that, Gojo jumped up from the ship and stopped in the air.

"How is it possible! How can he fly! "

This is the weakest East China Sea, where have they seen people who can fly.

Gojo wears a black blindfold and his white hair flutters in the wind.

"Captain, he is blindfolded, as if he is blind!"

"Blind?" The bald captain came back to his senses and found that the other party was indeed wearing an eye patch.

But this did not make him relax, but more frightened.

Because he can accurately judge the direction without relying on vision, all he can think of is to see and smell domineering.

Although the East China Sea is the weakest sea, the bald captain has traveled to other seas, and he has seen it, and he will use domineering strongmen.

Knowing that domineering is not something that ordinary people can learn, and people who can be domineering are not something that a group of pirates like them who are not in the flow can deal with.

"What are you?" The bald captain knew that they were no opponents, but he still bent on and questioned Gojou.

"Is this your pirate ship?" Gojo didn't answer his question, but instead asked one, obvious.

"Hah! Isn't this nonsense? Is this ship not ours, is it yours? A little minions scoffed.

"Ah, it's yours, but now that the ship belongs to me, I order you to stay!"

"Hahaha, he said the ship was his!"

"Ridiculous, he still wants to rob our boat!"


Although Gojo Goku could fly, which surprised these little minions, they did not feel how strong the opponent they were facing was.

"Shut me up..." The

bald captain was different, he already knew that this was an opponent to be provoked, listening to the taunts of his subordinates, he quickly stopped it.

"Bang!" A figure flew out upside down, interrupting what he was about to say.

It was Gojo Gogo who activated "Cang", teleported directly to the ship, and punched a pirate.

"Cang" is a means of attack, with "Cang" as the center of the ready-made attraction. The maximum output can reach negative infinity, which is similar to a small black hole. Teleportation is a derivative use of "cang".

The principle is to compress the distance between the start and end points to achieve the effect of teleportation.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Gojo

launched the "Cang" in a row, constantly knocking down the pirates.

More than ten seconds later, the people of this pirate group, including the bald captain, were all lying on the deck in pain, letting out a burst of wailing.

Although it is easy to kill them all, such a large ship needs someone to steer.

Gojo controlled the strength to the extent that it did not hurt their lives, and fell to the ground one by one.

Walked up to the bald captain and grinned at him: "Who does this ship belong to now?"

"It's yours! It's yours! The

bald captain trembled, "Please release us!" Everything on this ship is yours!

"Don't worry, I won't kill you! As a price, you will sail for me!

"Of course, of course, this is no problem at all, thank you for not killing!"

"Thank you, my lord!"

"Thank you, my lord!"

"Thank you, my lord!"

The pirates kowtowed to Gojo.

"Hurry up!" Gojo said, "Clean up the ship, and hang my pirate flag on this ship!"

"Okay, okay! My lord! That's it!

"Wait, are all the people on your ship here?" Gojo asked suddenly.

"It's all here, my lord!" Looking around, the bald captain replied.

"Oh? That's interesting, there is actually one more person on this ship. So it was, it turned out to be her..." Gojo

Goku didn't expect that robbing a pirate ship would meet an important person in the original work....

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