My name is Nami, nicknamed Little Thief Cat, and today I have a lot of luck. Ben thought of taking something valuable on this pirate ship, but he didn't expect that this pirate ship actually went to sea.

Escaping at sea in broad daylight will definitely be captured by them.

Luckily, they got into a fight, and I was able to escape.

But alas, the battle ended quickly, and her ideas were doomed to fail.


" Gojo activated "So" and came behind Nami in an instant.

"Hey! What are you doing?

"Who !!?"

The voice suddenly came from behind her, and Nami turned sharply in fright.

Looking at the white-haired man wearing a black blindfold in front of her, Nami was left in a cold sweat.

She swore that when she entered the room, she had made sure that there was no one in the room.

After all, her title of thief cat is not called in vain, and it is impossible to make such a mistake.

And the door that entered the room was only the one behind him.

The man in front of him definitely didn't come in through this door.

No matter how he got in, this man is extraordinary.

Am I going to die here today? I'm sorry, everyone in Cocosia Village.

"Are you stealing?" Gojo asked again.

"What do you do again?" Nami plucked up the courage to ask rhetorically.

"I am interested in the treasure on this ship as much as your purpose!"

"Since we are peers, how about we work together and divide the treasures equally?"

Since he also came to steal, then pretend to cooperate with him, and when he gets off the ship, he dumps him and lets him share equally with the air!

Want the treasure of my little thief cat, there is no door!

Nami thinks Gojo is also here to steal.

"Your proposal is great, but...", Gojo said after a pause, "I refuse!

"Why, if we cooperate, it will be easier to get out of here!"

"Just now, the owner of these treasures has given me all the treasures. Why should I steal my own treasure?

Gojo tilted his head.

"How is it possible to give it to you? Could it be..." Nami suddenly flashed a terrifying guess.

Have all the pirates on this ship been defeated by him? If so, then I can't be an opponent!

"I'm sorry, big brother! I didn't know that the treasure had changed owners. Come, big brother, you take it!

Nami handed over the treasure knowingly.


Being able to flex and stretch is my stealing path.

Gojo took it and casually threw it aside, as if he didn't care at all.


"Meet Nami, an important character in the original book, and trigger the mission! As a pirate, how can you be unknown? Follow Nami, kill Aaron, mission reward: random reward! "

I didn't expect the system to send tasks, what will be the reward?

Then try it, just kill Aaron anyway.

It's just a small character that the protagonist of the original book wants to defeat.

"You stole my things, what should I do with you?"

Saying that, he made a thoughtful look.

"I didn't know it was your stuff, and if I did, I wouldn't have taken it!" For my unaware's sake, you have a lot of adults, let me go! "

Bah, return your things, it's not a robbery, it's really shameless!"

Although she thought so in her heart, Nami did not show it at all.

"Do you know about the Evil Dragon Pirates?"

"Know know. What's wrong? "

Oh? If you can take me to them, I'll let you go, how?

"What are you looking for them for?"

Is he going to join the Evil Dragon Pirates?

The long one is quite handsome, but he wants to join them!

"I heard that they are calling the wind and rain in the East China Sea, and I want to see if they are really strong."

It turns out that they are in trouble, hehe, it is better to be able to die together!

However, the power of the fish people is not something that ordinary people can overcome. None of my business anyway! It's best to die!

"Good! I'll take you, and when the time comes, you will release me!

"Hahaha! Deal! "


A few days later, under Nami's guidance, he came to the village of Cocosia.

"Sir, are we really going to find trouble with the Evil Dragon Pirates? They're not very easy to mess with! "

The bald captain was very apprehensive, no, it was Corratt, and now he is no longer the captain.

"Don't worry, a group of evil dragon pirates, I don't put it in my eyes yet!"

Gojo grinned.

"Don't! Please, let them go, they're just kids! "

The pleading voice came from a distance.

Something happened in the village!

Nami forgot that she was still a hostage, and without greeting, she rushed directly into the village.

"Hey, what are you running? Run again and I'll shoot!

Corratt pulled out the gun and shouted at Nami.


Gojo pressed Corratt's gun down.

"Keep up."


Two eight- or nine-year-old boys with tears on their faces, holding Noki's thighs and hiding behind.

Opposite them, a burly fishman with a jagged nose and a large knife was placed on Nokigao's neck with a hideous face.

"Are you going to die with them?"

Along smiled wickedly, "A low-level human dares to stone me!" There is a price!

"They are still young and do not understand things, please spare them this time!"

Nokigao pleaded again.

"If you don't get out of the way, then die with them!"

Aaron raised his knife and was about to cut it down.

"Wait a minute, Aaron, you release them, I can give you 20 million Bailey!"

Nami arrived in time and stopped Aaron.

Although she doesn't have so much money now, Gojo Goku has it.

After getting along for the past few days, she found that Gojo Gojo was not the bad person she imagined.

If you borrow from him, he should borrow it.

She didn't think that Gojo Gojo could defeat the Evil Dragon Pirates.

Because in her cognition, it is impossible for humans to defeat fishmen.

"Nami, you brought the money back! However, even if you beg me, it is useless, people I want to kill, I also want money! "

The lowly human beings stoned him, this is a provocation to him, unforgivable!

Aaron showed a bloodthirsty smile and swung the knife directly.


Nami cried and was about to rush over.

But her speed is destined to be unable to keep up with the speed of the knife falling.

The sound of "when"

blades colliding came out, but the imaginary bloody scene did not appear.

A man with white hair stopped the knife from falling.

It was Gojo Goku who activated "Cang" and came to Noki's body in an instant, and blocked Aaron's knife with his hand.


Aaron and his group of evil dragon pirates, as well as everyone else present, all watched this sudden change.

"What are you? Are you going to be nosy?

Seeing that the knife could not be cut, Aaron withdrew the knife and asked.

"My name is Gojo Gojo, you just made my friend cry!"

"Friends?" Nami wiped her tears and muttered.

"Ah, it's a friend, I treat you as a friend, don't you treat me as a friend? It's really sad!

Gojo said deliberately in a frustrated tone.

"I haven't seen a friend who threatens a friend!"

Nami broke into a smile.

"Do you need me to beat them up for you?"

"May I please you?"

"Of course!"

"Please help me beat them up!" Nami said.

"As you wish!"

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