The town of Whiskey Hill has nothing to do.

Due to its prominent geographical location, it is the first stop of one of the seven routes of the Grand Line, and there are countless pirates invading here. Gradually, those who can't survive either leave or are forced to change their careers.

I don't know when it started, but the main occupations of the residents in the town almost all became bounty hunters. The chef is a bounty hunter, the bartender is a bounty hunter, the brewer is a bounty hunter, and the musician is also a bounty hunter.

Later, bounty hunters from other places also began to gather here. It can be said that everyone here may be a bounty hunter.

Whiskey Hill Town has become a famous bounty town, but the pirates who have just come to the New World from all over the world don't know it.

The residents of Whiskey Mountain like to act hospitable to lower the vigilance of the new pirates and catch them when they are off guard.

"Look, there's a ship coming!"

The originally quiet town became lively instantly.

"Is it a pirate ship?"

"I hope it's a big fish this time. The last pirate captain didn't even get the bounty of 10 million Baileys, but he dared to venture into the Grand Line."

"Don't fight with me, it's my turn this time!"

"Bah, first day out to collect bounties? Of course whoever gets it gets it!"

The noisy town didn't last long, because they soon discovered that the pirate flag they had been thinking about was not on the ship that was coming.


Some people went back directly. Pirates who had just come to the Grand Line were often the most arrogant, and they would not lower the pirate flag normally.

But some bounty hunters have not given up. Maybe this is a group of low-key pirates. They just put away the pirate flag.

"There is no welcome ceremony? Could it be that the Baroque Works later integrated the bounty hunters here, and then made the whole town sing and dance to welcome the pirates?"

When the White Dragon Horse approached, Bardock muttered in confusion. The scene was different from what he thought.

"What are you talking about? Is there something wrong here?"

Robin was also observing everyone below, and felt that the smiles of these people were stiff enough.

"Nothing, these are all bounty hunters below."

After Bardock finished speaking, he turned back to Perona and said, "Perona, your ghost will guard the ship later, and we will go ashore together."

"Why didn't you say it earlier?" Robin walked back to his cabin quickly, intending to disguise himself. Bounty hunters are not scary, but if their whereabouts are leaked, there will be endless trouble.

"Okay, the islands in the Grand Line don't look that great! These people look just ordinary!"

Perona originally thought that only the strong could survive in the Grand Line, but now it seems that she thought too much.

"Most people on the sea are ordinary people. I'll show you the unusual places on this island later."

Bardock looked at the huge cactus island in the distance.

Not long after, Robin came back. She moved quickly with many hands. She put on some makeup, a hat and sunglasses. She wanted to wear a mask, but thought about it and gave up. Too much is as bad as too little.

"Perfect! In fact, in my opinion, even if you don't disguise yourself, they shouldn't recognize you. Your bounty is still the young Robin."

Bardock compared the two Robins in his mind, and the difference was quite big.

"Be careful. I don't want to be chased around by the navy when I just came to the Grand Line."

Robin cherishes her current life very much. If possible, she hopes that the World Government will never come.

At this moment, the ship finally docked.

"Get off the boat! Follow me!"

Bardock jumped directly onto the shore. The others were much more normal and completed the landing from the gangway on the side of the ship.

The moment they saw Bardock and his gang, the bounty hunters who stayed behind couldn't keep their smiles. They were really not pirates.

Bardock looked around and pointed at a person and said, "This, um, the fat brother in the chef's uniform, come here."

The fat chef first pointed at himself, and when he saw that Bardock was really talking about him, he replied, "Don't call me fat brother, my name is Baker, what can I do for you?"

"Baker, we are hungry. If you are a chef, take us to the restaurant!" Bardock patted his belly and said.

Baker nodded. His part-time job is indeed a chef. His cooking skills are okay. The pirates in the past were very satisfied.

With a "clang", when Baker turned around, a sharp knife

Maybe it was not inserted properly, and it fell from the clothes to the ground.

The scene was quiet, and everyone looked at the knife.

Baker wiped his forehead, "I am a chef, and I carry a sharp knife with me to cut meat. It's reasonable, right?"

He bent down to pick up the knife on the ground. It was difficult for a fat man like him to bend down. After all, he was not that flexible chef. With this squeeze, another gun fell out from under the chef's uniform.

Bardock was embarrassed for him, "There are more pirates here, so it's reasonable to carry a gun with you!"

"Yes, yes, that's it, I just use this gun for show, to give me courage."

Baker blushed and put away the knife and gun, "Come with me, the food I cook is definitely delicious."

"Then we have to eat more, my appetite is very big."

Bardock and his friends walked farther and farther, and the rest of the people also dispersed, only a few people remained at the port dock.

One of them was thoughtful, "These people are definitely not simple, and they don't worry that the people here will harm them.

Should I contact the boss? If the recommendation is successful, I should be able to upgrade to a higher level, and then I will be a billionaire elder."

After seeing Bardock and his men walk away, the other people looked at the White Dragon Horse, exchanged glances with each other, nodded, and left temporarily.

Baker didn't brag, the food he made tasted good, which might be because Bardock and his men had never eaten Baker's ingredients before, anyway, they ate a lot.

"Let's go, I'll take you to digest the food."

After eating and drinking, Bardock wanted to take everyone to see the cruelty of the Grand Line.

On the cactus-shaped hill, Perona looked at these densely packed tombstones, and her scalp felt cold, "Why are there so many tombstones here?"

"Some of these tombstones are pirates, some are bounty hunters, and some are former residents of this island."

"Boss, do battles often happen here?" asked Daz Bonis.

"This is the starting point of one of the seven routes, and it's a route in the middle. Countless pirates land here every year. Now in the town below, it's hard to find a resident who is not a bounty hunter."

"The World Government really hasn't done anything!" Robin looked at these tombstones, some of which are very old, and some look like they were just erected yesterday.

"Why didn't the Navy deploy heavy troops at the starting point of the seven routes or at the Twin Cape?" Cai asked curiously.

"This is something you have to ask the World Government. Maybe they don't want to completely eliminate pirates. Without so many pirates, how could the member states be willing to pay a large amount of Tianshangjin every year?"

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