After a casual stroll in the cemetery, Bardock planned to go back. If he didn't leave, it would be dark. "The pointer will probably take another night. Do you plan to stay on the shore or go back to the ship?" "I'd better go back to the ship. The people here are weird." Perona rubbed her arms and said. "I'll go back to the ship too. I still like my own room." After Robin said this, others said: I am the same. Bardock nodded, "Then let's buy some ingredients and go back to cook! By the way, buy some drinks. I heard that the wine here is quite famous."

"Drinks? Is it also for the giants you mentioned? Giants are not common in the Grand Line." Robin has a good impression of the giants. If it weren't for Sauro, she would never have lived to this day, and O'Hara would have completely disappeared in this sea.

"Well, on our way forward, the next stop is an ancient island, where two giant warriors live. Because of the existence of giants, the island is also called the Little Garden - the Little Garden of Giants."

Speaking of the Little Garden, Bardock began to have a headache. It takes a year for the recording pointer there to be full of magnetism. He can't wait for a year before setting off again.

Maybe there are permanent pointers for sale here in Whiskey Mountain. If it doesn't work, he can only look for garbage in the Little Garden. Many people died in the Little Garden for various reasons. They must have left behind magnetic recording pointers.

"Captain Bardock, are giants even bigger than you big humans? How big are they?"

Before going out to sea, Leo thought that big humans were already tall enough, and now there are giants, so wouldn't they be like ants in the eyes of the other side?

"Normal giants will grow to about 20 meters, and some alternatives will grow taller."

Bardock was not sure whether the blood of ancient giants like Little Oz was considered a giant, because they were a species taller than ordinary giants.

"20 meters, how many of them would it take to stack them up?"

Leo tried to calculate how many times the height of the giants was his, but it was obvious that he didn't learn math well, and he actually added them up one by one.

"It's 100, Leo, I told you to study hard, but you can't even calculate something so simple. It looks like I need to make up for it for you." Robin said with a smile.

"No, I don't want to learn math, Captain Bardock, save me."

Leo was anxious. He was the future captain of the Tontatu Kingdom. He only needed to learn how to fight, not math!

"Well, Leo, you should at least learn how to add, subtract, multiply and divide. Just like before, you had to add 99 times to get the answer, and you might make mistakes. But if you know how to divide, you only need to calculate once. How about it, it's labor-saving enough. Mansherry, you will supervise Leo's study in the future."

Bardock made the final decision. Leo was like an eggplant hit by frost, while Mansherry was very excited. "Okay, Captain, leave it to me!"

Back in the town of Whiskey Mountain, everyone went their separate ways. They went to buy food and drinks, and Bardock went to buy a permanent pointer alone.

Unfortunately, Cactus Island is just a small place. Although permanent pointers are not uncommon, they are actually very precious. I didn't see one after walking through the entire market.

Just when Bardock was about to go to the mayor's house, an eye, an ear and a mouth grew out of his hand, just like Xiaoyou in Parasyte.

Robin's voice came out of her mouth, "Bardock, Perona said someone sneaked into our ship and was knocked down by her negative ghost."

Bardock raised his eyebrows and asked Perona to leave the ghost just in case, but he didn't expect it to come in handy, "How are the things you bought? Let's go back to the ship. I want to see who is so bold and dares to attack us."

"We have started to return, and I have notified the others."

"Okay, I'll be there soon."

When Bardock returned to the ship, he saw Perona interrogating the intruder.

But she didn't actually interrogate, it felt like she was just playing. She kept using the negative ghost to pass through the three unlucky guys. At this moment, the three of them were almost played out. They just knelt there, motionless, and were so negative that they didn't even say a word.

"What's going on?" Bardock asked Robin.

"They are foul-mouthed and they threatened us. Perona won't tolerate them." Robin's tone was also unhappy.

"Well, do they have any accomplices?" Bardock mourned for these people. They offended Perona and Robin together. It was really a death star.

"All in

This is it. Originally, one person was on the lookout, and two people came to steal things. When the lookout saw that the people were not coming down, he went up to find them, and ended up being caught. "

Robin obviously knew everything, no wonder she let Perona do whatever she wanted.

"I didn't expect that they were so loyal and didn't run away by themselves. Do you know who they are?" Bardock was a little interested.

"They are also bounty hunters on the island, but they are usually not clean and like to go to casinos, so they are habitual offenders."

After listening to Robin's words, Bardock lost all interest, "Then we can't let them go for nothing. Killing them would be a bargain for them. How about this, when Leo arrives, let him sew the words "I am a thief" on the faces of the three people with the most conspicuous thread, and then sew them to the pillars of the port. Without domineering, it will be difficult for others to rescue them. It depends on whether other townspeople will support three thieves. "

"Yeah. "Robin had calmed down by now and didn't care how to deal with them.

That night, Bardock and his friends enjoyed a big meal happily and went to rest. They had a peaceful night.

The next morning, the early-rising townspeople found three bounty hunters who were sewn up and hurriedly informed the mayor. When the mayor arrived, almost all the people in Whiskey Mountain came.

The three thieves didn't dare to tell the truth, but instead slandered Bardock and his friends for having ulterior motives.

Doesn't the mayor know who they are? Many people around know that these three are not good people. But they still need to express their attitude to Bardock. Whiskey Mountain Town, where a large number of bounty hunters gather, has its own rules and must be united to the outside world.

Bardock was doing morning exercises on the beach at this time. Seeing a group of people coming over, he felt a little puzzled.

"Sir, I am the mayor of Whiskey Mountain. I am here for..."

"For what? "

Bardock did not stop training, still swinging his swords, and suddenly he exerted his strength, two slashes cut through the waves, and flew into the depths of the sea.

"I am here to apologize to you. We did not provide you with a home-like service, and some residents tried to steal your valuable property. We are really sorry!"

The mayor's reaction was not slow, and other bounty hunters also reacted immediately and quickly echoed the mayor's speech.

"Oh, do you have a permanent pointer in your hand?"

Bardock wanted to find the mayor yesterday, and it happened to encounter that matter. It is not too late to ask now.

"I am sorry, sir, I don't have a permanent pointer either, but I have a friend's life card in my hand. He is from Magnetic Drum Island. I can tear half of it for you."

The mayor took out the life card and tore it in half. Bardock took it. The life card is also fine. Magnetic Drum Island is also his destination.

"Okay, you go back, that thing is over." Bardock waved his hand and continued his morning exercise.

"Thank you sir! "

The mayor came and left in a hurry, and soon walked away.

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