The weather was very hot, but the weather was very hot.

Bardak finished his morning exercise, and everyone just got up for a while. He took out the record pointer and took a look. "Very good, the pointer has been magnetized, and we can set off immediately."

"Oh, giants, I'm going to see giants soon, I wonder if they are easy to get along with?"

Leo has developed a strong interest in giants since yesterday.

"Don't worry, Leo, the two giants on the island are relatively simple. As long as we don't have bad intentions, they won't attack us. We also brought their favorite wine, so there is no problem."

After saying that, Bardak instructed everyone to start the boat and sail towards the small garden of the ancient island.

Sailing on the sea is monotonous and dangerous, boring and interesting. This time they were much more skilled and not at all flustered. With Robin as a versatile person, the White Dragon Horse had a smooth journey. After a while, the small garden was already in sight.

"Look, that's the small garden!"

Bardock pointed to the Ancient Island and said.

"Is this the Ancient Island? It looks like a tropical rainforest. It is very suitable for investigation. There may be many extinct animals and plants in the outside world."

Robin observed the vegetation on the island and made a basic judgment.

"Will there be snakes in this rainforest? Eh..."

Perona felt her pores stand up.

"There must be snakes, and there are giant pythons."

Cai has some knowledge of the rainforest.

"Don't say it."

"Leo, I'm afraid of snakes too, you have to protect me."

Man Shirley said to Leo.

"Here we go again, the princess's willful request. What's there to be afraid of snakes? Really, princess, you are too weak!"

Leo is young, but he has already shown a steely characteristic comparable to that of a block of iron.

"Hmph." Mansherry turned away angrily.

"Leo, Mansherry will be in your care." Seeing Leo's lack of understanding, Robin smiled and gave him an assist.

"I know."

Leo was not unwilling to protect Mansherry. Seeing Robin also asked, there was no reason to refuse.

"Boss, shall we go directly to the giants?"

Daz Bonis looked at the Ancient Island and asked.

"We can let the giants come, provided that they are not dueling. Let's do this, Cai, you and Bonis bring two barrels of wine."

Bardock decided to fish with fine wine. If Dongli and Broki were not dueling, they would definitely come when they smelled the wine.

Then, he said to Robin and Perona, "You guys should explore it. In addition to the giants, you should also explore the situation of the island. Many people have died on this ancient island in recent years. Maybe we will have some good gains."

"Okay, Captain."

Everyone went about their business, and Bardock used his Observation Haki to be alert under the sea at all times. He did not forget the big goldfish of the island-eating monster.

The ship moved along the river and docked smoothly. Bardock and his friends did not rush to land, but stayed on the ship and waited.

"Bang, bang, bang."

The sound of huge footsteps came, and soon, a big head appeared behind the trees in the rainforest. It had a round face, a hat with two corners, and a beard. It was Broki.

He felt that the trees in front of him were a bit of a hindrance, so he pushed them to both sides with a little force, and the trees snapped and broke into two pieces.

"Hello, I'm Broki from Elbaf. You brought wine, didn't you?"

Broki swallowed his saliva and tried to smile kindly, but his eyes could not leave the wine barrel on the ship. When was the last time he drank? He thought about it, forget it, he couldn't remember.

If Bardock hadn't told her about the giants here in advance, Perona believed that she would definitely scream. They were too big. Moria and Ching-Chi were already giants in her eyes. She didn't expect that Moria was only the height of a child in front of the real giants.

"I'm Bardock from the West Sea. We have a lot of wine, but you have to exchange it for food."

Bardock kicked the wine barrel, and the aroma of the wine exuded an intoxicating charm.

"Really? Great, there's a lot of wine."

Brocky was delighted, "Do you want to go ashore? I can take you to my place, where I have the prey I just caught, which is the most delicious food on the island. Let's enjoy it together!"

"No problem, you provide the food and we provide the wine. Besides, we also want to explore this island. Do you have any places to recommend?"

Bardock wants to compete with the giants, and also wants to learn the skills of the hegemony, and see how he can fight with Moria's spiral gun.

What's the difference between the waves? Now is a good time to make friends with the giants.

"Oh? This island is very dangerous. If you are not strong enough, you may die."

Brocky looked at Bardock and the others and said seriously.

"You can rest assured about this. We are still somewhat confident in our strength."

After Bardock finished speaking, Leo also echoed, "Yes, we are all very strong."

"Ka Ba Ba Ba Ba, is this the Dwarf Tribe? It's too rare. I haven't seen the Dwarf Tribe for more than 100 years."

Brocky recalled the past and found that it was very vague. He didn't care and simply said, "Come with me. Since you are confident, let's talk while eating. I can't wait. Wine. Ka Ba Ba Ba Ba."

Led by Broki, Bardock and the others brought a large amount of wine to their destination, Broki's home in the small garden.

Along the way, they saw dinosaurs, giant insects, some strange plants, and various snakes that Perona was afraid of. Even though they had heard Robin and Perona describe it before, they were still overwhelmed by the sight.

"Ka Ba Ba Ba, the meat is ready, come eat!"

Broki was drinking while grilling meat, a kind of dinosaur meat, which was shared with Bardock and the others after it was grilled, and he would take a sip of wine from time to time. A barrel of wine was only enough for him to take a few sips.

"Boom, boom, boom."

Another huge sound of footsteps approached.

"Broki, you drank without calling me."

With a huge roar, a giant rushed over, with a long face, a helmet, and a long beard. It was Dongli.

He glared at Broki, as if they would not stop until Broki gave an explanation.

"Ka Ba Ba Ba, Dongli, I was just about to call you, but the meat is not yet grilled, I can't leave, yes, I can't leave, ka Ba Ba Ba Ba."

Broki was still guilty when he first said it, and he became more and more confident as he spoke.

Dongli wasn't really angry. He grabbed Brocki's wine barrel, took a sip, and exhaled, "Wow, it's so wonderful, I almost forgot the taste of good wine!"

"Donli, these wines belong to these kids, you should say hello too."

Brocki pointed at Bardock and the others and said.

"Oh, really? I'm so sorry, thank you for the good wine." Dongli also noticed Bardock and his group at this time, "I'll drink first to show my respect."

"You guys, you're clearly taking the opportunity to drink!"

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