The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two sides were in a state of panic.

"Ahahahaha, there is no conflict, right?"

Dongli laughed proudly.

"Welcome, Dongli! Drink as much as you want. We still have some on the ship, which should be enough for you to enjoy."

Looking at the giant, Bardock couldn't help but sigh that the giants were blessed. Their life span was three times that of ordinary humans. Dongli and Broki had fought here for eighty or ninety years, and they still looked like young men. You know, when they first came here, they were already in their fifties or sixties.

"Guest, don't underestimate the giants' drinking capacity! We will drink all the wine at once! Ahahaha."

Dongli was even happier to hear that Bardock and his men were not short of wine. He really hoped that every day would be like this.

Everyone ate and drank happily. Bardock asked them about the magnetized record pointer. They just said that there might be one on the island, or it might have been broken long ago. Because they had a permanent pointer pointing to Elbaf, they never thought about collecting the record pointer.


The volcano in the distance erupted violently, and magma spread out in the thick smoke.

Broki grabbed the battle axe and shield with his big hand, "Ka Ba Ba Ba Ba, Dongli, the battle horn sounded again, come on!"

Dongli also put down the wine and barbecue, picked up his long sword and shield, "I must be the first warrior of Elbaf, Broki, today, I will definitely defeat you!"

"I am the first warrior of Elbaf!"

"Whoever wins is the first warrior!"


The two walked to the open space in the middle, shouted and rushed towards each other, and started a fierce duel.

Bardock looked at their fight and raised his eyebrows. This was not like an ordinary sparring match, but more like a fight of life and death.

Broki's axe and Donli's long sword were both aimed at each other's weaknesses, using all the violence they could.

Unfortunately, they had been fighting each other for nearly ninety years, and all of their opponent's moves had been mastered to the extreme. They also knew all their weaknesses, so they were defeated every time.

In today's words: they couldn't break their moves!

"What happened to them? Why did they suddenly start fighting?"

Perona looked at the two giants who were drinking and eating together just one second, and then fighting to the death the next second. She couldn't understand their train of thought.

"Bardock, you must know, right?"

Robin looked at Bardock and asked.

"The origin of the matter came from the doubts of a little human girl. Dongli and Broki were the two leaders of the Giant Pirates, the Giant Soldier Pirates, nearly 100 years ago. They were called the Red Demon Broki and the Blue Demon Dongli. The bounty was as high as 100 million at that time."

"It was not the Great Pirate Era at that time, and the bounty was generally low, which shows their reputation on the sea. Once they each hunted a sea king, and the little girl asked them, whose prey was bigger?..."

Bardock roughly explained the matter, and everyone had different expressions.

People like Mansherry and Perona found it incomprehensible. Is it necessary to decide the winner in such a matter? With this time, why not do something else.

Leo and Cai felt that this was the romance of a man. For the sake of honor, there is no need to fear even death.

Daz Bonis didn't feel anything special, while Robin focused on the little human girl. "Bardock, what happened to that little girl?"

Bardock shook his head. "I don't know, but the Giant Pirates lost two leaders and soon became leaderless. There are rumors that the little girl was sent by the World Government to split the Giant Pirates. Unfortunately, Donli and Broki may not remember what happened ninety years ago."

The battle lasted for a long time, from the initial weapon battle to the bare-handed shield battle after the weapons were lost. The two giants fell to the ground together in the end.

"The sixty-six thousand one hundred and nineteenth battle."

"The sixty-six thousand one hundred and nineteenth draw."

Donli and Broki shouted in unison, and then laughed together.

"Ahahahaha, Broki, it looks like the fight has to continue!"

"Ka ba ba ba, Donli, I will be the winner in the end."

After lying down for a while, the two giants returned to Bardock and the others to eat barbecue and drink. It was completely unrecognizable that they had just fought to the death.

"Donli, Broki, how about fighting me after you recover?"

Taking advantage of the gap, Bardock stated his purpose.

"You? Villain

You can't do it, our giants are much stronger than you. Although you are very brave, forget it. "

Donli didn't take Bardock's words seriously and refused without thinking.

"Bardock, we giants always fight with all our strength. Do you still want to try? You might die!"

Brocky also wanted to dispel Bardock's idea.

Bardock changed into the Monkey King form and used the Big and Small Ruyi to become almost as tall as the two giants. "How is it? Are you qualified to fight now?"

"You are a Devil Fruit user!"

Donli looked at the Monkey King who had become the same height and sighed.

"It's an animal type, and it looks like a mythical beast!"

Brocky also said.

"If you must try, then we have no reason to refuse, but under the watchful eyes of the God of Elbaf, we must fight with all our strength. I hope you understand. "

After looking at each other, Dongli and Broki accepted Bardock's invitation to fight.

"No problem, I'm very strong. You fought a big battle today, so let's set the time for tomorrow!"

Bardock is not afraid of the other party's seriousness, but he is afraid that the other party is not serious. Now that Dongli and Broki have agreed to go all out, he can only be happy.

"Tomorrow? No problem." Broki said with a smile.

After drinking the last sip of wine, Dongli took a long breath, touched his stomach and stood up, "I will come to see you tomorrow, now I'm going back."

"Broki, we are also leaving. While there is still time, let's explore the island first and come to see you tomorrow morning. "

Bardock called everyone and walked towards the rain forest together. Although he had the life card to the Drum Island and Moria's life card, Bardock still decided to look for it on the island. Maybe he could find the record pointer left by the predecessors, and maybe there would be other gains.

"Ah, look, it's a Triceratops, Bardock, can we raise it?"

Perona was still resisting entering the rain forest at first, but as she walked, she enjoyed it.

"No, a Triceratops is so big, how much food will it take to raise it? It eats grass, and we don't have that much space to grow grass on our ship."

Bardock thought of his White Dragon Horse. Although it was quite big for humans, it was a bit cramped for a Triceratops. Maybe the boat would be damaged.

"Humph, my Kumasi is still the best. It doesn't need to eat or be taken care of."

Perona hummed indignantly.

"I found it, Bardock. There is an old ship stranded. Shall we go and see it? "

While Robin was following Bardock and the others, she was also using the power of the Flower-Flower Fruit to look for clues, and now she has indeed gained something.

"What are you waiting for? Let's open the blind box."

Following Robin's instructions, Bardock took the lead and walked towards the old ship.

"What is the blind box?"

"It doesn't matter, follow me."

In the dangerous rainforest, they had a smooth journey and soon saw the ship.

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