One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 110 Enel joins

"I lost to you, but it doesn't mean I'm going to join you. You've found the wrong person and I'm not suitable." Despite the turmoil in his heart, he didn't show any rejection of Katie's invitation on his face.

Listening to Anilu's words, Tai Long couldn't help frowning. He didn't expect that Katie had already done this for him, and the other party would refuse. Compared with what he promised at the beginning, it was not so smooth.

However, Tai Long didn't step forward to intervene. This was the captain's business and he was not suitable in the past.

"If you really like loneliness and being alone, then I won't bother you. But your eyes tell me that you don't like loneliness. On the contrary, you hate or even hate loneliness."

"I don't know what you have experienced before, but if you want to say that I am willing to be a qualified listener, it doesn't matter if you don't want to. Although the past cannot be changed, I can accompany you to create a better future."

"So, why don't you give me a chance to prove that I can be your partner, a qualified partner, join me, join us, okay?"

Saying that, Katie flashed to Enilu's side, and stretched out her right hand to him.

Staring blankly at Katie's palm stretched out to him, Enilu suddenly didn't know what to do. When you reach out to others, you can get a response, but even such a small wish has never been fulfilled.

Now that his identity has suddenly changed from active to passive, Enilu has lost the ability to think. It is undeniable that he really wants to hold that hand.

However, Enilo, who has been closed for a long time, dare not accept this sudden happiness. He is afraid, afraid that all this is just a dream, and all of this will leave him when he really stretches out his hand.

Through those pupils, Katie could see the struggle in Enil's heart. Although she didn't know what he was thinking, Katie could feel that Enil didn't want to at all, otherwise she could reject it without worrying about it .

So Katie decided to be more proactive.

"Since you don't disagree, I'll take it as your acquiescence." While speaking, he stretched out his left hand and grabbed Enilo's right hand.

At the moment of contact, Katie clearly felt Enilu's body tremble, and the hand she was holding shrank back subconsciously, but she couldn't escape Katie's tightly clenched palm.

"Trust me!" There was no need to talk nonsense, the three words already showed Katie's determination.

Finally, under my own pull, my right hand also held Enel's right hand, and Enel could not let go so far, and Katie felt that the strength of Enel's resistance was changing little by little during the whole process. Weakened, obviously although he didn't say it, he had accepted himself in his heart.

"Let's go, let me introduce you to the other two." As Katie said, she forced Enilo to the edge of the battlefield in the distance.

Katie's speed is so fast, one moment she was still in the sky, and the next moment she was already beside everyone.

"This woman named Esdes is second only to me in strength. The person who fought against you is the murloc Fisher Tyrone, our boatman."

"Anilu, I don't need to introduce you, everyone knows."

A simple introduction can be regarded as knowing each other, but this scene is unimaginable for the residents of Sky Island in the distance, and they never thought that things would develop to this point.

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