One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 111 Weipa and Kulikai

"Tailone, go prepare food and wine, I want to hold a banquet to celebrate the addition of new members!" After so much effort, I finally accepted Enilu, so I naturally have to celebrate, and there is nothing better than a banquet. closer to each other.

"Yes, Captain."

At this time, Emperor Wuhao was also slowly approaching, because of the existence of the ship elves, Emperor Wuhao was very clever to avoid the spread of the war, and did not reappear until the war stopped.

Looking at Katie in the crowd, Kuli Kai didn't know what words to use to describe his mood.

Although he had long expected that Katie's strength would exceed his imagination, he never thought it would be so exaggerated. Even though he was 10,000 meters away, he was still affected by the aftermath of the battle, and his heart was still beating non-stop until now.

The next moment, Kuli Kai found a stranger beside Katie, wearing simple clothes and exaggerated tattoos like a berserker.

Wait a minute, soldier?

In an instant, an incredible idea was born in Kuli Kai's mind, that person could not be the descendant of the great warrior Calgara four hundred years ago!

As soon as this idea came into being, it was an unstoppable crazy surge. Although it was groundless, Kuli Kai believed it very firmly, turned around and left Di Wuhao and ran towards Katie.

"Master Katie, if possible, can you give me a chance to follow you next time?" Weipa knelt down directly as he spoke, with the realization that Katie would not get up if she disagreed.

Looking at the kneeling Weipa with both eyes, Katie had a decision in her heart the next moment.

"I don't mind having one more trainee crew member. But since you decided to join us, I have to let go of the previous grievances. I don't want to see partners killing each other. Do you understand that?"

It is undeniable that Weipa's strength is far from reaching the standard for recruiting crew, but Katie is optimistic about Weipa's potential.

This guy's physical fitness is a bit abnormal, and the weapon he uses has a terrible recoil.

Even so, this guy Weipa can still use it at least three times in a row, and now this guy is fatally injured but can still kneel in front of him, this persistence is also rare.

More importantly, Katie found that there are interns on all the pirate groups that are a little bit more powerful. Let alone whether they are useful or not, at least they are good enough. Although she has not decided to be a pirate, But you might as well take in a few trainee crew members. It doesn't matter whether you can play or not, you must have enough aura and platoon!

"Everything, you have the final say." Now that he has decided to follow Katie, Weipa has the awareness that he should have, no matter how much grievances and enmities he had with Enel before, he must let go of them at this moment.

"In addition to this, there is a second point. I can be considered a little famous in Qinghai. Even if I am just a trainee crew member, I can't be too weak."

"I will give you two years. After two years, your bounty must reach more than 500 million, otherwise I will drive you out. You must know that when you met Luffy before, his bounty was only 100 million .”

"Look up and tell me, are you confident to do it?" Fengrui's eyes fixed on Wei Pa's eyes, and the pressure in the pupils loomed.

"One billion! My bounty will definitely reach more than one billion in two years!"

Weipa's answer was beyond everyone's expectations. Not only did he deny Katie's condition, but he also doubled it!

Even the most silent Estes couldn't help but look sideways. You must know that Katie's current bounty is only just one billion, but she didn't say anything. Anyone who brags will know in two years whether he has the real ability or not.

"Hahaha, one billion is one billion, I look forward to that day!"

Katie is very clear about what it means to have a reward of one billion yuan. That is a proper powerhouse of the emperor's deputy level. Everything that can be achieved is the existence of the famous Megatron in the New World, even if the current Enilo is one billion yuan away. Also almost.

However, I did not deny Wei Pa's decision. I have never disliked ambitious people. It is precisely because a person has ambition that he will work hard and survive difficulties that are impossible in the eyes of others. A general's soldier is not a good soldier, and a man without ambition is nothing but a coward.

"Go down and heal your wounds. From today on, you will be my Katie's person. I will leave here in a few days. You must be mentally prepared by then."

"Yes, Captain!" The next reply was to turn and leave.

However, when he turned around, he saw a strange man. Weipa was puzzled that for some reason the other man looked at him strangely, as if he knew him, and for some reason he had the illusion that he hadn't seen him for a long time.

"Hi, I'm Wenbran Kulikai, are you a descendant of the great warrior Kalgara?"

A loud bang exploded in Weipa's mind. The three words Wen Bulan were not too familiar to him, and even said that not only himself, but also all the people in Sandia knew this surname well, because these three words ran through them. A family with a history of 400 years, a friend whom the legendary great warrior Calgara misses until his death.

"I am his descendant. Is your ancestor's name Wen Brand Brand?" Wei Pa may not have noticed that his voice was trembling all the time.

Although I heard about the existence of Kulikai from Luffy, I never thought that the two parties would meet in this way, or I never thought that one day I would really meet Brand's descendants.

"Me too"

The air was suddenly quiet, and perhaps the current situation was the perfect illustration of the fact that silence is better than sound. Although there is not a single word, they can see the most sincere feelings in each other's hearts from each other's eyes.

Glancing at the two people who were silent with each other, Katie didn't intend to get involved in the past, and let the enemies handle it by themselves.

"Captain, the banquet is ready!" Tai Long's voice also came from the other side.

"I know, let's go!"

"Gan Fore, do you want to be together?" He also didn't forget the other speaker of Sky Island.

"Thank you for your invitation, my lord, but my body really doesn't allow it, and I will disturb my decency if I go." But she declined Katie's invitation and was seriously injured, but she was not allowed to attend the banquet, but more importantly, she didn't know why Facing Enel.

After all, they have been against each other for nearly ten years, and the grievances and grievances in it are far from being resolved with a single sentence.

"Alright, I'll visit you again after that." Gan Fall could more or less guess his worries, so he let him go.

"Don't dare, I should be the one to visit you." Although Katie spoke politely, Gan Fore still didn't dare to ask him to always be humble in front of Katie.

"Forget it, let's talk about it when the time comes." She didn't linger on this issue for long, and now Katie was concentrating on the upcoming banquet, knowing that she hadn't had a drink for a long time.

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