One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 123 Robot Explanation

"Because your lord possesses all the blood power that surpassed the master's record back then, and it is comparable to the Seagod's bloodline at its peak before it is fully awakened. According to the master's previous experience, your lord is just right for someone like you who possesses the power of the bloodline that is peerless. title."

After listening to the robot's words, some people showed deep thought and obviously thought of something, while the others were stupefied with capital letters on their faces, completely unable to understand what it was talking about.

And Tai Long, who has the blood of the Sea God, naturally knows what the robot said, and looked at Katie with some clarity in his eyes. No wonder he felt suppressed when he first saw Katie burst out with the power of the blood.

"The power of blood? What the hell is that?" Enilu, who was surrounded by circles, suddenly began to doubt his life. Is the moon he arrived before and the current moon the same? Why is there such a difference!

"The power of the bloodline is the power hidden in the body itself. The state of my previous transformation is to stimulate the power of the bloodline."

"Generally speaking, whether a person has blood power is determined the moment he is born, but this kind of power needs to be stimulated by later training, otherwise it will be impossible to show."

A brief introduction explained the various powers of the bloodline.

"Robot, let's see if I have the power of blood." Hearing Katie's introduction, Enel was also interested.

He has felt how powerful Katie was when she transformed before, and if he can also possess it, his overall strength will definitely increase a lot in an instant.

"Sorry, you don't have the power of blood." Without even thinking for a second, the robot gave the answer decisively.

"Why! You didn't even test my blood, don't be so perfunctory!"

Enel was so angry, if the robot had not surrendered, he would even have the urge to blow it up with a punch, which was too unfriendly to himself.

"When you came here before, you have already verified the blood, and you have not found the existence of the power of blood." The voice of the robot sounded immediately, cutting off Enilo's last extravagant hope.

"This is too unfair! Why don't I have the power of blood!" Enel couldn't help complaining.

"Come on, your thunder fruit is already a bug. It's normal to have no blood power. It would be unfair if you really have it." Tai Long said angrily. Not envious that is fake.

That is the thunder fruit known as the strongest natural system. In terms of instant explosion, it is comparable to the magma fruit of Akainu, and in terms of speed, it is not weaker than the flash fruit of the yellow monkey. It has almost no shortcomings except the natural nemesis Luffy.

"Why does the captain still have the power of blood when he is so strong?" Enilo said nonchalantly.

"Nonsense, can you compare with the captain? As a mortal, don't think about comparing with the captain who is like a god. Being a man requires self-knowledge, understand?"

A black line rose up on his forehead, Tai Long's words made him speechless, who let himself have an invincible system.

"What is that arsenal you guard? Can we go in and have a look?" Looking at the arsenal not far away, he was more curious about the existence of the arsenal than himself.

"My lord wants to go in, of course there is no problem, but these partners of my lord need to avoid it."

Frowning, Katie was confused by the robot's words.

"Since you have admitted that they are my partners, why can't you let them in?" The most needed thing between partners is trust. If you, as the captain, can't do this, how can we unite.

"Because what's in it is too important, it keeps the world's biggest secret, and it can't be known by too many people."

The air was suddenly heavy, and the answer given by the robot was far beyond their imagination, and they didn't know what to do for a while.

"Captain, why don't you go in alone, it doesn't matter whether we know or not." At this time, Tai Long took the initiative to stand up and chose to give up.

"What are you talking about, we are a team, each of you is my best partner, maybe that secret is very important to others, but I don't care about it, since people don't want to see us, let's go back! "

After speaking, Katie turned and left, without any hesitation in her clear eyes.

With a slight smile, Estes showed a smile on her face. From the beginning to the end, she did not express anything. She believed that Katie would not abandon herself or them, and turned to follow Katie's footsteps.

Unlike Estes, before Katie made a decision, they didn't expect Katie to make such a choice, let alone such a decisive choice.

Looking at Katie's back, Enilo was suddenly glad that he didn't reject Katie's invitation at the beginning, and the facts proved that Katie really regarded herself as a partner.

Also looking at Katie's back, Weipa's mood was similar to that of Enilo. He has always been very clear about his identity and never dared to ask for anything extravagantly. After all, he is only a trainee crew member.

However, Katie's choice made him at a loss. The other party didn't mean to treat him as an outsider at all, and he didn't despise him because of his status as a trainee crew member. With his fists clenched, Weipa made up his mind to work hard to improve his strength Be Katie's right-hand man.

In comparison, Tyrone's inner fluctuations were not that great. Although he was surprised by Katie's decisiveness, he didn't really think about it, but he became more and more sure that it was right to follow Katie.

"My lord, wait a moment!"

However, just as Katie and the others were about to leave, the robot behind him suddenly called out to stop everyone.

"Please forgive me, my lord. This is the request my master left me before. No matter who has to pass this test before entering, only those who pass can enter."

"My Nima"

"You robot must have no friends."

After listening to the robot's explanation, Katie almost couldn't resist dismantling it into a pile of scrap iron, and she was almost tricked by a robot.

"Your master is also in a panic, designing such a test, isn't this a deliberate provocation?" Katie also accepted this test.

"You can't say that. Even without me, you will encounter such a choice. You don't know what kind of loss you will suffer. It is a blessing to meet me in advance."

Facing the sophistry of the robot, Katie suddenly found that she couldn't refute it. What the other party said was right, there will be countless choices in life, and no one knows what the next intersection will be.

Passing the robot test will make the team more united, which is also an unexpected gain.

At least Katie found that the eyes of the other people looking at her had changed somewhat, which was the trust in herself from the bottom of their hearts.

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