"Okay, now that you passed your weird test, hurry up and take us in." Katie never wanted to ink with the robot again.

"Let's go, please follow." After speaking, the robot got up and set off, heading for the arsenal not far away, not caring about its own damage.

After a while, everyone finally rushed to the gate of the arsenal, but saw the robot flicking at the gate, and the closed gate was finally opened.

A puff of smoke and dust hit the face, and it was impossible to see the scene inside for the first time.

"How long has no one been here?" Tai Long couldn't help complaining.

"Who knows, it could be decades, it could be hundreds of years."

"Who! Come out!"

For a moment, everyone's spirits were highly tense, because the voice was too unfamiliar, and it was not anyone they knew, including robots.

"Don't be nervous, I'm not your enemy, and it's impossible for me to threaten you now." The voice sounded again, and the distance was getting closer and closer.

Even so, Katie and the others still stared nervously ahead, the unknown is the most dangerous and deadly.

"Latecomers, hello, I'm Albert Columbus, nice to meet you!"

At this moment, Katie finally saw the appearance of the person coming, but she didn't relax because of it. On the contrary, Katie's body tensed even more, and her spirit was tense like never before.

Because what I see is not a real human being at all, but a virtual image similar to a science fiction movie.

"What's going on with you? Fruit ability?" However, Tai Long and the others didn't know what these meant.

"The answer is wrong, I am not a fruit capable person, but an artificial intelligence."

Boom, a thunder blasted in Katie's mind. If the word artificial intelligence was used in the previous life, it would be nothing, but here is the world of pirates. It is nearly a hundred years behind the modern technology of the previous life. How could there be artificial intelligence? Intelligent existence!

Suddenly, the word "future country" appeared in Katie's mind, the country that was destroyed a long time ago.

The reason why it is called the future country is because that country looks like the future to outsiders, and its technological level exceeds that of the entire era for hundreds or even thousands of years.

You must know that Vegapunk, the most powerful scientist in the Navy Headquarters, is known by the world as having a wisdom that is five hundred years ahead of the world, because he has obtained part of the technological information of the future country. Strong, it is an existence that is open and hanging.

"What does this have to do with the future country?" Katie's voice was a bit chilly, knowing that a country that should have disappeared for hundreds of years suddenly appeared, and Katie wouldn't believe it if there was no inside story.

"Oh? As expected, His Excellency's vision is really sharp, and he reacted so quickly."

"Yes, I am indeed from the future country." Without hiding anything, Columbus decisively admitted.

"How is it possible that the future country has disappeared for hundreds of years?" Tai Long didn't realize it until now, and he never thought that he would encounter a product from the future country here.

"Has hundreds of years passed? It's really fast." Columbus suddenly sighed.

"So, what do you want to do with so much preparation? Or what exactly will the country do in the future?" Katie couldn't deal with all this calmly.

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