"Don't be nervous, my lord. As you said, the future country has long since ceased to exist. Everything here is just a little relic left by the future country. My existence is only to tell future generations some unknown secrets. That's all."

"Come with me, adults. I'll show you something. After reading it, you will understand." He turned and left.

"Let's go." Looking at each other, Katie followed decisively. They have already come here. It would be a pity if they gave up. Moreover, she also wanted to see what was inside, and she made it so mysterious.

No one has any objection to this decision, and they are all curious about what is left behind in the future country that disappeared in the long river of history for hundreds of years.

And before the robot even said that the truth of the world is hidden here, if this is true, I can't miss it.

"What's wrong with the captain?" Tyrone, who followed closely behind Katie, obviously noticed that the expression on Katie's face was not quite right, and thought that Katie had discovered something. To be honest, everything here is indeed a bit weird. Who would have thought of it before coming here? He even encountered the ruins of the future country on the moon.

"Nothing? It's just that the structure here is a bit strange." His eyes kept looking at the surrounding walls, especially some of them.

"It's really strange. This arsenal shouldn't exist independently. Those places are obviously used to connect with other structures. Obviously, for some reason, this arsenal broke away from the original structure." The finger pointing is exactly what Katie paid special attention to. place.

"Can you see what it was originally connected to?" Based on the master-level machine technology, Katie could see what Tai Long was referring to, but it was limited to this, and the rest was not very clear.

"There are so few things that it's hard to see what it looked like originally, but one thing is for sure, the size of that thing will definitely not be small, at least half the size of an island." Based on the special structure in some places, Tai Long guessed and gave an answer .

Nodding his head, he didn't continue to ask questions. There were too few things he could see, so Tai Long naturally couldn't see much.

However, Columbus in front of the whole process did not say a word, and remained silent throughout.

"It's here, it's here."

The next moment, Columbus, who was walking in the front, stopped in front of an open door.

"There's nothing here, aren't you kidding us?" Looking around the entire room, he found that there was nothing here at all. Impatient Enilo looked at Columbus angrily, displeased with his mystification.

However, before Columbus could answer, the whole room suddenly lit up, and the hazy blue light enveloped the whole room, and another virtual portrait appeared in front of everyone.

"I'm Columbus, welcome you or your arrival!"

"Columbus, what, what's going on here?" This scene really confused Enilo, why did two identical Columbus appear all of a sudden.

"Hush" didn't explain Enilo's question, but signaled everyone to be quiet and continue to look down.

"Here, on behalf of Future Kingdom, I would like to say sorry to everyone and the residents living on Sea Spirit Planet." After finishing speaking, this Columbus bowed deeply towards the front.

At this time, Katie and others also discovered the difference. The latter was obviously just a video image, not artificial intelligence. For some reason, the entire image was shaking non-stop. Obviously, the surrounding environment was not stable when recording.

"In the 695th year of the Haiyuan calendar, the Zhengtu under my supervision was finally completed. In the second year, I couldn't wait to organize people to leave Hailingxing and go to space to explore."

"At the beginning, everything was normal. We landed on more than a dozen planets one after another, and the results made everyone even more excited. We discovered too many rare minerals or even brand-new metals that were not on Sea Spirit Star. With them, we The development of science and technology can shorten hundreds of years."

Having said that, Columbus' voice stopped, but his face was a bit more sad, and the shaking of the virtual image became more intense, and even faintly heard some unusual roaring sounds.

"Unexpected harvest makes us forget that space is more than wealth but unknown danger."

"Just when we were obsessed with the development of mineral research, the danger came."

"we met"

bang bang bang!

The shocking explosion came suddenly, and Columbus in the video couldn't even keep his body stable. Through the video, everyone could clearly feel the power of the explosion, which couldn't be matched by a hundred cannons firing at once.

"Our Enemies Come From"

Columbus tried his best to say the last few words, but his voice was drowned out by the continuous explosion, and the picture was even interrupted.

The lights flickered a few times and finally went out, and everything went back to how it was before.

Silence enveloped this small room, and in less than a minute, Katie and the others received a secret that they would never have access to in their lifetime under normal circumstances.

"As you can see, that person is the real Columbus. He is the last president of the National Academy of Sciences in the future and the only captain of the Zhengtu. I am just the artificial intelligence on the Zhengtu to help the captain operate the Zhengtu. The reason for using the same name as the captain is also to commemorate the contribution made by Columbus."

"And this arsenal was originally a part of the Zhengtu. The purpose was to supplement the Zhengtu with various artificial machines, including combat, life, etc. It is also the only unit that has been completely preserved. Everything else is from that year. Destroyed in the war."

"So, what is your purpose?" However, the other party said so much, Katie acted as if she didn't understand what you were talking about.

Not to mention Columbus next to him, even Tyrone was stunned, the other party's hint was so obvious, didn't his own captain understand?

However, Tyrone realized in the next second that Katie was clearly pretending to be confused, and she was afraid that there would be a good show next, so she simply did nothing and quietly stayed aside to be a qualified audience.

"Let's not say whether what you showed us is true or not, if you have evidence, please show it."

"According to what you said, the world we live in is the sea spirit star in your mouth. According to everything shown in the video, the disasters you encountered were all caused by your own carelessness. I don't know what these have to do with us. "

"Besides, Hai Lingxing is no longer what you were before. Although it cannot be said that everyone can live happily, at least some people's lives are not bad, not to mention that we are just ordinary people. Nothing interesting."

"So, if there is anything else, please tell me quickly, otherwise we will go back, it's too boring here." Shrugged and looked indifferent.

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