One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 130 Ganfort's Decision

"No, the master Kung Fu who spoke has returned." After a while, Kuli Kai's voice came again.

While Gan Fall was thinking silently, a black spot suddenly appeared on the far horizon, and it was getting bigger and bigger. When Gan Fall came to his senses, the figure of Emperor Wuhao also It has been completely displayed in front of the two people.

After a while, the Emperor Wu landed smoothly, and Katie's figure appeared on the empty island again after three months.

At the same time, the residents living on Sky Island came one after another. Until now, they have not completely escaped the impact of the battle. They don't know what Katie's attitude towards Sky Island is, and they what to do.

"Welcome back, Lord Kitty."

While others chose to watch, Gan Fore and Kuli Kai had already come to the Noble Emperor to welcome Katie's arrival.

"Seeing that you look good, you should have almost recovered. I have left Sky Island for the past three months without any troubles, right?"

"Thanks to my lord, everything is fine." Katie's concern reassured Gan Fall, at least he didn't look like a cruel person, and he became more determined in his original decision.

"Lord Katie, I have something to ask, and I hope your lord will agree." Just as Katie opened her mouth to speak, Gan Fall's voice sounded again.

What surprised Katie even more was that for some reason, Gan Fall's attitude towards her became more respectful, and she even seemed a little nervous.

Looking at Kuli Kai aside with questioning eyes, Katie wanted to know what Gan Foer wanted to do.

However, what made him speechless was that that guy Kuli Kai just nodded at him without saying a word.

"Let's listen first." At this time, he could only listen to what Ganfort had to say before making plans.

"It's like this, my lord. I heard from Kuli Kai that if people living in Qinghai do not have enough strength to defend their hometown, they will choose to seek refuge with some powerful pirates and hand in security money for protection."

"If Lord Katie doesn't mind, I hope that Sky Island can be recorded in the name of the adult and asked for the protection of the adult. Of course, we will pay the guarantee money."

That one sentence seemed to take all the energy out of Gan Fall, so that he couldn't lift his head.

Tension and silence enveloped the entire area, and the conversation here was also carried by the wind to the ears of the people watching not far away. Although they didn't know that Gan Fall would make such a decision in advance, no one blamed him.

In the past three months, they have also thought about their future, but they can't think of any good way. The strong people in Qinghai are beyond their imagination, and no one knows what the next person who comes up will have. Strength, let alone character, that is to say, my life is threatened by others all the time.

Compared with everything unknown, Katie in front of them naturally became the first option they considered.

Needless to say his strength, Enel, who is like a god in front of him, is no match at all. Although he is not very clear about his character, it is not a problem at present. Some of the island residents hope that Katie can protect Sky Island even if it is ruled by Katie.

"Are you sure? You must know that this kind of thing is not allowed to be changed. Once a decision is made, the empty island will always be my territory unless I die."

At this moment, Katie's expression was equally serious, and the matter of the territory was always a big deal.

"I'm sure! Please do it!" Gan Fore knelt down in front of Katie after speaking, the meaning was already obvious.

"Since that's the case, Sky Island will be my territory from now on, Katie!"

Katie's voice spread throughout the entire sky island, and the scene at this moment was deeply remembered by the residents of the sky island. Whenever someone recalls this moment many years later, they are extremely grateful for this decision.

Weipa, who had witnessed all this with his own eyes, let out a sigh of relief. He didn't have anything to say about this result, and even said that Weipa originally planned to persuade Gan Fuer to submit to Katie.

During the three months with Katie, he experienced things that he had never encountered in living on the empty island for more than 20 years. He even dared not even dream about it.

Only then did he realize that Sky Island had to get in touch with the outside world, and that blindly closing it didn't bring about self-protection but self-destruction.

"Since this is the case, I will issue orders to all of you as a lord!"

The tense atmosphere fell again, and everyone's eyes were on Katie. You must know that this was Katie's first order. As the so-called new official took office with three fires, in their opinion, this order would definitely not be so important. Friendly, everyone became more and more worried when they thought of this place.

"I ordered everyone to prepare food and beer immediately. I want to hold a banquet. If you don't get drunk today, you won't go home!"

The moment Katie finished speaking, the whole world fell into a brief silence. Neither the residents of Sky Island nor the partners behind Katie thought that Katie's first order would be like this.

What's more, I couldn't help reaching out to pick my ears, thinking that I had heard wrong.

"Why, this is starting to violate my order?" Just when everyone was puzzled, Katie's voice came again.

"Yes, my lord, I'll make arrangements now." Although he didn't understand what Katie meant, Gan Fall still opened his mouth and turned around to prepare.

"If my guess is right, you should have instigated this." When Gan Fore left completely, Katie turned her gaze to Kuli Kai who was aside.

"Your Excellency is wise. It was indeed my suggestion to Gan Forte at first, but I only said it once. This decision is more of the wishes of the people of Sky Island."

"That's right, seeing that you like this place so much, do you plan to stay on Sky Island?" Kuli Kai did a good job on this point. You must know that you have been very optimistic about Sky Island from the very beginning. The location is simply not too good. This advantage lies in your It is especially important after getting the arsenal.

I originally planned to find a way to place the factory on the empty island. You must know that the existence of the arsenal is related to the future. Once it is recognized in Qinghai, there will be countless troubles. It is better to leave it until I am ready. It's more suitable on Sky Island.

Gan Fall took Sky Island to submit to him, which not only saved him the trouble of making excuses, but also facilitated various arrangements in the future.

"Yes, my lord, I have fallen in love with this place, please allow me to stay here."

"It's good to stay, it happens to be able to do something for me."

"I don't know what the adults are referring to?" Kuli Kai couldn't think of anything he could do to help Katie.

"You will know when the time comes, prepare for the banquet first!"

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