One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 131 Placement of Arsenal

"Cheers, cheers, Lao Liu, you can't drink too much. You've already become this drunk at a short time. It's a pity that you still claim to be drunk after a thousand cups."

"Get out, you are Lao Liu, your whole family is Lao Liu, I am Lao Li, see it clearly!"

The same people in the same place, but the atmosphere is quite different, and there is no tension to be replaced by joy in full swing.

The residents of Sky Island can't remember how long it has been since they drink and chat without any worries like they are now.

Since Enilo's sudden return to the present for more than three months, they have been immersed in a trembling life, but fortunately, all of this is finally over today.

For them, Enilo, who existed like a nightmare, joined Katie, and this place has become Katie's territory, which means that Enilo can no longer destroy the peace here.

More importantly, from today onwards, they also don't have to worry about threats from Qinghai people, because Katie will pay for their safety.

"My lord, please don't be offended. I'll let them be quiet now." Sensing the noise of the surrounding voices, Gan For was worried that Katie would be angry, so he stood up and wanted to stop them.

"It's not necessary, this is fine, this is what a banquet should be like. And they should be released after suppressing it for so long." Katie continued to say after reaching out to stop Gan Fore who was trying to get up.

"Gan Fore, you should have heard about my situation from Kulikai, and I'm not being verbose. Simply put, I can't stay on Sky Island now, and more precisely, I will leave tomorrow."

Katie's words made Gan Fall's heart sink, which was not good news.

"However, you don't have to worry. Since I have promised to accept Sky Island, there is a way to guarantee your safety. Find me a hidden place and I will make some arrangements to ensure your safety."

"Can I do it now?" The safety of the entire Sky Island was at stake, and Gan Fore naturally didn't dare to delay, the sooner he dealt with it, the more at ease he would be.

"I don't care, have you figured out where to go?"

"It may not be easy for adults to make other requests, but it's easy to talk about hidden places."

"More than half of the entire empty island is covered with undeveloped virgin forests, and an area in it is called the golden city of Shandora, and almost no one has ever been to it. And all the buildings there are made of gold, and adults can put things in place. Put it there, and you can take some gold with you.”

Frowning, Katie still had a slight impression of that place.

It is precisely because of the existence of Gaya Island that it is called the Golden Homeland, and more importantly, there are still hidden historical texts related to a hundred years of blank history.

"Go, have a look."

What she saw and heard in the arsenal made Katie very interested in that blank history. Now that she came across the main text of the history, she naturally had to take a look.

"Then I will lead the way."

At this time, the banquet could no longer attract everyone's interest. Katie and the others wanted to know the information recorded in the main text of the history, but Gan Fall couldn't wait to see what Katie said about the preparations.

So Katie and the others left the banquet one after another, heading for the golden city of Shandora.

Everyone is a powerful generation, and they have already crossed half of the empty island and came to the hinterland of the forest in less than a cup of tea.

"Master Katie is here." She turned her body to make room for Katie to see a scene not far away.

Under the sunlight, the area around a kilometer is covered with brilliant yellow golden light, which even makes people unable to open their eyes.

"Where did all this gold come from!"

Faced with this scene, even Tai Long, who had seen many gold and silver jewels from the Undersea Dragon Palace, couldn't help but admire it.

Here, gold is not measured in grams but in tons. The clock towers that you can see are all built with gold. Such a scene can only be described as the hometown of gold.

"Kuli Kai, your ancestors didn't lie, but everyone owes Brand an apology." Seeing this, Katie thought of the real man four hundred years ago who never denied himself even to death——Bran Germany.

"It's all done by adults!" At this moment, Kuli Kai could no longer control the flow of tears. His family's four hundred years of persistence finally paid off. Facts proved that the ancestor Brand did not lie.

"It's not bad here, you guys get out of the way, I'm going to let that thing out." A glance at the surrounding environment is indeed concealed.

Hearing Katie's words, Tai Long and the others immediately dispersed, and they naturally knew what Katie was referring to.

"Come out."

With a snap, Katie snapped her fingers again, and the next moment, the arsenal that Katie took into the system space appeared in front of everyone.

What made Tai Long and others helpless was that they still didn't realize the slightest clue this time, but after all, they had seen it before, and they were not as surprised as they were the first time.

For Gan Fore and Kuli Kai, this is simply a miracle. They have thought about countless possibilities but never imagined that what Katie said would be like this.

"My lord, what is this!" Compared to how Katie did it, Gan Fall cared more about how the arsenal managed to protect Sky Island.

"Don't worry, you will understand later."

"How about Columbus, did I do it!" Katie believed that Columbus could sense everything here.

"As expected of my lord, it is my honor to serve you."

Although unable to project onto the world outside the arsenal, Columbus was able to perceive the outside situation through the outermost instrument, and naturally felt the difference between the environment before and after. At this moment, he was very glad that he met Katie.

"Release the robot, I have something to explain to it."

"Okay, Captain!"

At the same time as the words fell, the closed door slowly opened, and the figure of the robot appeared.

Looking over the robot's body, Katie found that the place that she had damaged was basically restored.

"Robot, your name will be 001 from now on. From now on, your task is to be responsible for the safety of this island and the subsequent construction tasks of Zhengtu, understand?"

"Yes, Captain!" The robot's reaction was as calm as ever, as if everything was the same to it.

"You don't have to worry about the safety of 001 in the sky island. This guy is even stronger than Enil, and I will let the other three robots in Anil's hands also stay. Although the three robots are not as strong as 001 But it's not something that ordinary people can defeat, if you don't believe me, ask Weipa."

"Don't dare, if the adults say it can be done, then it will be done."

Saying this on the lips but behind the back, he couldn't help but look at Wei Pa behind Katie, and he was relieved when he saw him nodding.

"Master Captain, there seems to be something very special not far to your left, can you go over and get it for me?"

Just as Katie was looking around, looking for the text of the history, Columbus' voice suddenly came.

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