One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 138 Calling the Warring States Period

Looking far away, he did see a blurry figure at the end of his line of sight.

"Get ready, I'm afraid it won't be easy this time." Katie spoke with a bit of dignity in her voice.

Although she couldn't see the appearance of the person coming, she instinctively told Katie that the person was definitely not a friend, and she even felt a slight threat from him.

You must know that with your current strength, there are not many people who can make you feel threatened.

Only Koshiro is qualified to do this in a small Seymour Shiki Village, but the person in front of him is obviously not Koshiro.

The distance was getting closer and closer. At this time, Bogart could even see how many people were on the other side's boat.

"One, two, three, four, five, why are there two more? Where did Katie find this?"

For a moment, under the premise that the boat was Katie's car by default, Bogart suddenly felt a little heavy.

Before he set off, the Navy Headquarters' judgment on Katie's group was still at the number three, and Bogart didn't think there was any problem with this judgment.

Because there are only a few people who can be called strong in the first half of the great route and in the four seas, and among them, there are very few people with free identities, which can be checked with one hand.

In order to find Katie, these people are all under the strict monitoring of the strong navy, and there is no news from other places from the beginning to the end, which means that Katie did not go to those few people.

In this case, the existence of those two people seemed a bit special, and Bogart even paid more attention than Katie for a time.

You must know that a strong man may change a war that was originally doomed. Just like Katie's accidental participation in the battle in the top war caused the navy to lose face, high-end strong men are the most important resources in this world.

The unexpected appearance of two unknown strong men is not only a mistake in the judgment of the Navy meeting, but also reflects the lack of the Navy's control over the world.

The reason why the navy can stand in the world for hundreds of years is because its control over the world cannot be matched by anyone or any organization.

Even in the era when One Piece King Gol D. Roger was alive, the navy had a good control over the world. Although Roger could not be caught, he could strictly limit his scope of activities. Even if he later became One Piece, he would not be able to reveal anything .

However, at this moment, Bogart suddenly felt that the navy's control over Katie was almost zero, just take this navy's action against Katie as an example.

Although the naval forces spread all over the world, there was no trace of Katie. For nearly half a year, he disappeared as if he disappeared out of thin air. The only thing he could do was to wait for Katie based on some inferences Katie took the initiative to show up, that is to say, in the action against Katie, the Navy was completely passive.

Moreover, it is still impossible to limit Katie's range of activities, allowing him to sail freely in other seas outside the New World.

Such a situation never happened even in the previous actions against the Four Emperors.

"As expected of Qianbian--Katie." Others may not know that the name of Qianbian first appeared in their navy, and it was from the mouth of Lieutenant Admiral He of the Navy Headquarters.

At that time, there were only a very small number of people who were contemplative, and they understood what Lieutenant General He was referring to, but most of them didn't know what to say, including myself.

However, now that Bogart finally understood what Lieutenant General Crane was referring to, there was no doubt that she had foreseen this situation long ago.

There are too many uncertainties and too many possibilities in Katie's existence, and even Lieutenant Admiral He, who is considered to be the wisest at the top of the navy, can't predict Katie's next plan.

Thousands of changes, that is, ever-changing, cannot be judged or predicted.

It is even said that he will be the most unstable and most hidden existence in the new era.

After thinking for a moment, the distance between the ship and Bogart continued to get closer.

The outline of Emperor Wuhao was completely presented in front of Bogart.

I saw a figure standing firmly on the bow of the ship.

The straight clothes set off the person's perfect figure, the black broken hair fluttering in the wind was a bit bohemian, and the overly delicate face made people think that the visitor was just an aristocratic son who didn't eat fireworks.

However, this handsome face made Bogart's heart twitch suddenly, and his body couldn't help trembling. There is no doubt that this face is the person that all the senior executives of the navy have always cared about.

The next second Bogart dialed the phone bug in his hand.


It only took two rings and the phone was connected.

"I'm Zhan Guo, Bogart, did you find anything?" Zhan Guo's voice came through the phone bug.

"Report to Marshal, Thousand Changes—Katie has appeared."

There was a moment of silence at first, as if the person on the other side hadn't expected that the content of Bogart's report would be like this.

"Come on, tell the yellow monkey, the red dog, and the green pheasant, and say that Katie has appeared, and the location is in Ximozhiji Village, Donghai!" Through the phone bug, the hysterical voice of the Warring States Period came clearly.

"Bogart, hold on! The yellow apes will be here soon!" He gave the order first, then turned his head and continued to talk to Bogart. You must know that the most critical part of the battle against Katie is not the yellow apes who arrive at the battlefield at the speed of light. Not to mention the Aokiji Red Dog who followed closely behind.

It's those naval powerhouses who are standing still and waiting for Katie to appear. Only when they try their best to stop Katie who might escape, can the others have a chance to rush over to encircle Katie, otherwise everything will be useless.

Warring States' voice was mixed with a bit of heaviness. He knew very well how much pressure Bogart was facing at this moment, and he was almost facing enemies equivalent to two generals.

"Marshal, don't worry, I will do my best at any cost!"

"What happened? Tell me!"

Why can't Bogart hear the decisive battle in Bogart's voice? You must know that although Bogart can't defeat two enemies who are equivalent to generals under normal circumstances, it is enough to entangle each other for a short time.

Obviously, the situation has changed, and it is still a very unfavorable change, otherwise he would never have said so.

"Actually, Katie's gang is not three but five."

After clearly speaking the last word, Bogart took the initiative to hang up the phone, because at this time Katie's ship had reached the shore, and he was already within the opponent's attack range.

Subconsciously, his right hand reached for the saber hanging at his waist.

At the same time, a breath shot up into the sky, and the thousand-meter cloud above the Emperor Wu disappeared instantly, revealing the blue sky hidden behind the cloud.


A loud noise broke the calm that Marin Fando had finally recovered. People were surprised to find that a figure flew into the sky from the Admiral's office on the top floor, and they couldn't even see the man's appearance clearly.

"Huang Yuan, you'd better run faster for the old man, or I will definitely help you move your body!"

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