One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 139 The Navy is in Action

The sky-shattering sound spread far and clearly into the ears of the yellow ape who had just received the order to leave the port.

At that moment, Huang Yuan trembled a few times in reflex, and suddenly recalled the days of training under his hands in his mind, and his forward speed could not help but speed up a bit. Try Karp's iron fist, and if it hits me, I'm afraid I can take a vacation to recuperate.

Behind him, Aokiji and Akainu gloated at the back of Kizaru, to see if he dared to show off his abilities in the future.

The iconic voice also made others realize who it was that violently rushed out of the Marshal's office. There is no doubt that it was the legendary hero of the Navy Headquarters-Karp.

"Hey, who is that, how dare you talk to General Huang Yuan like this?" Looking at the old man standing in the air, some people were puzzled.

"Are you new here? You don't even know that lord!" Looking at the slightly unfamiliar face next to him, the veteran asked back in surprise.

"Hehe, to tell you the truth, my brother is a recruit who was selected here through this big navy conscription, so I'm afraid I'll have to trouble my brother for some pointers in the future."

"Let me tell you, otherwise, how could I not know Lieutenant General Garp." Hearing the other party's explanation, the veteran showed a sober look.

"Let me tell you, our Lieutenant Admiral Garp is the most easy-going but also the least annoying person in the entire navy. I have hardly seen him get mad in the Navy Headquarters for so many years. Even if you offend him unintentionally, Even if you accidentally spilled it on him while serving the rice, he wouldn't scold you, he just laughed it off."

"However, once you really provoke him, then you'll be in trouble. Lieutenant General Garp was a man who chased Roger all over the world back then! Even if you have a hundred lives, it's not enough for him to beat you! Even if you It is useless to find the Marshal, understand?" the veteran said seriously.

"Understand, understand, thank you brother for reminding."

"Karp, you bastard, I have a door here, and if you don't leave, you have to open a hole in the ceiling and fly out. Fortunately, I am on the top floor, otherwise the whole building would have to be demolished by you! Do you know that the Navy Half of the annual income is used to wipe your ass!" Warring States looked at Karp as if he wanted to tear him alive.

"Well, it's too much for you to say that. I only used one-third of it at most. How can it be half as much? As the admiral of the navy, you can't slander people!" Karp denied it confidently.

"You, you..." Facing the rogue Karp, Warring States has nothing to do. They can't beat and scold, they can only say that this day is impossible!

"Okay, okay, I'm also worried about Bogart's safety."

Having said that, Garp put away the joke, and the expression on his face suddenly became very serious.

"Bogart has been with me for decades after all. When I captured Roger, he did a lot of work. He accompanied me through wind and rain, and I don't know how many times I have experienced life and death battles. I even gave up the opportunity to go further, how could I just watch!"

"If it weren't for the situation, I would have rushed over. Do you know about the Warring States Period?" Garp's voice suddenly became hoarse, and there were even tears in his eyes.

Just now when Bogart and Sengoku were talking on the phone, Garp happened to be beside him, and he also realized the danger Bogart was facing, so he couldn't help but broke through the ceiling to urge the yellow monkey.


Seeing this, Garp Sengoku also felt a sudden tug in his heart. He didn't know exactly what Garp had experienced in the past, but he knew a little bit of it, but even that part of Sengoku wasn't sure if he could be himself Whether to persist until now like Karp.

"I'm sorry Karp, I will never assign such a task to Bogart again." He really couldn't bear to see Karp like this, and Zhan Guo secretly decided in his heart.

"No, that's not what I meant. We were ready to dedicate ourselves to justice when we joined the navy. Death on the battlefield is the home of a soldier and the highest honor for a soldier. But unnecessary sacrifice is something I don't want to see. "

"To be honest, as I told you before, the enemy you think is not necessarily the real enemy, just like Roger, Whitebeard, and even Katie, who you are most concerned about now, may not really be the enemy. "

"Why? What the hell do you know?" It wasn't the first time Garp had said it, but he never explained it.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry; I really can't say it because of the agreement." The naked eye could see that there were blue veins on Garp's forehead, and his whole state was on the verge of breaking out.

"Forget it, tell me when you think you can say it, but before that, I will still carry out my beliefs and maintain the peace of this world."

The categorical voice of the Warring States Period expressed his position. As a friend, he allowed Garp to speak freely even if the remarks violated the identity of Garp's navy.

But as a navy and admiral, he will not cheat others because of Karp, let alone violate his inner beliefs.

For a while, the Marshal's office in Nuoda fell silent, and no one knew what to say.

Different from the quietness in the marshal's office, the entire Marin Fando began to mobilize again after half a year.

A lieutenant general of the headquarters quickly rushed to his own ship, and a fully armed warship sailed out of the port as fast as possible.

There are eight lieutenant general-class warships and twelve ordinary warships, making a total of twenty ships.

Such a large-scale collective action left everyone dumbfounded for a while.

You must know that the yellow monkey, the green pheasant, and the red dog had just set off before this.

The three most powerful generals in the Navy Headquarters, the eight lieutenant generals in the Headquarters, and 20 warships, the combined strength is even enough to match half of the Navy's combat power in the top war.

Those who know the situation are fine. According to Katie's previous performance, dispatching such a scale is worthy.

However, for those who don't know the situation, it seems a bit heavy, thinking that another war is about to break out.

In fact, it is not bad to say that there is a war, but the battlefield has shifted from the headquarters of the Navy to the East China Sea among the four seas.

At the same time, the movement of the navy has also been caught by some caring people from the outside world. After all, the top war has just ended, and the eyeliners of all forces are also observing the navy's next movements and preparations.

Moreover, the large-scale conscription activity of the navy also makes people have to pay attention. After all, this is a super-large-scale recruitment activity worldwide.

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