One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 140 Whitebeard's Help

"Father, the navy is on the move. Not to mention all the three generals of the headquarters, they have dispatched a total of twenty warships, including eight lieutenant-level warships. It is not clear where the target is now."

Almost at the same time as the naval operation, the news had already reached the ears of Whitebeard in the New World.

"Marco, what do you think?" Marco asked on his mouth, but his eyes looked far away, not knowing what to think.

"The only possibility I can think of is that the navy is going to attack Katie."

There was a bit of dignity in his voice, and Marco was not guessing randomly, but a well-founded inference.

You must know that the navy will not send so many troops for no reason, especially under the premise that the current situation is not stable.

However, if this is the case, it means that the navy has the exact information about Katie, so Katie's situation is not very good.

Although he was looking for a partner this time, and he shouldn't be alone now, it doesn't mean that he has the strength of the three major admirals of the navy and the eight lieutenant admirals. You must know that this is nearly half of the high-end combat power of the navy.

So to be honest, Marco still has some worries in his heart.

"That's right, it's exactly what I thought."

"So, what do you think we should do?" Looking back at Ace and Marco beside him, it was obviously a test of their ability to handle things.

At this time, other people can only watch from the sidelines, they know very well that now is not the time for them to wait for others to interrupt.

"I think we should contact Katie first, and make plans after confirming his situation." As the elder brother, Marco stepped forward to express his opinion.

Followed by Ace also expressed his views.

"I think we should directly attack the Navy's branch base in the New World."

"You must know that if Boss Katie really needs our help, he will definitely take the initiative to call. Since he didn't, it means that he thinks he is sure that he will not be caught by the navy, or that we will not be able to arrive in time. , after all, we don’t even know where Boss Katie is now.”

"So, I think what we can do now is to attack the Navy's branch bases in the New World to create pressure on the Navy. Once the losses exceed the Navy's tolerance, they will have to take the initiative to withdraw their troops to reduce losses."

"In this case, it can be regarded as an indirect relief for Boss Katie." The voice of the speech was sonorous and powerful, and the thinking was more complete and clear.

At this moment, the eyes of the people around looked at Ace changed. Is this the violent Ace I knew before?

You must know that if this kind of thing is put in the past, there are only two possibilities for Ace's answer.

One 'listen to daddy', and the other 'fuck the boat directly over to rescue Katie', how can it be like this, taking all possible situations into consideration, and finding the right one with a clear mind? Methods.

"Yes, there is progress."

Whitebeard looked at Ace with obvious relief in his eyes, and Ace had obviously grown a lot after experiencing the top war.

Not as reckless as before.

Then his eyes drifted past Marco again. Of course, White Beard didn't believe that Marco really couldn't think of this. The reason why he didn't say it was probably intentional, just to let everyone see Ace's growth.

For Marco's choice, Whitebeard chose to acquiesce.

"Everyone obey orders! All combat personnel are divided into three groups, led by me, Marco, and Ace, to launch the three branches of G-3, G-4, and G-5 stationed in the new world. attack!"

"Everyone must go all out, let the enemy feel our strength in the shortest possible time, and let everyone know what will happen if we dare to hurt our family!"


No one disputed the battle.

During this period of time, with the joint efforts of Marco and Ace, all those who dared to offend the white group have been taught a lesson, especially when the enemy saw the blue flame rising from Ace, their fighting spirit was almost overwhelming. Instantly wiped out half.

Of course they are aware of the horror of the blue flame, and they must know that the reason why Katie was able to defeat Akainu was because of the blue flame.

So much so that now no one dares to invade Whitebeard's territory.

"Time to make the Navy pay for this! Come on guys!"

Ships set sail one by one, divided into three groups and rushed in three different directions, and the new world that has not been quiet is once again turmoiled.

Along the way, any ships that encountered the white group, whether it was a pirate group, a merchant ship, or a certain country's exclusive fleet, all avoided them one after another.

Although everyone knows that the Baituan's strength is not at its peak, they also know how terrifying the desperate Baituan is. They even defeated the Navy Headquarters at home. Although there is a reason for Katie's random entry, a victory is a victory, it's nothing can be said.

Dissatisfied? Okay, you can also bring a group of people to Marlin Vandor to compete with the Navy Headquarters.

In a word, if you are blocked, you will not fart.

"What is White Beard planning to do, to launch such a large-scale operation?"

Looking at the undulating pirate flags, big question marks rose in the minds of others.

"What else can you do? Just look at the direction they are going. They are going to the branch of the Navy in the New World! They are clearly looking for trouble for the Navy!"

"Obviously they were a gift in return for the Navy's daring to publicly execute Ace."

Sensible people can see the goal of the white group at a glance, but they are only half right. The main purpose of the white group is to help Katie on the other side to share the pressure.

Of course, the news of the Navy fighting Katie will not reach the ears of ordinary people so quickly. They will only know when it is all over and the conclusion is reached.

"Mr. Raleigh, what happened again!"

Looking at Rayleigh who was silent to a piece of paper, Luffy who had just finished training couldn't help asking.

"The navy has another new action." He said and handed the note in his hand to Luffy.

There was only one sentence and eight characters written on a small piece of paper, "Katie shows up, the generals come out."

For a moment, Luffy fell silent. Of course he knew what the note meant, but what he didn't expect was that the navy sent three generals at the same time just to catch Katie alone. Obviously this meant that Katie's The strength becomes more and more terrifying.

"Mr. Raleigh, let's continue. I have to improve a little bit faster, otherwise I'm afraid I'll be left far behind by Katie."

As he spoke, he patted his buttocks and got up, ending the short rest.

"Then you have to resist!"

Speaking of rushing towards Luffy quickly, what Rayleigh wanted was this effect, the existence of Katie is the best spur for Luffy, more effective than anything else.

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