One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 141 Saber Forever Night

"Father." Feeling the riot factor in the air, Kuina couldn't help reminding her softly.

Although the peaceful life of his father will end because of Katie's appearance, it doesn't mean that he is not interested in the duel that happened at the door of the house, but rather that he is very interested.

You must know that the attainments and understanding of swordsmanship on both sides of the battle are at the top of the world.

This upcoming battle can definitely be called a peak duel. As a swordsman, Kuina would like to see it anyway. After all, it can be said that this level of battle can be said to be seen once less. There may not be a chance to meet once.

"Wait for me." After saying that, Koshiro got up and left, but he didn't say what he was going to do.

Koshiro, who left the room, turned and entered another room, which was a room with a hidden door, along the passage all the way down, and soon came to the end.

In the faint candlelight, a black samurai sword could be vaguely seen.

"After twenty years, we finally meet again."

buzz buzz.

As if feeling something, the knife lying quietly on the knife holder moved by itself without being touched, and wisps of extremely dim gray-black mist rose faintly from the knife.

"Looks like you, like me, can't wait to breathe the air outside." In Koshiro's eyes, the knife in front of him is not a dead thing, but a living individual, just like an old friend he hasn't seen for many years.

"Then walk with me for a while." He said and reached out to hold the blade.

The moment Koshiro's fingers touched the black knife, the originally quiet air suddenly ran wild, and the faint candlelight disappeared instantly.

At this moment, the narrow passage was plunged into absolute darkness, devouring all the light like a black hole.

What's even more frightening is that there are vague fluctuations coming from the dark world, which seems to hide some horrible existence, like a bloodthirsty demon or an ancient beast that chooses people to devour.

"Come on, Guina."

The indifferent voice came suddenly, and Kuina subconsciously touched the saber beside her, and found that it was not the enemy who called her, but her father who had just left.

"Father? When did you come here? Why didn't I notice it at all?" Looking at Koshiro standing in front of the door in surprise, Kuina felt a little flustered.

You must know that although you are no match for your father, you can still detect the opponent's actions in time.

However, this perception suddenly failed just now, if the father hadn't opened his mouth to speak, he would not have realized that he had come to his side.

"I just arrived too."

"Let's go, let's see what kind of power the person who is so cared for by the navy has." After speaking, he left first.

"Okay, okay." While standing up to follow, Kuina didn't forget to pick up the mask and put it on her face.

Looking at her father who was walking in front, Kuina's eyes were somewhat puzzled, even though Koshiro looked the same before and after.

But the swordsman's keen intuition told Kuina that her father is definitely different from before!

What is that knife?

Suddenly, Kuina noticed the pure black samurai sword hanging from her father's waist.

"Father, what's the name of your knife?" Kuina was sure that there was absolutely no known famous knife in the world, otherwise it would be impossible for her not to recognize such an obvious feature.

"It's called Yongye, and it's the last knife your grandfather forged before he was alive." Touching the lines on the knife, his eyes revealed some memories.

"Grandpa? Then his casting skills must be very good." Although this is the first time Kuina heard about her grandfather from her father, she has reason to believe in her grandfather's forging skills, otherwise this knife would not be possible. Used by my father until now.

Although I don't know exactly what my father's strength is, I still heard about his achievements from the leader. Judging from those achievements, my father's strength was already a great swordsman twenty years ago.

As a great swordsman, his father has strict requirements on sabers, and he doesn't bother to use ordinary swords. That is to say, this sword named Yongye is definitely no worse than any big fast sword!

"Yes, he was the most powerful knife maker in the world at that time, bar none."

His eyes swept over the faces of Katie and his group one by one, Bogart frowned more and more, and his face was extremely solemn, gloomy as if it was about to drip water.

Although I feel that one of them is weaker than I imagined, the problem is that I only recognize one of them except Katie, but I have no impression of the other three at all.

"It's the first time in half a year that you've appeared, Katie."

Knowing that the war was unavoidable, Bogart completely let go, looking at Katie with determination in his eyes.

"Who are you? Why haven't I seen it before?" Katie expressed doubts about this familiar vice admiral. After all, she was also a person who participated in the top war, and the vice admiral had seen many of them. But Katie was sure it wasn't there.

What made Katie even more concerned was that although this man only had two stars on his shoulders, the pressure he put on himself was comparable to that of an admiral. Obviously this was an unusual lieutenant general.

"I forgot to introduce myself. I am Vice Admiral Bogart." Facing Katie, Bogart admitted his identity frankly.

"So you are Bogart." Katie was a little surprised by this result, but it made sense after thinking about it carefully.

Bogart, there is indeed such a person in the plot, but the problem is that Kishimoto has never given his face. He is a character that only exists in other people's mouths, but it is such a seemingly invisible character that attracts It has attracted the attention of many sea fans.

First: He is the deputy of Admiral Garp, the naval hero. Second: The wound on Rayleigh's chest seems to be cut by him.

Even if the second point doesn't count, the first point alone can show that Bogart is definitely not weak. After all, someone who can be favored by Karp and given the status of deputy must not be weak.

"Oh? It's my honor that Katie knows me." Bogart didn't expect Katie to know me. After all, he has lived a semi-retired life with Garp for more than ten years. Katie wasn't even born in those days.

"I heard your name from Mr. Raleigh." Just find any reason to deal with it. After all, you can't say that you are a time traveler, and even if you say Katie, you don't think the other party will believe it.

"I said, it turned out to be that fellow Rayleigh." She didn't doubt Katie's excuse, after all, the person who knows her best in this world is probably her enemy, Rayleigh.

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