One Piece: Beginning Top Wars

Chapter 142 Katie vs Bogart

"I don't know."

"Okay, I've spent enough time chatting with you, you have to know how to be content."

Just when Bogart opened his mouth to ask something else, Katie decisively interrupted him by reaching out her hand, and the thought appeared in her hand as soon as her mind moved, the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

"In that case, let's fight."

Seeing that the purpose was exposed by Katie, Bogart had nothing to say, and he really wanted to delay time.

Although he is confident in his strength, Bogart doesn't think he can fight five against one, and more importantly, he knows nothing about the three of them.

The unknown is the scariest thing. No one knows when the opponent will use what kind of strange ability. Once they fight blindly, the result is likely to be a disastrous defeat.

So when Katie didn't launch an attack immediately, Bogart thought of the possibility of delay. It would be best to delay until the yellow ape arrived, and then everything would be easy to talk about.

However, the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, and in the end it didn't delay much time.


A sword aura was formed the moment it broke through the air and unsheathed. Although it was just a sword aura that was cut casually, it was tens of meters long, and it appeared in front of Bogart in the blink of an eye.

"It's a little underestimating people!" Facing Katie's casual attack, Bogart also responded arrogantly, cutting off the attacking sword energy with the back of his knife.

"Begin to understand!"

With a flash of inspiration, the second Pokong appeared quietly, and quickly rushed towards the opponent.

Looking at Katie who had two knives in her hands from the beginning, Tai Long and the others couldn't help showing a bit of solemnity on their faces. They knew very well that Katie would only look like this when she encountered a real enemy. Will have strength beyond their imagination.

"Tai Long, didn't you say that all the vice admirals are useless except for an old man? Why does this man look a bit powerful?" Looking at the enemy who was already standing with the captain and did not show any disadvantage, Enilo Can't help but ask.

"It's true under normal circumstances. Even the vice admiral of the headquarters is only equivalent to the pirate strength of about 300 million bounties, and cannot pose a threat to us."

"But there are always abnormal situations, such as now: the vice admiral in front of me definitely has the strength of an alternate admiral, and the reason why he still has the rank of lieutenant general is either because he made a mistake or he didn't want to be promoted. Otherwise, the navy wouldn't just send He's waiting here alone."

"Get ready, the captain didn't say it before, this time we will experience the horror of the admiral for ourselves, I am afraid that the real enemy will come soon." While speaking, he looked in the direction of the Navy headquarters, Huang Yuan's wretched face flashed in his mind, and at his speed, this time must be almost here.

"Admiral? I'm really looking forward to it." Unlike others' panic when they heard about the admiral, Esdeath became more excited at this time.

In the half a year since I came to this world, I have heard the name of the general countless times.

If it weren't for Katie's reasons, Esdeth would have rushed to the Navy headquarters to take the initiative to challenge.

"Okay, the man codenamed Huang Yuan is going to be handed over to me. How dare you claim to be the fastest man in the world, you really don't think so much of me!" Enilu said with a face of dissatisfaction, and left Enilu of Sky Island fell in love with this title for some reason after hearing that someone called him "Master".

And when he first heard about the existence of the yellow ape, Enilo was dissatisfied. He was also confident in his speed. The first time he heard about the ability of the yellow ape, he was dissatisfied .

In his words, "Let him have a taste of Xiaoye's Lightning Fist when the time comes".

"Don't worry, no one will grab you." Tai Long was the first to express his opinion.

If you want to say who is the most powerful among the three generals, I am afraid that there will be no results after three days and three nights, but if you want to say who is the most annoying, there is no doubt that it must be Huang Yuan.

His shining fruit is simply not too disgusting, no matter how powerful your attack is, even if you can destroy the whole world with one punch, but as long as the attack does not fall on the yellow ape, no matter how strong you are, it is useless.

Perhaps only Enilo's thunderous fruit can directly counter the speed of the yellow monkey.

Thinking of this, Tai Long admired Katie's decision more and more. The harvest of the trip to the empty island was not too great. Not only did he attract the infinite energy of Enilo, but he also accidentally got the relics parked in the future country. Gold worth hundreds of millions is also stored there.

Before setting off for Sky Island, Tai Long did not expect such a big harvest.

Listening to the discussion of the three of Tai Long, Wei Pa, who was standing at the end, clenched his fists a little bit. Although his strength has increased a lot during this time, it is far from reaching the level enough to compete with the general.

This feeling of watching the battle alone is really uncomfortable.

Strength, there has never been such a moment of demanding strength like now, Weipa doesn't want the whole team to have only himself as a waste!

At the same time, not far away, the battle between Katie and Bogart has become completely heated.

The sound of the blades colliding together is the best and most exciting battle song in the world, and the cold light reflected by the blade light makes Katie very excited.

At this time, Katie only felt that the blood in her whole body was already boiling, and her body was even more hyperactive.

Since the end of the war on the top, I have never experienced a real life-and-death battle. Maybe the current scene is not as magnificent as that of Sky Island, but it is more dangerous and exciting.

In the process of fighting, there is even a feeling of skin being cut, and even a feeling of dancing on the blade. If you are not careful, you will end up seriously injured.

However, what made Katie upset was that she could feel that part of Bogart's attention was always on Tyrone and the others. Obviously, he was worried about being attacked by other people.

"Don't worry, only you and me will not fight in this battle. Use all your strength to fight me, otherwise I will kill you."

The Po Kong in his hand waved again, and the 100-meter sword energy mixed with some special power rushed towards Bogart in an instant.

"not good!"

At the critical moment, Bogart only had time to withdraw and retreat to avoid Katie's attack.

The sword energy that lost its target fell from the sky and landed on the distant sea.


A loud noise spread far away, and the calm sea set off layers of huge waves. People who didn't know thought it was a hundred shells erupting at the same time.

Looking at the sea of ​​riots, Bogart was grateful but also deeply puzzled. He was glad that he did not resist the blow, or at least he would have been seriously injured.

However, there are more doubts. The sword energy clearly contains other powers. The damage caused by the pure sword energy falling into the sea is vertical rather than large-scale bombing.

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